Three long weeks went by on the ship. We went through many big storms that made the ship shake and creak loudly. Inside our prison cell, it was really cold, and all of us felt completely miserable. I could often hear my fellow prisoners crying around me. Some of them were so sad and scared that they tried to hurt themselves, but they couldn't manage it because the guards were always watching us closely.

During these tough days, all I could do was try to stay strong and not lose hope. Being in iron handcuffs and leg cuffs, I couldn't move around much or do any kind of exercises. All I could do was sit and think, trying to prepare myself mentally for any chance of escape, even though I knew it would be very hard to make any move while restrained like this.

Then, one day, I heard loud noises and shouting coming from above deck. The crew was yelling, "Island! Island!" This meant we were getting close to our destination. The weather had changed a lot during our trip – from storms to cold, then back to hot weather. These extreme changes made me think that we might be on the Grand Line, a dangerous and wild sea known for its unpredictable weather.

Everyone in the cell was scared at the thought of being on the Grand Line. This sea is famous for its strong pirates and the scary stories about them. If we were sold as slaves here, it could mean that we would end up with some really bad people.

As the ship drew closer to the island, my anxiety grew. Even though I wanted to do something to stop them from selling me, I knew it was almost impossible. Shackled in handcuffs and leg cuffs, I had no way to escape or defend myself. All I could do was wait and hope for some kind of opportunity, no matter how small, once we reached the island.

As I was led through the bustling streets of Sabaody Archipelago, I saw a world unlike any I'd ever known. The island was filled with people from all walks of life - some with really long arms and legs, others who looked like animals, and even fish-men and mermaids. But amid all this wonder, there were also slaves in chains, just like me. Their sad faces made me realize how cruel this place could be.

We finally reached a big, scary building where they sold slaves. Inside, it was filled with cages, and each one had a person locked up inside. I was put into one of these cages too. I sat there, feeling really scared and trapped, watching as people were sold to whoever offered the most money.

The whole thing made me feel helpless. I was just another item for sale, and my fate was in someone else's hands. But even though I was scared, I couldn't give up hope. I kept thinking that maybe there was still a way to escape, even though it seemed impossible.

At the end, they took me to a special prison just for slaves who were going to be sold. I was still in handcuffs, and my legs were chained too, so there was no way I could escape. I was stuck there, waiting for the auction, and wondering what was going to happen to me. But even in that dark place, I couldn't let go of the hope that I might find a way to be free again, even in this strange and dangerous world of One Piece.

 Pov whitebeard ship

Beneath the ocean's surface, a ship from the Whitebeard Pirates fleet, enveloped in a protective bubble, was ascending towards Sabaody Archipelago from Fishman Island. Onboard this unique vessel were Marco and Jozu, leading a mission of grave importance. They were responding to a distressing incident in the Grand Line: an attack on one of their ships. Their goal was to uncover the culprits behind this aggression and ensure they faced retribution.

The ship also carried survivors from the attacked vessel. These crew members, still recovering from their harrowing experience, found solace in the strength and leadership of Marco and Jozu.

During their stop at Fishman Island, the crew received intriguing news about an upcoming auction at Sabaody Archipelago. The highlight of this auction was the sale of one of the 21 Great Meito, legendary swords known for their unparalleled craftsmanship. The chance to acquire such a coveted weapon was an opportunity the Whitebeard Pirates couldn't ignore

For this auction, the crew was well-prepared financially. They had amassed over 600 million berries from their reserves and had even gathered additional funds from Fishman Island, bringing their total close to 1 billion berries. With such a substantial amount at their disposal, they were confident in their ability to secure the prized Meito. As their ship continued its ascent towards Sabaody, 

On their ship, Marco and Jozu were talking about the attack.

"Who would dare attack a ship flying Pops' flag?" Marco wondered, looking angry and worried.

"I'm not sure," Jozu said, frowning. "But we need to find them and make them pay. We can't let this go."

"Yeah," Marco agreed. "We'll find them, but first we had to bury our friends... There are more of them on that island."

They felt sad about losing their crewmates and knew they had to be strong for their crew.

As their ship got closer to Sabaody Archipelago, they learned that the big auction they wanted to go to was in two days. There would be rare things like mermaids for sale, but they only cared about the swords.

When the auction day came, it was really busy. The first person to be sold was a huge former pirate, about 4 meters tall. The auctioneer said, "This guy was a pirate with a 90 million bounty. He's strong and could be a good bodyguard." People started bidding, and someone bought him for 114 million.

After that, they sold lots of other stuff and people. Everything was really expensive, selling for more than 100 million.

Then, they brought out a mystery Devil Fruit. The bidding started at 100 million. People were interested but careful because they didn't know what the fruit did. In the end, it sold for 200 million.

Marco and Jozu watched everything, waiting for the sword they wanted. They had a lot of money to spend and were ready to buy the sword. They also kept thinking about how to find the person who attacked their ship and make things right.

I've been trapped in this auction house for two weeks now, watching as day by day, other captives are taken away to be sold. The routine has become painfully familiar. Some were here when I arrived; others were brought in after me. It's a constant cycle of despair. I can't help but wonder when my turn will come, and the thought fills me with dread. The one thing I fear the most is being sold to a Celestial Dragon. The stories I've heard about them are terrifying. I cling to a faint hope that maybe, just maybe, this is around the time Fisher Tiger is supposed to free the slaves. But I can't be sure of the exact timeline.

Then, the inevitable happens. The morning arrives when the guards come for me. My heart races as they lead me out of the cell and towards the auction stage. I'm paraded in front of a crowd, and the auctioneer begins the bidding at 1 million berries. Standing there, exposed and vulnerable, I scan the faces in the crowd.

It's a diverse gathering. There are wealthy merchants, rough-looking pirates, and well-dressed nobles. But among them, a couple of faces stand out. One is a man with distinct blonde hair, who I'm almost certain is Marco, the famed son of Whitebeard. Beside him stands a large, formidable man, likely Jozu. Their presence here is unexpected, and for a moment, I wonder what brought members of the Whitebeard Pirates to this place.

As the bidding starts, I try to focus on the faces in the crowd, looking for any sign of what my fate might be. The nobles seem disinterested, their expressions bored and detached. The pirates, on the other hand, are assessing me like I'm some prized animal. No Celestial Dragons are in sight, a small relief in my current predicament.

The bidding continues, with various people calling out their offers. The numbers climb higher, and with each bid, my anxiety grows. I feel like an object, stripped of my freedom and dignity, being bartered over by strangers.

My eyes keep darting back to Marco and Jozu. Their presence gives me a flicker of hope. Perhaps, if they win the bid, my fate might not be as grim as I fear. But that hope is a fragile thing, easily shattered in the ruthless world of the Grand Line.

As the auctioneer's voice drones on, announcing the rising bids, I brace myself for the outcome, uncertain of who will claim me and what my future holds in this unforgiving world of One Piece.

As the auction continued, something unexpected happened. I noticed a sudden change in Marco's expression. He stood up, his aura shifting noticeably, radiating a strong and commanding presence. The crowd seemed to sense it too, as whispers and murmurs spread through the room. Once it became clear that he was part of the infamous Whitebeard Pirates crew, the atmosphere changed entirely.

Marco started bidding for me, and his participation in the auction made a significant impact. The other bidders, recognizing the authority and power associated with the Whitebeard Pirates, didn't dare to challenge him. One by one, they backed down, leaving Marco as the uncontested bidder.

As the auctioneer called out the final bid, it was evident that Marco and Jozu had won my auction. I couldn't help but notice the anger on their faces, though. It was a look that spoke of a deep, underlying purpose, more than just acquiring a slave at an auction.

Their winning the bid brought a mix of emotions within me. Relief, because being bought by members of the Whitebeard Pirates was arguably a better fate than falling into the hands of a Celestial Dragon or some unknown cruel pirate. Yet, there was also apprehension, as I didn't know what they planned to do with me. The anger on their faces hinted at a mission or a vendetta, and I wondered how I fit into their plans.

As I was led away from the auction block towards Marco and Jozu, questions raced through my mind. What did they want with me? Were they here just for the auction, or was there more to their presence at Sabaody Archipelago? The uncertainty of my situation was overwhelming, but for the moment, I was just grateful to be away from the auctioneer's stage, my fate now in the hands of the legendary Whitebeard Pirates.

It was the second day of the auction when they brought this guy up onto the stage, his body bound in chains. The auctioneer started the bidding at one million, pretty standard for the first lot. The bids were climbing steadily, reaching up to 32 million, when one of the survivors from our recently attacked ship nudged me.

"That guy looks familiar," he whispered, squinting at the figure on the stage.

I looked more closely, trying to place the face hidden under the mass of hair and beard, and the much leaner frame. Then it hit me – he was one of our crewmates from the ship that had been destroyed! But he looked so different now; his muscles had wasted away, and his appearance was so altered that I hadn't recognized him at first.

As soon as I realized who he was, I stood up without a second thought and called out a bid of 35 million. The room fell silent. Everyone knew who I was and what the Whitebeard Pirates represented. No one dared to challenge my bid after that.

We won the auction easily. Relief washed over me, but it was mixed with a deep sense of anger and frustration. How had one of our own ended up like this, being sold as a slave on an auction stage? What had he been through these past months?

As they led him down from the stage, I prepared to approach him. I needed to understand how he ended up here and what had happened to him.