Her past-3

After spanking until satisfied Shuang Ai Liu's close servant walked away happily. She must hurry and report to her young lady in order to gain favor. Her young lady had ordered that this little girl not be allowed to live comfortably in this area. If she taught this girl so much that she wouldn't dare leave Anukang's house for several days. She often receives money from Miss or old accessories that she doesn't use anymore, so how could she not do her job well?

 Shuang Zihua cried and almost fainted as the pain spread throughout his body. She could only lift her small body off the ground with her torn clothes. swollen face My hair is all disheveled. She sobbed there in heartache. Why had no one ever come to help her? How long must she endure the abuse ? Mother, how can you leave me alone like this ?

 Shuang Zihua sobbed for a long time. She gathered up her remaining strength and picked up the flower basket that had been thrown in the other direction and slowly walked back to Anukang's house.

 Anukang already knew the news that the servant rushed to report. She could only sigh at Shuang Zihua's misfortune. Even before she had given Shuang Zihua permission She knew that Grand Miss and Grand Master Hu Yin had actually gone to Old Mistress's house. She didn't think that her servant could still attack Shuang Zihua again.

 Anukang ordered the servant to go and get some medicine for Shuang Zihua. She did not allow the close servant who had raised Shuang Zihua to interfere with her much. Because this servant followed her from the eastern border. She only had a few people here. Therefore, she couldn't trust them to be the target of those two mothers and daughters.

 That night, Shuang Zihua waited to apply medicine to herself in the same small room she had lived in since childhood. Inside there were only a few clothes. Her clothes are mostly the same as the servants in the Anukang house. She was not allowed to wear the same clothes as other young ladies before. As far as she knows This was an order that the old lady, her grandmother, had given to the people in the palace.

 After that day Shuang Zihua kept herself in the Anukang house until she reached puberty. But one day, she was suddenly dragged out of the house by her father's servants. He wrapped the cloth that they had kept her clothes in and threw it for her to hold.

 Shuang Zihua cried heavily because she thought Father would kick her out of the mansion. Until she heard her father yelling loudly as she was about to be dragged into a palanquin behind the palace.

" What are you crying about? I just sent you to be the subordinate of the left minister's son . Instead of being happy that I sent you to a good place, you just cried like I sent you to die. "

 Shuang Wanglang looked at the tear-stained face that was as beautiful as her mother's and the perfect combination of horns but turned his head away. It wasn't that he didn't know what she had encountered here. But he couldn't bring himself to allow her to be any better than his other daughters. When Grand Hu Yin offered to marry her to serve as his eldest daughter who was going to marry Grand Hu Yin tomorrow. He had to hurry and send her away before she found out.

 Shuang Zihua had listened to her father's words. She cried even harder than before. She sobbed and begged the man who was known as her father through tears.

" Hug, father. Hug. Can I not go? Huh. I don't want to go. "

 Shuang Wanglang sulked after listening to his daughter's request. He ignored her cries and pleas, ordered his men to take her away quickly, then turned and walked back inside the palace.

 Shuang Wanglang's servant hurriedly dragged Shuang Zihua into the palanquin. They ordered her to sit still or they would have to beat her to unconsciousness. Shuang Zihua was so afraid of being physically attacked that she didn't dare disobey their orders. She sobbed and sobbed in the palanquin, aching for her little heart.