Wifey Jena's First Apperance. (R-18)

After I fall asleep, while being hugged by my two aunt. I saw a dream.

In my dream....

I appears in front of the door of the aunt Jena's room, I can only able to see the room door nothing else, my surrounding was pure dark.

" What the heck, it doesn't feel like it's a dream, I can talk to myself but I can't see my surrounding, should I go inside. " I thought as I looked at the door in front of me.

" Well it's not like I have any other option." I thought as I pushed the door to open. Just as I opened it, inside was all darkness.

" Holy.. So much darkness, how am I supposed to do anything. " I thought as I moved my step inside the door. Just as I moved, instantly all the surrounding get light. I instantly covered my eyes, sometime later I opened my eyes and saw Aunt Jena was laying in the bed naked. She was sleeping while her butt was showing upward.

I came close to her and saw her up to down, after looking at her for a while , I didn't understand what is happening. So I moved my hand towards her and placed it on her big rounded sexy butt.

Just as I touched her a blue - white light appears on her butt, it's sudden appearance scared me, so I pulled my hand away from her butt. Just as I did , I saw a black and blue tattoo appears on her butt.

" What the fuck? What just happened? " I thought as I brought my hand on her butt once again but nothing happened .

" What happened just now? " I was feeling confused but suddenly I noticed movement on aunt . She turned her body as she lifted herself from the bed and turned towards me.

" Holy, fuck don't tell me, she is a ghost. " I thought as I looked at her. Her bare body was showing which was looking beautiful her breast was showing but I was feeling scared to move my gaze away from her. I was feeling like if I moved my gaze away she will attack me.

Soon she put her hands on the bed and crawl near me, she was looking just fucking seductive. I mean just imagine a naked milf is coming towards you on her four , her breasts was jingling as she was moving. But I was scared to death as she was getting close, I was feeling like I should run but I stand still. Thinking it's a dream so it would be okay, even if she killed me.

Soon enough she came too close, I can't able to contain my anxiety .

" Aunt!! ~ " I said as I looked at the woman in front of me she was still on her four, while looking straight up to my eyes. I was feeling scared as I was looking at her emotionless face and dead eyes. I gluped hard. But soon a smile appeared in her face she was looking angelic.

She lifted her right hand as she put it on my chest, and lifted her body up while putting both of her hand on my chest, like a normally a couple stand , while his girlfriend hugging him. But aunt was looking straight in my eyes with a evil smile on her face while her hand was on my chest.

" Fuck, what is happening, I am scared , just look at her emotionless eyes even she is smiling I am feeling fucking scared. " I thought as I looked at her without saying anything else. Soon enough she brought her face near mine and licked my lips.

Lick.. Lickkk....

" Hmm~ ... What happened , Young master why are you feeling scared. " Aunt said in sad tone as she stopped liking me and looked at me Worriedly.

" Aunt, is that really you? " I asked in surprise as I looked at her worries.

" Yes, young master, it is me. But why are you scared. Did something happen to you. " She asked as she put her hand on my face and gently slides it on my face. While continue looking at me.

" I am not scared, aunt. I was just wondering if you are alright, since you are alright there is nothing to scare. " I said as I hugged her instantly . She caught in surprise as she get hugged but soon she hugged me back and rubbed her hand on my back.

" I am alright, Young master . Don't worry. " She said as she was feeling happy that young master was worrying about her.

" So, you are alright , aunt. " I said as I thought while continue to hug her.

' Haass I am saved I thought I am dead , thank god she is alright... ' Just I thinking it suddenly I feel something soft was touching on my hands. So I turned my head down to see, just as I did I saw a fluffy, soft and comfortable tail was waving behind her back.

Just as I saw it , I instantly let go her and take few steps away from her. Just as I get out of aunt's hug, she opened her eyes as she looked at me in confusion.

'Holy shit, who is she is she is a demon, should I kill her. ' I thought as I looked at her in scared look.

" What happened, young master? " Aunt said as she looked at me with confusion.

" Who are you? " I asked in the best voice I can talk with at that time I was scared as hell.

" What are you talking about, Young master. Isn't I am your aunt Jena.? " She asked as she looked at me in confusion.

" No, you are not, aunt Jena didn't have that which is behind your back. " I said as I pointed at her tail. Just as I pointed, she looked at her cute, fluffy waving tail.

" Huh..!! , Are you talking about my tail. Young master. " She asked as she brought her tail in front of her , as she pat it before hugging it gently.

" Yes, I am talking about that, why do you have these are you evil? " I asked in little scared tone, I even tried to call my Dark Zetrus but it didn't respond.

" Huh, what are you talking about, Young master, Aren't you are the one who gave me this to tell you the truth I love it. It's so soft , fluffy, comfortable just like you. " She said with a smile as she hugged her tail, suddenly on her head two beast ears appears.

' What the fuck, when did I gave you this, are you kidding me. ' I thought as I looked at her.

' Although I have to admit, she is looking fucking beautiful but still. '

" When did I gave you those things? " I asked as I looked at her. Just as I asked she stopped hugging her wolf type tail and looked at me, while still continue to cares it.

" Young master, you give it to not only me but the three of us , when you accept us as your wife, this afternoon but I'm the first one who got this power because of our relationship I am one step ahead from them , Rela and Luna, but soon enough they will also get it. " She said with a beautiful smile as she looked at me she was looking absolutely angel as her blue - white tail was waving.

' Fuck impossible, although I have power but I didn't have any type of animals power.... ' I thought but suddenly my dark Zetrus got awakened as it started to shine. I started to feel something odd.

" Wait, Why my dark Zetrus I awakening now? " I said as I suddenly smell a scent, which was coming in front of mine. It was so pleasant, sweet and attractive scent.

" What is that scent? " I thought as I looked at aunt Jena. As I looked at her I could feel some special sweet scent was coming from her body. It was attracting me towards her.

Just I was looking at her. I heard her voice.

" Anhhh~ ..!! Don't look at me, with those eyes. Anhhh~ ... !! I am started to feeling your domination, young master. " She said while a little moan as she looked shyly towards me, soon she hide her pussy from her hand . Just as she acted like that, I felt a surge of adrenaline in my body, while testosterone in my dick soon I noticed my dick was creating a boner inside my pent.

' What is happening, I didn't know but I am feeling so sweet smell from her, yes she is mine only mine, I want to lick her. Fuck what I am even thinking. No I want her right now. '

" Please stop otherwise Anhhh~ ...!! I can't control myself, just come to me hubby now. " Aunt ordered as her blue eyes started to shine. Just as she ordered it, I didn't know what get over me I smile at her my teeth started to show himself.

" I want you my dear, you are only mine. " I said in deep voice as my Dark Zetrus shine more vigorously the dark moon was showing itself. Just I said it aunt looked at me with a shy smile.

" Yes, I am your's , my dear hubby, now come to your wifey. " She said with a smile. Just as she said I can't able to control myself after looking at her like this. Soon I disappeared from my place and reappear in front of her.

But before I could do anything, she instantly grabbed my face by her hand and started to kiss on my lips without warning.

Chuuuuu.... After kissing each other for around 5 continuous minutes we Saprated from each other.

" Hahhh.. Hahhh... I love your taste, hubby. " Aunt said with a smile as she looked at me while her hand wrapped around my neck.

" I also love your taste, wifey. " I said as I brought my mouth near her face and started to lick her.

" Mmmm~ .. " She moan a little as she tilted her head towards left to let me have her taste. Just as she tilted her head, I looked at her white delicious looking neck which was beautiful.

Soon I started to lick on her neck. Just as I did it she started to moan loudly as she put her hand behind my head.

" Anhhh~ ... Mmmm~ ...!! Hubby.. Anhh~ slowly... Lick me.. Anhhh~ ..!! You will tear my skin by that much force. Anhhh~...!! " She said while moaning but didn't stopped me.

Meanwhile me thinking why am I even doing it, but forgot it she is tasty I can't get enough of her but I can't harm her. I thought as I lowered my pace of licking her.

" Anhhh~ ...!! Yesss.. Just like it.. Hubby!! It's pleasurable. Anhh~ ..! " She said as she moan softly. Soon I stopped licking her neck and looked at her eyes. She also looked with a smile. She seems to understand what I wanted to say. So she instantly lifted her arms from my neck and lay down on the bed.

While put both of her hand on the side of her head and fold her legs like some weak woman, submitting her body. Just as she did it , a smile formed in my face.

" What are you waiting for, hubby. Don't you want your wife scent and smell on your body and tongue? " She said in shy expression.

Just as she said I looked at her, my grin on my face become wide as I lower my body on the top of her, while put my hand on her hand and interlock our fingers.

" Yes, I need your scent in my body. After all you are mine, my little foxy wife. " I said with a smile while my Zetrus was still shining. She looked at my eyes before turning her gaze away from my eyes and said shyly as her face turned red.

" Then, lick my body, show me your love for me, Hubby. " She said shyly as she didn't dare to look at my eyes. I love her reaction.


I hope you like it see you later...