This is my child

Two people, father and son, talked until they lost track of time. Zhuang Kang saw that it was getting late so he told his son to go get some rest. You don't have to go to the military camp tomorrow. He will order the matter of the Chief of the Criminal Justice Department again first. The day after tomorrow, he slowly went into the military camp with his son again.

 Shuang Zhizhi bid farewell to Father and returned to his house to rest. Zhuang Kang himself called people to ask whether His Majesty had summoned him during this time. When he discovered that His Majesty had not summoned him to attend So he returned to his house to rest.

 Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi after going back and forth at the military camp for nearly two weeks Today Zhuang Kang had to go to His Majesty regarding the request of the Minister of the Criminal Justice Department that his people had already provided complete evidence. Shuang Zhizhi also asked to accompany Father to meet His Majesty. He wanted to hear how His Majesty would punish his grandfather. He didn't want Grandfather to be in this position anymore. Otherwise, their families would probably encounter them in the future. But if Grandpa leaves his position as a nobleman He won't be able to do anything.

 Zhuang Kang listened to his son's guess and agreed with him. Normally, Zhuang Kang would not do things as circumspectly as his son. Most of the time, he stubbornly raids and raids the area until he catches people with evidence every time. His reputation made him famous. All of them were quite frightened. If and when does he lead people to face someone? Then almost every nobleman would be severely punished.

 Shuang Zhizhi explained to his father that The reason he had to use this method was to prevent Mother from scolding Father. He knew his mother's personality well that she didn't want him and Father to get involved with those people.

 Zhuang Kang listened to his son and understood completely. He had also forgotten that his wife was still listed as Shuang Wanglang's daughter. Even though she never said it. But he also knew that she didn't want to hurt anyone. Zhuang Kang thought to himself, what a wonderful wife Shuang Zhihua was, she could teach her son to such a skillful and careful level all by herself. Zhuang Kang was even more proud of Shuang Zhizhi as he was worthy of his own son.

 After the father and son had changed their ceremonial clothes and finished preparing the petition. As they were about to travel to the royal palace Shuang Zihua called them first. After breakfast, she wanted to make dessert, so she went into the kitchen with the servant who had always taken care of her. Chefs and cooks have become so accustomed to having their mistresses go into the kitchen to make food or desserts that it is normal. Shuang Zihua remembered that Zhuang Kang said that he respected His Majesty like an older brother. Shuang Zihua then prepared the snacks she had made and put them in a box for him to present to His Majesty.

" What kind of box is this, Zihua? " Zhuang Kang looked at the several boxes that his wife's men were carrying.

" The box of snacks I made for you, sir. I'm going to ask you to bring this to Your Majesty to try it. I made several boxes in case His Majesty brought them to the Crown Prince and the others to try as well. In case someone orders my dessert. I haven't opened a dessert shop in a long time. So I feel a bit bored, sir. "

" Sigh, my wife, you can get some rest. If you want me to present it to Your Majesty, then have one of your men put it in the carriage. As for ordering your desserts Anyway, I'll try asking His Majesty to talk to the emperor again. I'm not sure what the Emperor will say. Because there are too many royal chefs in the palace. "

" Um, then sir, you don't have to ask about ordering dessert. Let's say I leave it to the people in the palace to taste. And if I want to open a dessert shop here? What do you think, sir? "

 Shuang Zihua, after talking about what she liked, forgot that the two father and son still had to enter the palace. Zhuang Kang could only look at his son's face and smile faintly at his wife. He told her to wait for him to return from meeting with His Majesty before talking again.

 Shuang Zihua suddenly realized that they still had work to do. She hurriedly sent them onto the carriage where her men had already taken the snack boxes and put them away. She herself had completely forgotten. Until it almost caused them to enter the palace too late.

 Shuang Zihua's close servants could only smile at how diligent their mistress was. Since the mistress came in They had never seen their mistress free for a day. Mistress always has to find something to do to pass the time. Until some of them were still tired. But the mistress' smile showed that she was happy with what she had done. So none of the servants dared to stop their mistress once. They also regularly receive delicious food and snacks from their mistresses. Until they felt like they were getting a little fat.

 Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi were allowed to meet the emperor in the same royal chamber where they usually met. His Majesty ordered the guards at the door to be careful. He looked quizzically at his younger brother's guards who were carrying several boxes. Wait until Zhuang Kang's men placed the boxes on the table and everyone finished paying respects to the emperor. His Majesty then asked Zhuang Kang.

" You gave people so much to bring, Akan. "

" It's not me. This is something my wife gave to His Majesty and the Emperor to try. I told her that there is Chef Luo here. She still urged me to bring dessert for you all to try. In any case, Your Majesty, please taste and criticize. Please take a look at my wife's desserts as well. Otherwise, I don't know how to answer my wife. "

" Ha ha ha, does a person like this general also have someone he is afraid of? In the future, if you do anything that makes me dissatisfied, Shall I send someone to sue your wife, little brother? "

 The emperor teased this little brother he loved. Since we've known each other Day by day, he thought more and more of Zhuang Kang as his real younger brother than his younger sister. Zhuang Kang, who was being bullied by the emperor, also ran out of words. Shuang Zhizhi listened to Father and Uncle Emperor's banter and could only smile at their closeness. Now Shuang Zhizhi truly believed that his father's relationship with His Majesty was not just superficial. But it is full trust in each other.

" Alright, I'm not kidding you. By the way, what's the matter with you today? I saw you and your grandson all dressed up like this. There must be something for me to handle. "

" Your Majesty, you guessed correctly. Mom, I and my son have come to present the petition and evidence of corruption of the Minister of the Criminal Department, Phaya. "

 Zhuang Kang sent the petition and all the evidence to the emperor. The emperor ordered the two of them to sit and wait. He wanted to read the petition and examine the evidence before deciding what to do. Because this Chancellor of the Criminal Department is also his brother-in-law. Even though he had already ordered people to take care of his sister a week ago, news had not yet come back about what was going on. If his troublesome sister were truly gone, he could handle his brother-in-law with ease.