Her happiness

Shuang Zhizhi was no less delighted with his two younger brothers. Now he doesn't know what the younger siblings will look like when they grow up. In fact, he wanted his younger sibling to look like his mother. Since he already looked like his father Mother will not be disappointed that she only has a child who looks like her father. Even though she was the one who actually gave birth.

 The reason why Shuang Zhizhi thought like this was because he had heard a mother complain that she wanted the child that was about to be born to have a face like hers. So he wanted his mother's wish to come true.

 Outside the palace, someone had come out to deliver the news that the Queen's wife had safely delivered two little princes. The people in the tribe who were praying loudly cheered and praised the prince for his healthy growth. They also wished his wife good health as soon as possible. Will be able to come back and celebrate with them in the city square again.

 Because since Shuang Zihua was pregnant She was never allowed to leave the palace again. The people in the tribe who had talked with and learned many things from his wife missed her quite a bit. They were happy to show her the things she had taught them. Including asking about improving cooking and various types of desserts. of many traditional tribes as well

 Shuang Zihua, after giving birth to the two children, fell asleep from exhaustion. She didn't know how long she had been asleep. Until late the next day Shuang Zihua, who was feeling better, opened his eyes. She saw her husband and eldest son sitting guarding by the bed, their faces pale, and she was so startled that she almost accidentally got up. Fortunately, Zhuang Kang saw it first. So he pressed her down so she was lying down in time.

" What are you going to do, wife? You still can't get up, do you know that? Your wound hasn't healed yet. " Zhuang Kang was sweating from the excitement just now.

 Shuang Zhizhi also nodded in agreement with his father. He didn't expect Mother to be like this after waking up, so he was quite shocked as well.

" Why do the two of you have such haggard expressions? I was so worried about you that I forgot that I had just given birth. "

 The father and son looked at each other and shook their heads at Shuang Zihua's concern. They said it was nothing. Just taking care of the twins until they didn't get enough sleep. Their faces became pale like this. Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi even fought to complain to Shuang Zhihua about the troublesome twins. that the two children, when they were resting, just cried out; when they went to look, they were so quiet. But when they went out, they cried themselves out. It continued like this all night until the two of them couldn't sleep.

 Shuang Zihua listened to the father and son complain and her two sons could only chuckle because she was afraid of hurting the wounds she had just given birth. Shuang Zihua explained why the two children were like this to them with a smile.

 She thought that her children would also like to play with their father and elder. So they bullied each other like this. Even when it was in her stomach. They could hear the voices of her husband and son. The two children were still bouncing happily in her womb. When he came out of her womb They probably wanted to be touched by her husband and son.

 Shuang Zihua asked about her two sons and learned that they were the aunts who had brought their clothes to stay in the palace to take care of her great-grandson while she stayed in the fire for a month. As for the little son's milk The aunts told me that I could use goat's milk instead first if my milk supply was still low. Shuang Zihua nodded, knowing the story her husband and son had told her. She waited for the aunts to come visit with her children before giving the babies a try. She was not sure if her milk would be enough for them. Because when he was born, she saw that her son was almost twice as big as when she gave birth.

 Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi called people to bring soft food for Shuang Zhihua. Including soup to nourish the body and tonics prepared by the royal doctor. Zhuang Kang is a person. Feed Shuangzhihua With Shuang Zhizhi telling her to eat a lot, it made Shuang Zhihua feel like she was seriously ill. What a father and son. How could she act like she was crippled like this? Sigh. Shuang Zihua could only sigh and reluctantly accept their care.

 After eating and taking medicine Shuang Zihua was sleepy again. Because her body had lost a lot of blood during childbirth. So she was still a little tired. Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi then let her rest. They, too, had to go and rest. Because last night I hardly slept.

 Three days later, Shuang Zihua's condition had improved a lot. She is now able to sit up and breastfeed. The aunts prepared food to increase breast milk for her to eat at almost every meal. Make the two little children happy with their beautiful mother's milk every day. If one day Shuang Zihua cuts the Tao Zhuang Kang would be able to happily help her reduce her milk supply for his two little sons. Shuang Zihua was almost embarrassed when he volunteered to help her like this. But she herself did not know how to solve the problem. Because when giving birth to Shuang Zhizhi, she had never experienced anything like this. So she could only let her husband take advantage of her for a long time.

 Shuang Zihua took care of himself and his young son in the palace for nearly two months. The aunts allowed her to go out for a walk. Because Shuang Zihua gave birth to two children at once. Therefore staying under fire takes quite a bit longer than people who give birth normally. In fact, the aunts wanted her to stay for two months, but Huang Zihua saw that she was already strong. And being stuffed in the room made her feel very uncomfortable. So the aunts reluctantly agreed to give it to this very patient niece-in-law.

 Two weeks later, after Shuang Zihua went for a walk outside the palace, She began to think of baby food formulas for her two little children first. Because she hadn't been in the kitchen since she was pregnant. She really wanted to go into the kitchen so much that no one dared to stop this royal consort from enjoying cooking. Even Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi could only carry the two little princes and follow them to give her encouragement in front of the main kitchen.

 The two little princes' names will be announced on the day of their hundredth anniversary banquet. With that name, Zhuang Kang asked Grand Uncle to help appoint two great-grandchildren to replace his father who had passed away a long time ago. Ye Rongrong didn't think that his grandson would honor him this much. You must know that normally the name given to the royal family is mostly given to the biological father. or only relatives on the father's side He, being a relative on the mother's side, would hardly have received such an honor. He promised his grandson that he would definitely find auspicious names for the two little princes that day. Before leaving the grandson's palace with a smile