Young brain, Father fight

After receiving the royal command Zhuang Kang had someone go and find the cloth shop owner to measure him in order to make a formal dress for his son. Including the measurement of the ceremonial dress for the little wife if there is a party she must attend at the palace. He wanted to show others how beautiful his wife was.

 Shuang Zhizhi knew about this from the beginning and did not have any objections. But Shuang Zihua was afraid of people's eyes. She didn't even want to prepare a dress. Until Shuang Zihua agreed to be measured in good faith. Zhuang Kang had to persuade her so much that the tea pot almost ran out. He further deceived her that most of the women attending the banquet had high hopes for him. If he takes her with him He would not be a target for those women.

 Shuang Zihua began to think as he said. In her heart, she felt suspicious of other women according to his words. So she finally nodded and agreed to Zhuang Kang's wishes. Who asked him to be the father of her child? She didn't want her son to have a stepmother. She herself had experienced problems with her stepmother before. She knew that no one loved her like her real mother. Just as she loved her son as well.

 During this time, the Royal Court has not had any important matters to the point of having to attend the morning meeting as usual. The nobles then went about their own work within the department as usual. Only Zhuang Kang took his son to introduce himself at a military camp outside the capital. Not far away, Shuang Zihua also prepared lunch and snacks for the father and son, almost filling the carriage. She said that she had left some snacks for the soldiers in the camp to taste. She saw that they were all fearlessly protecting their country. So she wanted to give them some delicious snacks as a morale boost.

 In the end, Zhuang Kang had to have another carriage filled with his wife's snacks to distribute to the soldiers in the camp. She was really a diligent baker. He thought that it wouldn't take long. The people in his palace must all be fat. Who used her to make desserts so delicious that he himself couldn't stop his mouth for once?

 It took nearly an hour before they reached the military camp outside the city. It was because he was afraid that Shuang Zihua's dessert would spill first. Zhuang Kang therefore did not allow him to travel very quickly. This caused them to arrive at the camp later than usual.

 The soldiers in front of the camp gate saw the general's bodyguard leading the procession on horseback from far away. So they opened the camp gate and waited for the general's procession to enter the camp as always.

 Zhuang Kang got off the carriage with his son. The deputy generals who were lined up to welcome the general were surprised to see a boy who looked similar to the general come down as well. But according to military regulations So they did not waste their manners and asked the general anything. They only paid respects according to the rules.

 Zhuang Kang ordered everyone to go and gather all the soldiers onto the field. He had something to say to everyone at once. The vice generals hurriedly received the loud orders and left to gather the troops in less than two hours.

 Zhuang Kang led Shuang Zhizhi to walk to the front of the large courtyard for military training. His eight bodyguards were still following at a distance as well. Zhuang Kang had told his son quite a few things about this camp. So Shuang Zhizhi knew that here there would be time to practice according to the schedule every day. And there will be rest days for all soldiers as well. In order not to make the body too tired Zhuang Kang's management practices had been improved ever since he became a general. The military camps in He Province now also used the same training style as his. Because the emperor saw the efficiency of Zhuang Kang's training of people. He therefore only allowed all camps to follow this example. So that the soldiers in the He Province in recent years have become stronger and more united than ever before.

 After everyone stood still Zhuang Kang then used his profound energy to announce to everyone that Shuang Zhizhi would be taking over as Chief of Staff of the military under him. None of the soldiers dared speak until the general gave permission to ask. Until Zhuang Kang finished introducing Shuang Zhizhi. Shuang Zhizhi walked over and bowed to all the soldiers without fear like any other child. He himself had practiced martial arts. Although not as skilled as Father But it's enough to survive as well.

 Shuang Zhizhi also humbly offered his condolences to all the soldiers. He was willing to listen to advice from his fellow soldiers, knowing that he did not have as much experience as them. Shuang Zhizhi therefore humbled himself as his mother had taught him. Other people will also love and care for him more.

 The soldiers saw the expression of this little Chief of Staff and did not say anything. At first, they thought that if this child was arrogant and arrogant like other spoiled noble children, They must have taught him to be afraid. But when Shuang Zhizhi has such manners How could they be so barbaric with a little child?

 Zhuang Kang looked at everyone with a smile. He still hadn't told the truth that Shuang Zhizhi was his son. For he himself wanted to know how the others would behave with this young chief of staff he had brought. When he found that all the soldiers didn't seem to mind his son anymore, Zhuang Kang then announced to everyone that Shuang Zhizhi was the son he and his wife had just recently found. Zhuang Kang did not ask everyone to indulge his son. Instead, he told everyone to do their jobs well. And this son of his was also this year's Zhuang Yuan.

 The soldiers standing and listening were stunned again and again. What about the son of the great general? What other rumors did they hear about Zhuang Yuan? This showed that it was definitely the youngest Zhuang Yuan in the history of the province that they had heard about.

 The Deputy General could not bear it and immediately raised his hand to ask the General. Zhuang Kang knew that his people must have many questions to ask. So he gave permission to speak.

" General, is it true that the new Chief of Staff of our camp is Zhuang Yuan this year? "

" Really, how could I lie to you? On the day my sons paraded around the capital My wife and I are still cheering him on at the inn. If you still don't believe me, then go ask the people in the capital about what the new Zhuang Yuan looks like. "

" Ah.. Does this mean that our camp will have strong brains joining as well, General? You know that our camp is full of people who are crazy about fighting. But that planning didn't quite work out. If there was a talented Zhuang Yuan to help teach us. Wouldn't our military base be even more powerful than it already is? "

 Another deputy commander exclaimed with joy. He didn't think that the emperor would agree to send Zhuang Yuan to the military camp, since every three years, most of Zhuang Yuan would be assigned to work at the Imperial Court or another department. This was the first time that Zhuang Yuan had joined the army. So how can you not make him happy?