Examination in front of His Majesty

The emperor waited until all three candidates had arrived. So he started asking only three questions that he had prepared. He didn't have a deadline for the three of them to answer. He would just ask each question one by one and have the participating nobles listen to the three people's answers together before he would give each one a score.

 The emperor's first question was for the three of them to write on paper to see what their handwriting was like. Is it appropriate to allocate the position he has in mind to after the exam? The emperor asked if he wanted to solve the border problem sustainably. What method should he use instead of war?

 Zhuang Kang turned to look at his brother after finishing his question. The two of them have been discussing this issue for many years and have not come to any good conclusions, even trying to be allies. Both cooperation and trade They still couldn't solve the problem of invasions from other provinces that needed their resources.

 The three graduates were silent and thought for a long time. Then each person wrote down the answers they thought were possible. As for Shuang Zhizhi, who had always grown up in a border town. He knew very well what the problems were outside of the outpost. So he thought of fixing it in the way he thought was possible. This was different from the thoughts of the other two who had taken the exam with him. They had never left the capital before. Therefore, we have never seen a problem like this.

 It took nearly two seconds for the three of them to put down their brushes. The emperor ordered the nobles to collect the answer sheets for him to look at before sending them to Tai Fu and the other nobles to look at until everyone was finished. Zhuang Kang read his son's answer sheet and was still shocked. His son knew that the people outside the outpost were lacking food. Therefore, there was robbery instead of making a living for one another. His son then offered to help by teaching vocational work to those outside the border. So that in the future it would be easier to exchange goods and people outside the checkpoint would not want to die because of looting or starting wars. It's just that the famine situation forced them to do it. At the border checkpoints, therefore, we still have to be vigilant like today.

 To answer this first question, everyone unanimously voted Shuang Zhizhi the winner. The Emperor himself was quite satisfied with this grandson's new idea. It didn't hurt that he was his younger brother's son.

 before going to the next question The emperor ordered people to bring food to everyone in the palace. It was past noon since they had started the exam. His Majesty is now quite hungry. So they rested for almost an hour.

 That second question The emperor raised questions about solving drought and flood problems. His Majesty did not want them to write any more answers. But His Majesty told one of the three people to take the exam to answer in no more than two hours.

 One of the three people taking the exam was shocked that he was the first to be pointed out by His Majesty. He hurriedly composed himself and thought of the question. before answering the question according to his own understanding Which was probably due to excessive excitement. It made his voice seem a little shaky. Along with the content of the solution, it seems like it's just a theory that can't be implemented into reality.

 The other nobles who knew this young man could only shake their heads regretfully instead. If he wasn't too excited Could have answered better than this. The emperor himself sat and listened calmly, without even the slightest change in his expression. He understood exactly what had happened to the little boy in front of him. When he finished listening, he immediately pointed to the next person.

 This time it was Shuang Zhizhi who had to answer the question. As for Shuang Zhizhi, who had looked at Father to calm down in the first place Without waiting two hours, he had the best of his senses and said the answer he thought was the most realistic. This caused Tai Fu and the other nobles to nod at the youngest child's answer. They were no longer surprised as to why he had always ranked first in the exams. From his understanding he answered each question. Make them see that this child understands the essence of problem solving better than anyone else.

 When it came to the last person's answer. He saw that Shuang Zhizhi's answer was so good that he didn't know what better answer he could use. He could only admit defeat and agree with Shuang Zhizhi's answer. Emperor Tai Fu and the other nobles Seeing him like this, he didn't say anything. They understand that accepting Defeat is also considered one of the hallmarks of a nobleman. If a nobleman is stubborn and does not follow the opinions of others, Work problems will definitely occur frequently.

 After the second question, it was already evening. The emperor ordered everyone to go and rest first. Let's continue the exam tomorrow. The graduates also received bedsheets and mosquito nets brought by the eunuchs. In the royal hall, all the nobles were still staying as well. They could not leave the examination room voluntarily. Only the emperor and the two generals rested outside the royal hall.

 early the next morning The eunuchs and maids of honor came to pick up the bedclothes. He also brought breakfast for everyone in the royal hall to eat. Before waiting for the emperor to come take the exam again today.

 As for the final question that the emperor gave to the three of them. His Majesty had them compose a poem describing the present He Province. Without specifying a time limit on how long it will take. And the poem can be any length.

 The three scholars thought about the topic that His Majesty had given them for a long time. Each person then proceeded to compose the poem that they thought was best in their opinion. As for Shuang Zhizhi, he recalled the day when he first started traveling to take the exam. He saw different environments from each city he passed through. It became a poem that described the He Province in his eyes.

" Ten thousand miles traveled To create a bright future

The sea, mountains, and trees all passed by.

Thousands and thousands of people, happy faces, looking for food every evening and morning.

Even though I'm not rich like everyone else. But there was never a sad smile.

Villagers at the market I just want to look straight ahead.

They see a very precious family. Just the time they spend with each other makes them happy.

I traveled from the border To make your plans in life come true as you dream.

I only wish I could step in. Being a nobleman serving under His Majesty is enough.

I would like to see development. Therefore, I intend to work without giving up. 

Please, Your Majesty, give me the opportunity to continue helping in government service. I am happy to dedicate my heart and body to His Majesty forever and ever. "

 The three of them spent half a day. Than they put down their brushes and prepared to hand out the poetry paper. The nobles on duty hurriedly walked over and picked up each person's piece of paper to present to the emperor. His Majesty was not the first to read Shuang Zhizhi's words. He read the other two's first before reading his grandson's later. The more he read, the more he smiled. This child really thought differently from the others. Those two wrote poems that only praised the cities of the He Province. They didn't know that each city actually had big and small problems to solve.

 After reading until satisfied The emperor handed Shuang Zhizhi's answer sheet to Tai Fu, who was also standing anxiously waiting to read it. This child was the only student of His second son. He hoped more than anyone else that this child would have Zhuang Yuan's grandson before he died. Tai Fu read this, even more proud of Shuang Zhizhi. After smiling a small smile like a big emperor, he handed the paper to the other nobles. Read some as well.