
After kissing her one last time on her lips I left her house without looking back. After coming out of her house I went straight up to my home it's already 6: 15 pm and the sky turn dark because evening is only at 5 pm and after 6 pm it starts to get dark. It will take me 30 minutes to reach to my home. And I have to go there before my mother come to home.

It is only for name that Ayro live in house alone because he was living in a villa that was too big for a alone boy and it has 10 rooms for use and a big hall where a big TV and has a dinning table in the hall in which at least 12 people can eat .

And the most important thing is he was living with 3 milf's in his house because he can't make his own food so there is a milfy maid Luna who make home made food for her young master Ayro. And the other 2 milf maids were who clean the whole villa daily and the matter of fact they live in the villa as well because our old mc was a kind hearted and introvert so it's better for him not to stay alone in this house that's why they live with him there were so many rooms so they were living properly without any problem and they take care Ayro as their own son .

" Even I am now living with 3 mifly's but I didn't lay my hands on them. Because in their eyes young master Ayro is such a great child so I genuinely don't want to change there perspective and furthermore if they see me change in an instant that previous owner was a quite kid but I am open minded , then it would be suspicious and since I have lived with them for 2 mouths and they can gradually see the changes in my behaviour so now I can live however I like. "

[ Note : Making excuses because he found more beautiful milfs when he came to this world. So he didn't pay too much attention to these maids. Since he is now done with more beautiful milfs because his mother is coming home so he have to spend more time on home so he was going to capture his cute,mature milfy's at home. There name is Luna, Jena, Rela.]

" Since they are now familiar to my attitude now I can use them. " I thought and continue to walk to my way it would take me more 5 minutes to reach and I am sure mother hadn't been home till then.

While I was thinking this , Meanwhile in Lilith house after just I leave her house.

Lilith open her eyes which was filled with tears just as she open her eyes.

" Honey... " She shouted loudly but no reply come back to her.

" so he really leave just like that, "she thought and the tears started to come down to her eyes and she put her hand on her stomach and thought.

" I know that you will not accept it ... Sob... But still I will do everything alone... Sob.... And I don't know if you will come back ever again but I will wait for you to come back. " She thought and started to cry loudly and cover her face with the pillow next to her.

She was looking so cute that anyone want to pamper and protect her , her face become red and her cheeks were filled with her tears.

After crying for continue 2 hours, she stopped her crying and hold her stomach and cuddle the pillow like a teady bear and said in low voice.

" I don't know who would be my baby but whoever it will be your mama will protect you and rise you alone. And always be together with you. " She thought and smile formed in her lips and she fall asleep.


Back to Ayro.

" And as for Maria I have already send her the recording of her moaning under me so if she try to tell anyone about anything then her video would be become trending news.

Although I have believe that she wouldn't tell anyone but for safety purpose I have already threatened her. So there wouldn't be any problem. " I thought and come near my villa main gate where two guards were standing with guns in there hands .

As soon as they saw me they open the main gate. While greeting me.

" Young master " Both said in union and opened the door. After coming inside the main gate.

" you come back from your friend house." Myth asked with a smile. While looking at me.

" Yes , I was in my friend house and come just now. " I said and went inside the villa. My villa has a second floor and the way for second floor is from both sides , from inside and from outside the villa as well, I can directly go to second floor from outside but there is no need for that.

While going near villa main door I saw 4 car.

1 of them that was for my use, and luxurious car., and 2 sports car which was used by my maids and the last one was a spacious car which was for carrying something, but the first and a sports car not use regularly once in a while but the 2 sports car and big spacious car used by Luna , Rela and Jena for going market for groceries or to meet their families because I allow them to use it, I can't use it even if I want to because you know at least 25 year old for driving a car that's why.

" And genuinely speaking supermarket is so far from my villa that's why they have to use cab that I don't like it, I simply can't let them go in someone else can, if I have car and I can't even use it so that's why I let them use it and furthermore even they are my maid there salaries are more than any high class family. " I thought. I came near the main door of the villa and pushed it open I don't have to ring a bell or something for my own house.

After opening the door I went inside the villa and the large hall came in my view with sofa on the center in the direction of TV in the so there was a Milf maid sitting on it watching the show in TV . It was none other than Luna she has brown hair with brown eyes and big breasts with slender legs and sexy hips . But her sexy hips and long legs are hidden under her dress.

Just as I entered the villa , Luna turned her head towards me and said with a smile.

She was looking indeed beautiful.

" Oh, young master Ayro you came home. " Luna said , come near me and take my coat, mask from my hand that I had removed. She takes the things from my hands and went to bathroom and put that in the washing machine. And after putting my things in the bathroom she went to my room and prepared normal clothes for me to wear.

Just as she was doing it I also went to my room and started to change my clothes to normal clothes. After wearing a plane white shirt with a full pant. After removing my old mask I wear new mask that was already cleaned yesterday by Rela.

After changing my clothes I came down to the hall just as I came down I could see that two more milfs was sitting on the sofa with Luna, that was non other than Jena and Rela.

Jena a busty woman with black hair and blue eyes, with cute face her breasts are not as big as other two but her butt is perfect peache shaped.

While Rela is a big breasts woman and had biggest breasts in the house. She also have big round butt but her breasts are just hell. And has red hair and red eyes with sexy curves.

After coming down I come in front of them.

" Young master Ayro. " Jena, Rela said in union and saw the figure appoching them.

" Hello aunt , where are you when I came home I didn't saw you. " I said and come in front of them.

" We were checking everything is alright since Madem Alicia was coming here but she told us that she was not coming now she had some work on her company that was unexpected so she will come few days later. " Aunt Jena explained. And looked at me.

" Yes, young master Ayro, so madem Alicia was coming few days later. Come sit here and remove your mask so that we can check on you. " Rela said and grabbed my hands and made me sit between her and Jena.

" Oh okay I thought mother will come today but she was not coming today. " I said in sad voice. And sat between them.

" Oh don't worry young master Madem Alicia will come soon. " Luna said she was sitting next to Jena.

" Yes, young master don't worry she will come soon enough. But first remove your mask. " Rela said and brought my face near her and started to remove my mask. Our face was too close just few centimeter away from kissing each other but I didn't say anything and let her remove the mask.

For Rela, Luna and Jena, I am some 10 year kid whom they are taking care,with little mature charm. Just as Rela removing my mask. Luna said hurriedly.

" Young master, Rela, Jena you guys talk I am going to make dinner, since Madem Alicia said that she would make dinner for young master Ayro so I didn't make dinner but she hasn't come so I am going to make dinner. " Luna said. Rela already removed my mask I turned my face towards aunt Luna and said with a smile.

" Okay aunt Luna you can go and make dinner. " I said with a smile. Just as I said it.

" Ye... Yes young master. " Luna said hurriedly and left instantly with a red face.

' what are you thinking Luna, aaaaa you are a married woman ,but young master looks so handsome when he removed his mask and smiled at me. ' Luna thought as she thought about it her face turned more red.