Ch -29

On the way to school.

" Haa seems like aunt Jena is okay, but I am feeling little sleepy forgot it I can sleep in class. " Ayro thought as he continue to move towards the direction of school in the way he saw a small amount of people traveling.

Soon enough he reached in the academy. After reaching he went straight up to his class there were too many student roaming around. But it has nothing to do with Ayro.

" Seems like none of my friends have come yet. " Ayro thought as he looked at class where 12 student were present, some of them talking to each other , while some studying. I simply went up to my desk and sat down.

" I hadn't talked to Lara, if I didn't talk to her, I don't know what she would going to do with her ego. Haaaa" I thought to myself , I have to talk with her other wise we might get distant and that I didn't want. Just as I was thinking to myself Mike and Lily entered in the class, it's already 7:45 so they have came early today. Huh.

" Good morning, Ayro. " Mike and Lily said as they sat in there place.

" Good morning, Mike and Lily. " I said in a calm voice .

" Ayro, when did went back to your home yesterday? " Mike asked as he turned around to see me.

" Oh around 3 pm I have something to do so I were back early . " I said as I looked at him..

" But you have atleast told me before going. " Mike said in sad voice.

" I think I told you before going, you were just too busy with game so I only said one time and left . But don't worry I enjoyed myself in your house." I explain everything.

" Oh my bad but as long as you enjoyed. Hehe. " Mike said with a awkward smile after realizing that he didn't listen to my leave.

" By the way, how are both of your relationship going. " I asked as I turned around to look at Lily.

" Hmm it's going quite good. " Lily said with a thinking experssion.

" Yes, we even went on a date yesterday. " Mike said with a proud expression and a smile.

" Oh I see it seems it's going smoothly. " I replied with a nod.

" What are you talking about that wasn't a date? " Lily said in angry tone.

" But that can be consider in that way. "

" No. " Lily disagree upon it. So seems like as a good friend I have to solve there problem.

" Wait then how about both of you go on a date this Sunday it would be good isn't it. " I asked to both of them.

" Well that's a good plan, so Lily do you want to go out on a date this Sunday. " Mike asked in filmy style.

' Why he is asking me now he can ask it later end of class but why now. ' Lily thought but replied. " No, I am not ." Lily said with a smile.

" Why.. " Mike wanted to ask why she rejected .

" Wait.. Wait listen to me. Mike. " I said and brought my face near his ear and said something.

" Oh, Ayro you are literally, how did you know all of this things. " Mike asked in surprise.

" What did he said to you. Mike. " Lily asked in confused look. ' What did Ayro said to him he always give him advice, what he said this time. '

" Oh nothing. Hehehe. " Mike said with a laugh. Just as he was laughing Anna entered in the class nearly all student have come. It's already 7:55 am but Lara hadn't come yet .

" Good morning. Everyone. " Anna said with a smile and sat down on her desk. She cut her hair a little that was hard to notice. She was definitely looking beautiful with her big blossoms and her long legs with thick thighs. Only one step away from milf.

" Good morning, Anna. " All of us said one by one.

" So now why are you laughing earlier, is there anything funny happened. " Anna asked as she look at us.

" Nothing funny, I asked Mike what has Ayro told him just now but instead of telling me he started to laugh like a idiot . " Lily said to Anna.

" Oh, he must be giving advice huh by the way Ayro do you enjoyed at Mike house yesterday. " Anna asked as she looked at me.

" Yes, I have enjoyed myself, and the cooking of Freya I love it. " I said with a joyfull tone.

" Thanks Ayro for your complement. " Mike said with a smile as he looked at me.

" Oh, this is good you enjoyed yourself but why are you calling aunt by her name. " Anna asked.

" Yes. Why are you calling her by her name isn't you have to call aunt. " Lily asked in surprise.

" No.. No you are right, Ayro call my mom aunt at first but mom said him to call her by her name because she felt she is too old that's why. " Mike instantly explained.

" Oh is that so but why did aunt ever said us to call her by her name when we call her aunt. Isn't it Lily. " Anna asked.

" Yes. " Lily agreed.

" Well how could I know about that. " Mike said in low voice. Just as he was to say something bell rings. And the teacher entered in the class.

' But Lara still haven't came to school haaa . Did she got sick or she deliberately didn't come. ' I thought and continue to pay attention to class.

And just like that our class come an end but before the end bell rings I had fallen asleep.

After that rings started I wake up. It's good that I have fallen asleep not too long just as I sleep it started to ring , no one knows about I sleep in the class.

After the bell rings end all the students started to go out of the class. I was also ready to go out.

" Ayro so what is your plans, do you want to come to my house again. " Mike asked with playful smile.

" No.. No I have something to do but thanks for invitation. " I rejected politely.

" Oh it's good if you came since mom has invited you for lunch. " Mike said.

" Sorry but i can't. " I replied. And started to walk with the three of them . We walk together out of the class.

" So are you are not free today, Ayro. " Anna asked in low voice.

" No... I have to go to meet someone . " I replied truthfully.

" Oh I see. " Anna said. I also didn't asked furthermore . Soon enough we excited the school gate but just as we did we saw a group of seniors were coming in our way . There were three girls and two boys.

" Wait. Mike. " Cherry said as she came near us.

" What happened sister why are you here.? " Mike asked in confusion.

" Anhh nothing my friend wants to meet your friend. " Cherry said as she pointed at one of the girl who has purple hair and purple eyes with big breast and slender hourglass figure with moderate round butt.

" Hello, Anna , Lily. " Cherry said with a smile .

" Hello, senior Cherry. " Lily said with a smile.

" Hi senior. " Anna said.

I just looked at all of the students I have no intention of talking to them I want to get out of here.

" Hello , juniors . " One of the boy which had yellow hair and brown eyes said with a smile and moved his hands towards Lily for a handshake but before he could reach near Lily, Mike instantly grabbed his hand and do a handshake. All of us noticed that, Lily didn't say anything just smile, Anna remains silent, I didn't have any reaction.

Meanwhile Cherry teased her own brother.

" Oh ho Mike you seems to quite protective to Lily. Hehe. " Cherry said with a teasing smile just as she said Lily's face instantly turned red, while Mike smiled weirdly at her sister.

" Okay, forgot it about Kevin. Let me introduced ourselves, I am Jessica, she is Mahira , he is Kevin and the last one is Rick. " Jessica explained to us.

" Hello, seniors , it's nice to meet you,what can we help you. " Mike asked. I genuinely silent I want to get out of here but I can't.

" Nothing we just want to meet your friend. " Mahira said as she turned towards me and said. " You must be Ayro, you are quite famous in the Academy after what you have done for your friend. " She said with a smile.

Just as she said rest of them nodded in aggrement.

" Oh I see it's nice to see you seniors.okay than , Mike I shall take my leave I have something to do. See you later Cherry . " I said and turned around and started to walk.

' What bro Ayro being a sigma direct ignored all of them. Hehehe. ' Mike thought and laugh internally.

" Okay Ayro. " Mike said as he waved his hand towards me.

' haaa ~ he just ignored all of us and went away. ' Kevin thought and he didn't like my attitude towards them.

" Hey, how can you ignore me and went just like. " Mahira said in little surprise.

' This is the first time she saw someone like Ayro who just ignored her. '

' what is this Ayro doing, he talked to me quite well in my house but why is he behaving like this in front of my friends. ' Cherry thought.

" Aaa seniors he doesn't like to get too much attention so that's why he went away, don't take it to your heart, I apologize for his rude behavior. " Mike instantly said.

" Yeah, Mahira don't take it to offense, he didn't like to get too much attention I told you in the class, that's why he also were a mask not to attract too much attention, I hope you can understand it guys. " Cherry instantly explained.

" Yeah, I know Cherry he didn't like too much attention but isn't it's quite rude to just go away when you were talking to him. " Rick said in angry tone.

" Shut up, Rick . " Jessica said to Rick.

" Yes, I didn't take it to heart I am just surprised by his behavior. Don't worry let's go Cherry. " Mahira said. As she turned to Mike and girls.

" Since we wanted to meet your friend but he left so we shall also take our leave. " Mahira said and turned around to walk away.

" Okay Mike, Lily and Anna see you later. " Jessica said with a smile. And turned to leave Cherry also followed them.

After they leave Mike said to both of girls.

" I am telling truth I really like his attitude he simply ignored all of them and just went away. Hahhahha. " Mike said with a laugh.

" Mike, I think Ayro didn't ignored them, he really have something to do important that's why he left in hurry other wise I don't think he will just ignore all the seniors. " Anna said.

" Yeah you are right , Anna. " Lily also agreed.

" Okay let's go , I will talk to Ayro tomorrow about this. " Mike said and they also leave for there house.