family leaving

Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi returned to the palace and hurriedly told the people to prepare the ceremonial table to wait for the upcoming royal decree before dinner time as the emperor had said.

 Shuang Zihua saw that they had returned in the middle of lunch, which she had just eaten. So she had her servants prepare food for them to eat first. As for the ceremony table, she will take care of it instead.

 Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi returned to their room to change clothes before coming out to sit down and eat comfortably. Since Shuang Zihua had not been bothered by those people from the past. Zhuang Kang noticed that his wife was becoming happier. Now Shuang Wanglang had known the news of the former princess's death a long time ago. So he clung to Hu Yin Rong without giving her a divorce. Plus he threatened her a lot. Other juniors who knew that they could no longer rely on their master. They all dispersed and returned to their original homes. Some relied on their sons or daughters at the end of their lives.

 Since Shuang Wanglang was released from government service He is also a coward and is paranoid that people will come back for revenge. Because he himself had done quite a few bad things. Therefore, he did not dare to distance himself from Hu Yin Rong, who had someone to help him like this. Even though she kept blaming him Shuang Wanglang was not interested. He still had some business friends. So he helped Hu Yinrong do a little business. Hu Yinrong was forced to let him stay as usual. Moreover, her son was so grateful that he forbade her from everything. So she was forced to stay together like this.

 After Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi finished eating lunch. They all sat in the main hall waiting to receive the royal command with Shuang Zihua, who had already arranged the ceremonial table. She also prepared quite a bit of money for the eunuchs who would come to proclaim the royal decree according to custom. She had no idea what this royal command was about. But when her husband and son looked bright That would show that this royal command would be more of a good thing than a bad thing.

 An hour before dinner time The procession of the emperor's closest eunuchs and bodyguards arrived in front of the general's palace. Zhuang Kang's men hurriedly took up positions, including the three parents and children who knelt together to receive the royal command in unison.

 The nearby eunuch smiled at the general's preparations. He therefore refused to waste everyone's precious time and immediately began proclaiming the royal decree.

" Thanks to General Zhuang Kang's tireless work, Until the border has been peaceful until this day. Therefore, I would like to entrust the duty of inspector of northern cities to the general to inspect the government instead. and there was a criminal right to judge the crimes of nobles immediately without having to report them. Anyone who finds a criminal sign has the right to respect the person carrying the sign, like finding the emperor. If anyone disobeys the orders of the holder of the criminal rights sign It will be considered that that person disobeys the royal command. Punishment can be carried out immediately. I ask that the general travel carefully and carry out his assigned missions well. End the royal command. "

 Zhuang Kang accepted the royal command with his closest eunuch and reached out to receive the royal command as was customary. He also received a shiny gold criminal badge. Zhuang Kang hurriedly tucked the badge into his chest to prevent loss. Shuang Zihua saw that her husband had finished receiving the royal command and the things. So she got up and walked over to thank the old eunuch and gave him a gift bag to thank him as well.

 Shuang Zhizhi stood up and looked at the scene in front of him with a smile. He was grateful to Uncle Emperor for writing the royal edicts really well. Now if their family was traveling with nearly five hundred people, It wouldn't be anything unusual. After all, this is the convoy of inspectors traveling. Having someone protect someone important is considered normal. Even the emperor traveled outside the capital. Your Majesty must also have more than three thousand guards.

 The procession handed over the royal command shortly after congratulating the general. The villagers who gathered to hear the royal command were no less excited for the people of the general's palace. They were well aware of this general's good reputation. It was considered that the emperor was really good at using people. If this inspection found a vile noble, They would be happy for the other townspeople as well. This was the time when the general returned to stay in the capital for a few months. Many corrupt nobles were punished until the court was almost completely exhausted. The villagers were glad that these people had no position to show off. and hurt them again And now those nobles were sent to serve as slaves on the border.

 Before dinner today News of the general's palace's royal command spread throughout the capital at an amazing speed. The newly appointed nobles were also happy for the townspeople that the general was about to inspect. They had lived in different cities before. With the support of Shuang Zhizhi's four brothers, these talented people came to help the emperor deal with the problems that the old nobles had caused. They also promised to do well as His Majesty entrusted them to them. Moreover, now there were no nobles who were harassing them. They even displayed quite a bit of their abilities in developing the region in front of His Majesty.

 The Zhuang Kang family had begun to prepare quite a bit of food for this long journey. Because Shuang Zihua wanted to cook food for everyone in the procession himself. She said that she was afraid of being easily poisoned by people. After all, this royal command must have been news to those governors. If someone had bad intentions towards them, it wouldn't be good.

 Zhuang Kang listened to his wife who had thought everything out well. So he indulged her by adding three more wagons of supplies to the convoy. Nearly five hundred people would be divided into sections, with four improvised carriages carrying Xiongnu weapons and clothing in secret compartments. Eight soldiers could sit in the chariot. The big four were comfortable, not including the two other drivers who would take turns. The supply wagon train also has two wagon drivers. The rest would then ride horses to protect the surrounding procession one more layer.

 Zhuang Kang deployed two scouts ahead of him. Then make a sign for the train behind to see if there is danger in the walkway in front or not. If it's close to sunset The scouts would need to find a place to stay and wait for the convoy to rest. Shuang Zihua listened to her husband's plan and nodded in agreement with him. She didn't want to travel at night, which was more dangerous. Even though there are many people traveling But with good horses and only soldiers Shuang Zihua thought that it would not take much time to travel.

 When the day of arrival arrives The emperor sent his closest eunuch to bring various medicines for his younger brother with him. He had almost completely forgotten that his brother had not brought a military doctor with him. So he had the royal doctor prepare several boxes of medicine for them before they left.

 Zhuang Kang expressed his thanks to His Majesty and his close eunuch. Shuang Zihua also gave the eunuch a bag of money to thank. Last time, the old eunuch didn't think that General Hu Yin would be so rich. She gave him a bill of exchange for five hundred taels. At first, he saw that the bag was light and thought about it in his heart. But when I opened it and saw this much money So he asked His Majesty to volunteer to deliver the medicine himself.

 Zhuang Kang had his men take the medicine and store it in a separate carriage. before he could order the convoy to depart There were only thirty people left in the immediate area. Because the main cook asked to travel with his mistress. In the immediate vicinity, only the second hand and others were there to watch over him.