Chapter 80: Connor [3]

At that moment, Lyra suddenly called out from across the room.

Huey lingered for a second before responding to her. He got off the steel table he had been sitting on and walked over to where she was.

Without revealing his thoughts, Huey casually said, "What's up?"

Lyra smiled lightly, like a little girl, as she stood between Huey, who was standing, and the ever-scowling Connor, who was sitting behind a desk covered in gears, parts, and junk.

"I just wanted to introduce you two," Lyra said. She gestured at Huey and then to Connor.

"Connor, this is Huey. He's a friend I met on a raid," she introduced, and then continued, "Huey, this is Connor. We grew up together at the same orphanage."

The two men exchanged silent looks.

Connor, without bothering to hide his intent, blatantly sized up Huey with his scowling gaze.

"Haven't seen you around before," he said.

Huey shrugged. "I'm new around here."