Chapter 9: Huey Blade; A Messiah in the Apocalypse (Unedited Chapter)



"It has..."

'Finally! After all these years!'

"...been a long time."

After all the years, finally, I was back on earth!

I, Huey Blade, heir to a forgotten shitty sword family set out on a journey during the early age of 13. I returned some years later only to be transported to another world...a different plane full of red and decay.

And Monsters. Ugly...Ugly monsters.

As I spent my time running and fighting for my life at each corner I took, I always dreamt of the day when all of it would be over and I'd finally return home, to earth.

'Goddammit! Who would have thought I'd want to see the face of my shitty Old man so bad like this!'

It took a while. Years. And I faced many terrible experiences of struggle throughout those years. Many times I fell dangerously close to death. Many times I was nearly eaten. 

Many times I fell into depravity.

But then I'd remind myself, "I had to get back and show off how powerful I've become and beat the shit out of my old man" And so I continued to trudge on.

I knew my family would be worried about me.

 Pissed, but...yeah, still worried.

So if I suddenly came back unannounced and far more powerful, I Imagined the awe expressions they'd all give me.

'Finally! They'll all recognize my worth and genius. The strongest Heir and Patriarch of the Blade family throughout its history!' Had a nice ring to it if you asked me.

But shit was far different than I had imagined.

Upon arrival, my eyes fell upon what happened to be an ugly wasteland.

The ground was withered and scourged. The heavens lay grey with thick fuming black patches of clouds, and the air reeked of pestilence.

Shit was ugly as fuck right there!

'What the..?'

Could it be I had emerged on some kind of nuclear testing ground?

Shit! Wouldn't that be bad if they threw a nuke in my head right now?

'Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.'

Before me was desolation. Zero activity or life.

I scrolled my eyes through, and my vision narrowed down and surpassed the distance. My body underwent some forceful changes and evolution while I was away.

To survive in the Red World, you had to go through some painful shit.

Over the the wide expanse of the grey desert, surrounded in hiding by a pile of rubbles was a human.

I got excited. Perhaps too excited and quickly skipped towards the person.

The person laid flat against the ground with their head raised.

It was a young lady. A...strange looking young lady with wide shivering azure eyes.

Her eyes held an entranced light as if stunned still by the sight of the divine. She froze as I stood over her, watching and cowering. From time to time her lips trembled and bobbed, her irises diluted and shrunk.

Her expression was one of pure fanaticism. A single glance and it was obvious she was simply stunned by my beauty.

I mean...I am fine as hell.

Feeling my ego swell as I internally enjoyed the enarmoredness held by her gaze....come to notice a bit, she was bleeding a lot.

How hadn't I noticed that before?

Suddenly, it clicked. I was reminded of a certain page in the Bible about a woman with blood crawling to touch the hem of the Messiah's robes.

Then I cringed internally.

'Fuck no! No way I'm letting someone bleeding that much touch me! Might be contagious!' I totally accepted I was the Messiah.

So I decided to get away quickly from her.

Since the look in her eyes perceived me as some kind of grand Messiah, I concluded not to disappoint the dignified visage she had of me.

So I straightened my back and put on the best aloof expression I could muster. 

And with a chin at a graceful angle, I spoke slowly, urging a hint of mystique and allure in my voice.


Fuck, I was nailing this whole messiah act! It was clear since the girl seemed to fall deeper into a trance at my single utterance.

Suppressing the urge to smile stupidly, I straightened once more, lingered, and then called out one more time, a little firmly this time around.


Fuuu!!! I am so cool right now, fuck! You should see me right now, Siloh. Your big bro is so dope!

My head swelled with even more pleasure as she subtly shivered at my call.

She blinked her bleeding eyes and feverishly raised them to gaze at me.

Silently, still, and aloofly, I peered back into those bloody blue eyes.

"What year is it?" I said slowly and mysteriously.

Hmph-hmph. I could already bet she was thinking 'What a strange question to ask'.

The girl, obviously lost in my gaze, lingered a short while before giving a reply that slapped me three times awake.

"...2094. The year 2094."

It felt like my tongue rolled down my throat as my heart felt to have sunk.


What did I expect?

It was obvious a lot of years had gone by. Did I seriously think I'd have returned to 2034, the same year I was transported?

But it was still different realizing it in real-time than expecting it.

My mind raced, my heart In turmoil.

'2094... That's 70 years since I disappeared! That's too much of a time! Does that mean I walked the Red Plane for 70 years in Earth's time? But it felt far longer than 70 years. Fuck, that's not the point! So many things could have happened in Seventy years; so many Call Of Duty updates missed!!"

Seventy years was a very, very long time, despite seeming a little shorter than what I'd experienced. That was over half a century, which meant a lot of changes.

And game updates!

Feeling the gaze of the girl, I suppressed my inner turmoil for the time being and reassumed my aloof visage.

Then I said, adding a little hint of wistfulness into my voice to project even deeper meaning and mystery.

"...I see." Then added again, for even more depth:

"Thank you." 

With that short utterance holding only a vague meaning, I slowly turned to walk away, my thoughts still raging behind my aloof mask.

I wasted 70 years of my life!! That's more than 10 first kisses!! And sex! Lots of sex!!

'Gahhhh!! This wasn't how I planned my return! What if that shitty old man gave way to old age and finally kicked the bucket, how would I wipe the shitty grin off his face if he's dead!'

You better not be dead Old man!

And what about my Call Of Duty account? It wasn't suspended or disabled, right? Right?!

All of my mythics!!


And the Sp*der-v*rse movie I was waiting for to be released! And D**dpool! I can already imagine all of the spoilers. Now I'm behind civilization, literally.


I heard the voice of the girl from before and assumed my impassive expression before slowly turning over my shoulder and observing her dragging her bartered body over the ground, desperately crawling for me.

'Uwa! Forgot about her! Ah, she looks almost dead! Is she menstruating? What kind of menstruation is that? A new disease? I really shouldn't get close.'

"What is it?" I tuned fully, maintaining my act.

For someone in her current state, she needed a light. A beacon of hope, and my flawless looks and charismatic beauty would be that hope. I would at least let her die fulfilled, knowing she was graced with my awesomeness.

Just from a safe distance.

"... I...beg of you. H-help..." Caught between her words, the wounded lady threw up pools of tainted blood. Blue veins slowly crept up her paling skin. Her vibrant azure eyes dimmed behind flowing tears and blood.

'Gahh! She threw up! She just threw up dark blood, didn't she?! Shit! I just breathed in! I just breathed the damned air!!' on the outside, I remained impassive and silently observed the girl crawling a few meters away from me.

I was just about to send the girl off to get herself checked when I suddenly heard a tense cry.

I raised my head toward the direction of the cry, and before I could even peer beyond, there was the swift appearance of a figure belonging to a green-haired man appearing at a stunning speed right in front of me.

And all of a sudden, he out of the blue screamed at me, sending me into shock!

"Just drop dead!"

I was completely thrown off guard and startled as I felt my heart miss a beat and raced the next half a second! Right in front of me, I watched the man explode with blood bursting from all of the openings in his head with the unpleasant sound of popping bones as he dropped dead to the ground.

Only then did I realize the sword that was going to my neck was in his hands.

'Holy fuck!' I screamed internally. 'That scared the shit out of me! Nearly got a heart attack, what the fuck was that all about? '

I looked down at the man, my expression startled so stiffly it hadn't shifted from the aloof mask I wore. Goes to show how shocking everything happened so quickly.

'He's dead.' silently I realized.

At the same time, I spread out my consciousness. I wasn't going to be taken off guard or scared shit again. It was then I realized the distant presence of another person in the vicinity, lying in wait.

I gazed down at the brutalized corpse once more, I wasn't sure how exactly I had killed him, but it was either me or him.

Even though his blade had no chance of biting into my skin, he still did try to aim for my neck.

Someone I barely knew tried to kill me.

I couldn't forgive that.

I shifted my gaze to the stunned lady on the ground then back at the man hiding in the distance.

I outstretched my arm to the side and uttered coolly.

"Very well."

I felt a weight in my finger, a tingle tracing my palm as the next moment I ordered seemingly to myself.

"Come, 02."

'The expectant gaze of the young woman...I can't betray it!' I had to put up a much better appearance now as her God and Messiah.

What kind of messiah would turn away from a request of a fan? I was going to give her a flashy show!

Besides...those bastards tried to kill me

A black steak whistled from behind me, and arrived in my hand was a pulsing black sword.

I snuck a subtle side glance at the girl with burning emotions in her eyes and smiled internally.

'Watch this. Bet you've never seen this flashy skill before.'

A strange energy filled my arms and seeped into my sword as the blade, Pointy version 2.0, elongated and stretched.

Then trying to make it as casual as I could, I swung my arm effortlessly and unleashed an attack.


[A/N: Chapters for the next three days might be coming in a little slow or late, or not even. I've got serious entrance exams, so most likely won't be uploading for the rest of the week. At least until Friday. I hope you understand, and do hope you all wish me luck in getting into the college of my choice. But please leave ur comments and reviews so I can read them.]