Li Mei.

Now, since I am done with buying cake, let's buy a earrings and go to Lara's house.

I thought as I booked a taxi for going to a good jewelry shop. I am feeling a little hungry so I shall eat something I thought as I went inside a restaurant until my taxi come to me. It will take 10 minutes to the taxi to come here.

After getting inside a restaurant I ordered some dishes, it only take me 8 minutes to finish my little lunch. And soon enough my taxi also came out of the restaurant.

I sat on the taxi and went to a big jewelry store which was inside the super market ( mall) .

" It's been a while since I've came to this mall. " I thought as I went inside the mall there were so many people around but I don't want to attract any attention. After all who wants to attract attention when they were buying expensive things.

" Yeah, I also don't want to get in contact with someone like that man in the cake shop. " I thought as I entered inside a jewelry store in 5 th floor. Just as I entered a beautiful milf once again came in front of me but this time I don't want to waste my time.

" Welcome, sir. What would you like to buy. " She asked in polite tone. As she bend down a little, I saw her valley between her mountain .

" I want to buy some earrings and necklace for my friend. " I said to her. Just as I said the people around me looked at me intensely.

' What did this kid said he wants to buy some earrings and necklace. He was saying it like he wants to buy some vegetables. ' Many people around thought to themselves .

" Okay, please come with me. " She said as she walked towards a counter. I followed her.

' I didn't know if she wear earrings every where that's why I want a necklace or a pendent. ' I thought. I don't want a heavy thing just normal but good enough.

" Can you sir tell me about your preference for the earrings . " She asked.

" Ah .. Actually I didn't know why don't you suggest me for her. " I asked as I showed her the photo of Lara.

" Yes, sir she seems to young girl in her high school. So according to that, yes sir wait here I am bringing some show peice. " She said and went inside the door .

Until she come back with jewelry, I turned my head around and saw the beautiful sets of necklace , earrings and pendent. After roaming for around 2 minutes I found a pendant which has a white bluish color diamond embedded in it . And personally I like it so I thought of buying it.

" Hmm.. Excuse me . " I said as I lifted my hand towards another saleslady. She instantly noticed me .

" Yes, sir what can I help you. " She said as she came near me.

" Can you take out, that, this one and that one. " I said as I pointed at the four five sets of jewelry.

' What he wants to see so many everyone of them so expensive. '

" Yes, sir, wait a second. " Saleslady said and went away to bring the sets.

" Sir,here you can see and chose what ever you like." The lady who went inside for bringing jewelry for Lara said .I also come to the counter where the other one take out.

After seeing all the jewelry for a while.

' I didn't know what to say, I like everyone of them. There were all beautiful. 5 earrings and 5 necklace and 2 pendant in front of me. '

" Aaa.. I can't able to choose. Can you tell me if you can deliver the sets I buy here to my house. " I asked to saleslady.

" Yes, sir we can, you don't have to worry about that. " Saleslady said with a smile.

" Very well what is the price of all of them. " I asked.

" Aaha, this earrings for around 80k , this necklace is around 145k and these pendant are around 170 k. So which one do you like to choose sir. " Saleslady said .

" Okay I like all of them, so pack all of them and give me the bill and I am taking this earrings now, rest of them you can deliver it to this address. " I said to her.

" Wait, what did you say sir you want all of them. " Saleslady asked in surprise.

'Is this kid went insane. ' She thought but still remain her smile.

" Yeah, yeah, I know you are so surprise . But I have no time for you girl. So just pack it. " I said and take out the ruby VIP card. And give it to her.

" What, sir you are ViP member of our store. Sorry for the rudeness sir, please come with me to vip room. We will instantly call manager of the store to guide you." Saleslady said feared tone.

' Holy shit, this kid is a Vip it's good I didn't say anything idiotic. ' Saleslady thought to herself.

" No. No I don't have time to play around just pack the thing and deliver it to my address and this earrings I am taking with me now. " I said and stuffed the earrings in my pocket.

" Yes, sir it would be delivered, anything else do you want sir. " She asked in polite manner.

" Yeah, I said that girl to bring some jewelry go help her to brought it to me. " I ordered her.

" Yes, sir just a second. " She said and instantly run towards the girl who was bringing the jewelry.

" Hey, let me help you bring it fast to that person. " Saleslady said in hurried tone.

" What happened, miss why are you in such hurry. " One of the customer asked as he looked at her.

" Nothing I am just showing some jewelry to that sir. " Saleslady replied while take out some jewelry from the mirror glass.

" Why, are you so hurry in showing that kid jewelry , it's not he is going to buy all of the that. It's very expensive. " Costumer said in weird tone.

' What a idiot I can't wait my time to this idiot. ' saleslady laby thought as she opened another glass to take out the jewelry. She didn't reply to him just continue to do her work.

" He is just a little kid with some money who wants to impress his little girlfriend. " Customer said as he looked at Ayro.

Ayro also heard his nonsense he thought in his mind. ' Why these people have to do with other why can't they just do there work and get out of here. It's good I am not in some faceslaping novel protagonist, other wise I would have killed many people, I don't know how those idiot protagonist endure all the talking of other, and furthermore it's not just one time every time, every where no matter where they go , they will always encounter such people, even I saw them, they went bathroom for poop but they encounter people who will delebraly take invite to complete with them. Let alone money even in pooping and pissing. Fuck I would have killed thousands of these types of people to maintain my power not let any other people to say anything. Haa it's good not many people directly want to get killed by me. '

Just Ayro was thinking this saleslady came back to the counter where he was sitting and brought all the things that was ordered.

" Here , sir the things you want to see. " She said to Ayro with a smile. As she placed all of them in front of him.

" Hmmm.. There is no need to see me I like it that's why I want to buy it. How much for all of it. " Ayro asked as he looked at the pendent he like to give Lara.

" Sir, 5 million each. Ammm.. Sir total is 29.7 million after including all the discount as a vip it's around 28.5 million. " Saleslady said to Ayro.

" Good give me the bill. " I said to her. As he takes out his phone for payment and stuffed the bluish pendent in his pocket.

" Yes sir please wait a minute. " She said and went to the counter which was on the another glass door.

I paid that 28.5 million through the account to account because online it doesn't take so much money.

There were many surprised gaze fixed on me but I didn't have any time to pay attention to these people.

Soon enough that lady returned with a long bill in her hand.

" Here is your bill sir, and your things would be delivered in around 3 hours. " She said as she handed me the bill I didn't check it I stuffed it on my pocket and stand up from the chair to go outside of the store.

Just as started to walk outside, saleslady also followed me to see me out.

" By the way what's your name. " I suddenly asked her. She seems to confused so she turned around to see but no one was nearby other than her.

" Sir, did asked me. " She asked back. And looked at me in surprise.

' Did he is going to complain about me. ' she thought as she started to feel fear.

" Do you think there is anyone other than you following me, but don't worry I am not asking for any complain about you, I just like how beautiful you are, so tell me. " I said in calm voice.

" Hhaaa.. Thank you sir for you perise, my name is Li Mei. " She said in low voice , while lowered her head.

" Oh I see. Okay then see you later, Mei. " I said to her and looked her from the corner of my eyes. Just as I said her name like that she instantly looked up at me , she instantly noticed me looking at her with corner of my eyes.

I didn't say anything, and came out of the store. Meanwhile Li Mei was still looking at my direction.

" Yeah, it's just as I thought it leave a good and domering impression of mine. " Ayro thought as came out of the mall where his taxi was waiting for him..

After sitting inside the car he thought.

She definitely looks so beautiful I thought of conquering her, if we meet again in future.