Chapter 18: Heaven Severing Demon

"Bloodline Release!" The man proclaimed and as the air shook, a heavy weight descended upon Huey's shoulders.

Then the "Mana" Radiation ran wild and erupted.

'What...' Before Huey could register his thoughts, a massive pulse of true energy rolled through the devastated surroundings and shook the space once more.

Blue "Mana" erupted from the figure of the large warrior among the pile of quickly incinerating rubbles. The blueish-white Mana converged around the man like a fickle veil of flowing curtains.

Underneath all that ghostly energy, the warrior progressively underwent a strange transformation.

The dark mane-like hair became a ghostly untainted white as the locks fell more loosely down his back and fluttered eerily in the air. His muscles swelled and enlarged under his hardening skin, thick white scale armor surrounding and encasing his whole body like an impenetrable shell.

The warrior's figure grew larger —massively so.

While Huey couldn't help but stare from the sky, a mighty roar shook the atmosphere and forced him out of his reverie.

'Crap! ' Huey cursed, 'I broke rule number one; never let them get ready! '

The coating blue-white "Mana" dispersed in an explosive pulse of energy, revealing the massive figure of a stunningly harrowing beast in white scales roaring to the heavens as if forcing the acknowledgment of the universe.

The creature stood taller than six feet, with an untainted mane of the purest white floating eerily in the air. It was formed of massive bulging limbs encased in full-body white scale armor, which exuded a subtle ghostly sheen, and a pair of fiercely glowing azure eyes and silver reptilian pupils running horizontally through.

There was no mouth or nose. Beneath the eyes was a smooth surface of white scale like a mask, yet a roar still resounded from the very beast. 

Strangely so, it resembled a mix between a werewolf and a great white ape. 

Heavy blue chains were wrapped around the massive arms, and the weight of the atmosphere seemed to triple at the pressure emitted by the mere presence of the abomination that stood, coldly enchanting in all of its beautiful glory. 

"Well, fuck..." Huey couldn't help but curse aloud with a long frown.

The next moment, the dreadful creature bellowed in a burst of low, deep laughter that resounded far and wide.

Then he shouted and said;

"Warrior of the walls — round two!"

He kicked off the ground, and as the surface region shattered, the large white figure of the transformed warrior blurred, then became a white piercing needle as he spontaneously flew through the sky.

Simultaneously, Huey's floating figure blurred and disappeared, reappearing further into the distance in a heavy crash.

Once more throughout the day, Huey Blade had been hit faster than sound without reacting.

Huey's figure formed a massive groove spanning ninety meters against the sunken ground. Uninjured and unscathed, he stared at the dark clouds with tired eyes, then frowned and said in a whine;

"He got faster. Yep, the bastard got faster."

"Bwahahahaha! "The white figure of his attacker fell out of the sky against his position like a descending astroid and wrecked the surroundings with a deafening [BOOM].

Large clouds of dust erupted and swallowed the affected area like an ever-devouring smoke, shielding those inside from outside eyes.

From within, there were flashes of sparks, then a loud bang with a resulting force that quickly dispersed the surrounding clouds.

Huey's bare figure, welding his black blade could be seen leaping out of his opponent's mai and into the air.

Then a battle cry resounded—

"Bestial Tremor!"

There was the loud sharp sound of shattering glass, then a powerful bang as Barak's bestial fist struck the air before him. Literal cracks spread from the space in front of him, and the following second, a focused shockwave in the form of dreadful wind pressure broke from the fractured space at Huey's ascended position in the sky.

The scale of this attack was enormous. The portion of the sky fell, and a few hundred meters surrounding Barak's position sank and exploded from the force of impact of his fist with the air.

Huey casually swung his sword a single time before he could be swallowed up by the immense wind pressure. The single swing unleashed a severing air slash that 'cleaved' the wind pressure in two and exploded.

Then he said silently to himself.


The third sword style of the Blade family Sword Technique: Hyaku Muso No Ken (A/N: One Hundred Peerless Sword Technique). 

But done with Huey's oppressive strength and defying the human limits, enough so to cleave a storm in literal half. 

And so the second round to another cataclysmic battle took off at a renewed pace.





A powerful shockwave spread across the desolate land, forcefully ripping apart the earth.


Fractures in the sky continued to appear as black cracks in space upon each powerful collision of the two combatants. 

Their figures blurred and moved, dispersing wind pressure more powerful than natural disasters.

No. The ongoing battle was a disaster in itself.

But something was different.

The tables had been turned.

Huey remained on the receiving end of all of Barak's powerful blows. His opponent's movement and power were blown out of proportion after his strange transformation.

He kept using strange and bizarre techniques that were inhumanly possible, like shattering space and sending powerful tremors through the fractured region.

Most times, Huey would react too slowly, and end up at the receiving end of a barrage of destructive blows and attacks that defied all common knowledge.

Well... Huey himself defied common knowledge constantly as he continued to rise out of each rubble entirely unscathed, but he would never judge himself... He was just that shameless.

Huey took all of Barak's blows and attacks, and never managed to land a single one on the Native warrior.

Each time Huey would stand up from the rubble, Barak's excitement would skyrocket once more. He had found an opponent that could make him go all out without the fear of quickly ending the battle.

Knowing how devastating his opponent could be when he finally raised his sword, Barak made sure to put pressure on Huey, never providing him the chance to counterattack or perceive him by increasingly moving faster than him.

Yet despite all this, Barak could still tell.

'He's not looking at me... '

Huey felt...bored.

Contrary to what it seemed like at the beginning, Huey could perceive all of Barak's movement and incoming attacks but always failed to evade them and react quickly.

It was like he could see the attacks, but just couldn't about them.

But it was more than that.

'Does he not think I'm worth it to show his real powers? Despite all I have done...?''

Huey would take his blows and rise from the rubbles, unscathed, with a distant expression on his fait face. His red eyes would trace the movements of Barak but never truly seemed to be staring at him. Those reptilian pupils never sharpened like before., when he swung his sword incessantly like a madman.

Barak's figure blurred and instantly transmitted before his target. His massive white fists wrapped in chains were coated in a blue hue as they struck the figure of Huey with a deafening bang.

"Bestial Tremor!" He cried and the surroundings exploded as Huey flew a few hundred meters. 


'Very well then, ' Barak chuckled internally.

He only had to force Huey to look at him.

On the other side of the battle, Lyra's broken body shook in her blood.

"Big sis!" Addy remained worriedly kneeling over her in tears.

Lyra coughed painfully. Her eyes barely held any light, but she was alive. In horrible pain, but still yet alive. The tremors of Huey's battle had managed to wake her slightly, but she was still injured and couldn't move even her gaze.

Underneath the surface of all of the destruction happening above, and ancient horror... 'Something' seethed awake and coiled.

The warrior lady with a wounded eye perked up all of a sudden, pensive 

"Something is coming."

The next second, the ground surface surged and rose, sending vast tremors. The earth ripped open like an earthquake, and a giant worm-like abomination rose from beneath.

A hoarse cry, like a pained screech, tore through the gloomy environment. A hibernating Elder God stirred awake by the tremors of the surface awoke and rose. 

It was immensely large and incredibly tall, reaching over a hundred meters into the sky. The giant Elder God had four heads, each with ghastly salivating maws of spiraling teeth like shredders. The abomination... Or abominations... Was made up of thick rubbery ugly viscous flesh the poor color of red clay dyed in blood.

It stood over the surviving women, cooling around the structure they took in hiding. Hit burning saliva dripped out of all four mouths in large puddles.

The women and kid shuddered in fear, the y could tell from the sheer size and Mana inside of the abomination... This was something far beyond their capabilities.

And Huey, from a distance, was the first to recognize this.

His reptilian eyes sharpened for a quick moment, then shifted his gaze to a surge of power coming off from one side and noticed Barak was preparing a devasting attack.

A wide crack had formed on the white face where a mouth usually would have been. The crack spread open, revealing a cast emptiness, a dark void inside as blue "Mana" began to swell and gather at the entrance of the mouth.

Huey frowned as he felt the surrounding "Mana" double and tremble. The accumulating "Mana" in Barak's mouth swelled up and then instantly shrank to the size of a basketball.

"I believe it's about time we ended our little game, Warrior from the Walls." Barak managed to say, hiding his sense of urgency. He too had heard the cry from the risen Elder God and felt the power it held.

"Now, Die." The accumulated "Mana" shimmered in position for its target, but Huey's figure had already begun moving.

The dull red veins on his black sword came to life and throbbed.

Huey's figure became but a black-red blur as he let a little of his Red "Mana" trickle into the surroundings. The next moment, Barak couldn't follow anything with his eyes.

There was a black blur and a red streak. Then a deep cross wound ran across his torso and a large sum of spurting blood. 

'Wh-what...? '

Before he could register, Barak had been cut twice, and by then Huey had already moved on, becoming but a streak in the gloom.

There was a [BANG] then a shockwave and scattering earth. 

Huey became a streaking red needle of unadulterated chaos, as he pierced through space, repeatedly shattering the sound barrier with rising momentum.

Addy stared at the Elder God with feverish eyes. Gripped by fear, she screamed;

"Brother Huey!!" 

Huey's blade trembled and spread chaos into the surrounding "Mana" in the environment. Black veins licked down his arms, in connection with the throbbing red veins of his black sword. 

His piercing red streak tore through space... And then through the Elder God.


There was a massive hole through the Elder God where Huey pierced through, his figure was like a mare black spec in the dark sky.

Then there was a flash... Abd the giant body of the four-headed Elder God was minced into a thousand pieces and exploded into dirty fireworks.

Huey's figure dropped into the midst of the women and child, his being covered with the raining of purple filth and Elder God bits exuded a tormenting red Aura for the female warriors who watched his back, incomprehensive.

All they knew was he had his blade to their necks, and his cold red eyes stared down at them.

Then he said, with a subtle growl. 

"We need to talk."