Ch - 18

While Ayro was on his way to school.

Inside the villa.

Aunt Rela came down through stairs and saw that aunt Luna and aunt Jena was speaking to themselves and aunt Luna was shouting in surprise. As she saw this scene in front of her , she came near them and take a seat next to aunt Jena.

" What both of you discussing? " Aunt Rela asked while looking at them .

" Aaa nothing Rela. " Aunt Luna don't wanted to aunt Rela know about this.

" Is that so, you can't even tell me what you were discussing. " Aunt Rela asked with a poute.

" Nothing secret Rela, I was just saying Luna that young master know that she and I like him. " Aunt Jena said in calm voice.

" Oh he knows I thought he will not know since Luna wanted to hide it from him. " Aunt Rela said with a smile.

" What Rela you don't seem to surprised by this , that Luna like him not as a kid but a man. " Aunt Jena asked as soon she asked aunt Luna also looked at her in surprise.

" What surprise I know from the start I mean anybody can tell the way she behaves in front of him, furthermore it's not your fault to fall for him, young master is just built different something seems to attract woman towards him. " Aunt Rela explained. While looking at them.

" You mean you are also in love with young master. " Aunt Luna asked in surprise.

" Well yes. " Aunt Rela replied with a smile.

" When did it happen , why are you telling us now. " Aunt Luna asked while looking at her.

" Well Jena know that from the beginning that we both like him but didn't tell you because it wouldn't be good if young master know that, we like him that way since we thought he was a kid, and do you really believe I will let any other man with me Or any of you ,if I didn't know that you also like him than I wouldn't let any of you sleep with young master, you know our husband has died nearly 30 -25 years ago but we are still single we have so much life ahead and furthermore I don't think any of you is in lack of money. " Aunt Rela asked and looked at them.

" Well you are right Rela if there is anyone else other than young master, I would never let them touch me let alone sleep with any other man. This is also correct I didn't lack money as well." Aunt Jena said to them.

" That means you know all about it from the start." Aunt Luna asked in surprise.

" Then why do you think I want to become a maid here, do you think I need money that why I am maid here. " Aunt Rela asked to them.

Both aunt Luna and aunt Jena looked at her.

" It means we all here for only one reason." Aunt Luna asked in surprise.

" Yes, I don't know your but mine is something that happened in past and I can't able to forget about it, and the most important thing is I love young master as well but I also don't want him to know just like you,and I also don't have any plan of telling you about it ." Aunt Rela said to them.

" Then why are you telling us about it now." Aunt Luna asked.

" Well because I only wanted to hide it from everyone until young master grown enough but what happened today morning I can confirmed that young master like us as well don't you think about it , Jena. " Aunt Rela asked to aunt Jena.

" Well that's true I wanted to confirm it , what happened this morning, because of it don't you see I wear this sexy short dress in front of him and guess what I confirmed he like it. But you are awake that time. " Aunt Jena asked to aunt Rela.

" Well I was. " Aunt Rela said with a smile.

" And you really do look sexy in this dress Jena. "

" Oh thanks for complement. " Aunt Jena replied to her.

" Wait..wait can you tell me what happened to this morning why are you so confirmed about it instantly. "

And this is how they know every thing about each other and make planing with each other how seduce their young master. I have yet to make there background.

In front of school gate.

" Ha .... It's only 7:45 I have made it on time. " I thought and went inside the school gate there were many kids around the field and throughout the hall way to my class but I didn't pay too much attention to them. I straight came to my class. While thinking about how to deal with these maids of mine.

" If I went directly to home after my class they will definitely think of me as I am lusting on there body and the value of mine as a man will go down so I will delebratly go late today so my value is remain still and it would be good if I act I don't know anything about there plan. " While thinking these nonsense I reached in front of my class and entered in it without hesitation. As usual my mask was still on.

Inside the class there were 14 students already present but no one was present near my desk. I looked around my desk and Lara's desk as well she didn't came as well..

" I think Lara will delebratly come late around exactly 8 o'clock. And as for Mike he always came 5 minutes before start of class and as for Lily since both get hooked up yesterday so she will also come with him late. As for Anna I don't know about it. " I thought and sit in my seat silently without looking around it's only 10 minutes before the class would start.

" What should I do in my free time before going to my house, hmmmm.... Wait didn't Mike asked me about going to his house then I will go to his house today just for waste a little amount of my time and know the information about his mother and family." I thought just as I was thinking I heard a voice from my right I wake up from my thoughts and looked at the owner of the voice.

" I said Good morning Ayro. " Anna said while sitting on her seat and turned her body towards me. I looked at her red eyes and replied.

" Oh good morning Anna, sorry I was thinking about something so I didn't replied you at first. " I explained to her while looking at her. 'She seems to quite happy. ' I thought.

" Oh don't worry I can tell you are thinking about something, but what it is , is everything alright. " Anna asked in concern while looking at me, while she was talking to me I could see the others gaze towards us but I didn't bothered by them.

" Yes , everything is alright, I was just thinking about what I will going to do after school because I am free this afternoon and I don't have to go home , just after school because no one was at home so I would be pretty bored. " I said to her truthfully, I don't think there is a reason to hide it.

' are you serious you thinking what to do after school, are you that bored of life. ' Anna thought while continue looking at me.

' wait if he doesn't have anything to do this afternoon why don't I invite him to a date with me. This way I can learn more about him and even see his face. ' Anna thought and about to ask him for going around together since both of us would be bore, and she is also free this afternoon.

But before she could ask him, Mike entered in the class with Lily was also with him walking next to each other , after entering in the class the came near us.

" Good morning, my friend . " Mike said to Ayro and sat in the front seat of Ayro.

" Good morning, Anna. " Mike said in low voice to her twisted his body towards Anna to look at us.

" Good morning Ayro and Anna. " Lily also said with smile. And looked at us .

" Good morning both of you. " I said without too much reaction. Just as I said Anna copied it as well and said..

" Good morning to both of you. " Anna said with a smile. And looked at them.

" Anna I want to ask you, you aren't sad or angry with me , are you. Because I called you last night but you didn't open the door. " Mike asked in sad voice.

" Oh don't worry I have already told you, nothing like that is a problem for me. And I am not angry any of you in fact I am happy because you both can be together. " Anna said with smile.

" Oh thank you Anna. " Mike said it to her and didn't ask any further.

" So Ayro you are free this afternoon. So... " Anna wanted to say something but before she could say anything else. Mike energy level kicks in and he turned towards me and asked.