Chapter 93: The Drop

'I was wondering how they were going to get us all in!' as Huey's figure plummet through the ground he saw the last vestiges of the daylight from the ceiling grow distant and cease.

His thoughts were fleeting and he was quickly embraced in a deepening darkness. Huey felt the wind rapidly race through his hair and flap his clothes, yet he didn't bother to take control of his body or control his descent.

All around him he could hear the curses and screams of the other applicants, their figures had turned vague and distant as their screams left a lasting echoe.

Meanwhile Huey just stared, genuinely disappointed.

'Trap door...The Ward really can't be generic.'

It was clear that with this, they intended to separate the aspirants. Huey already wandered how they would let all of them in through the same door, but it turned out, there was no door.

But this confirmed there really was a hidden compartment below the grounds of Allan Fort.