As Rela squirted, Jena hurriedly drank all her essence.

' oh my goodness, this taste amazing and more delicious than my own. Mmmm.. ~ .! ' Jena thought as she gluped last drop of Rela's essence. After gulping it completely she stopped licking her and get up to the bed and lay down next to her.

" Jena you really drank it. " Rela said as she looked at her both of them were breathing heavily. There breasts was going up and down .

" Yes, Rela and believe me it tastes so good. " Jena said as she looked at her eyes before placing her hand on her face and brought her face near.

" I believe you. " Rela said before both of them went on the passionate kiss.

And just like that Rela also take Jena's essence as this scecion went by around 4 hours both of them get quite good amount of essence from each other.

After they were done with that both of them fall asleep while hugging each other.

Jena was feeling quite powerful and sleepy and same thing for Rela as well but she reach Pennical stage she would unlock her another form next morning .

Just as they were sleeping in each other's embrace , Luna was done with making lunch and she also received Jena's new clothes which get delivered around 1 hour ago. Right now she was sitting on the sofa.

" Why I am feeling little restless? " Luna thought as she looked at the main gate.

Before she continue to watch TV. She had already eaten her lunch. After she get finished with her work she wanted to find both Rela and Jena but after she saw them she get out of there and let them do what they were doing. And sat on the sofa while enjoying tv but she was feeling quite restless.

" I . .." She didn't understand what was she feeling right now, but she was feeling little bit weight on her heart that was making her feel sad.

Just as she was feeling like that. In the road Ayro was coming back from the school.

" Haa.. Today was good enough. I genuinely didn't want to talk to anyone this much but I still talk too much with all of them. " Ayro thought as he was going back from school to his villa. He was feeling he like to being introvert.

" Well forget this school shit. Now what should I do at home I mean about my aunt's getting power. Well I can do one thing that is to let it go however it is going, I mean I didn't really need to stressed out if it doesn't concerns me. " Ayro thought as he came in front of the gate of the villa.

" I think I just need to spend my life as it is going before, there just little bit difference that I have now my wives and I can't get separate from them that's all. Forgot about it magic powers. Just live my life like a normal guy. " Ayro thought as he open the door of his house and entered inside the villa. Soon enough he came where Luna was sitting alone feeling little bit uneasy.

" Huh...! " Just as Luna heard sound of someone coming towards her direction from outside. She instantly turned around to see.

Just as she did.

" Young master..! " Luna said as she saw Ayro came in front of her.

" Yes.. Aun... " Ayro wanted to reply but before he could say anything Luna instantly get up from the sofa and hugged him tightly.

" Huh...! What happened aunt? " Ayro asked as he looked at her but Luna didn't reply instead she hold him more tightly. Seeing that Luna didn't reply Ayro didn't asked further and hugged her in return.

After hugging each other for 5 minutes. Luna let Ayro go and break the hug. Just as she did Ayro instantly asked. As he looked at her beautiful face .

" What happened to you, aunt? " Ayro asked as he looked at her . Luna looked at his reaction before smiling beautifully and said.

" Nothing, young master. " Luna said as she shake her head in no.

" Huh..! Nothing then why did you suddenly hugged me? " Ayro asked. Just as he asked it Luna's cheek went little bit red before replying.

" Anhh~ ..! That's young master, I was feeling little bit uncomfortable. " Luna said truthfully, just as she said Ayro thought.

'Is it because of the magic powers.? ' Ayro thought before sitting on the sofa and instantly pulled Luna and made her sit between his legs.

" Anhh~ ..! " Luna shouted a little by the sudden pull but become silent as she sat between her young master's legs.

" Young master, what are you doing? " Luna asked as she felt young master's hand wrapping around her belly as he hugged her from the behind.

" Nothing, Aunt didn't you were feeling uncomfortable don't worry you will not feel it anymore. " Ayro said as he rest his head on her shoulder and kissed her on her neck..

" Hmm..! " Luna didn't reply as she was feeling her young master's warm breath on her neck as she hummed a little. Before putting her hand on his head.

' Yes, this is comfortable young master. I am feeling my restless heart is calming down. ' Luna thought as she turned her head towards Ayro to see him.

' Young master, I didn't know how much I have fallen for you . ' Luna thought as she smiled a little before kissing Ayro on the cheek.

" Thank you , Young master. " Luna said with a smile as she looked at Ayro before continue to feel his warm hug and his hand on her stomach.

After hugging Luna for around 10 minutes. Ayro suddenly remember something while Luna put her head on his chest and continue to hug him she was feeling quite good and happy. While she was feeling better she suddenly heard Ayro's calling her name. She opened her eyes and looked at Ayro.

" Luna ~ ..! " Ayro said in quite low and soft voice.

' Huh.. Young master call me by my name. ' Luna thought as she feels little surprise.

'It's not he can't call me like that but why suddenly. ' She thought as she waited for Ayro to say something.

" Luna, here this is for you. " Ayro said as he takes out a beautiful small size box. Luna looked at it with confusion before suddenly something struck her.

" What is this, young master? " Luna asked as she looked at it with confusion. Just as she asked Ayro instantly said her in her ears.

" Luna you might have already listen from Jena about our magic contract. " Ayro said as he looked at her, just as he said Luna also looked at him. They looked at each other's eyes before saying.

" Yes, young master I know. " Luna said with a little smile.

" So you know, then you also know that you are not only my aunt now, you are my wife now, Luna ~ ..! " Ayro said as he smiled at her.

" Huh..! ! Young master , do you mean... " She suddenly think of something as she looked at the beautiful box once again. Ayro looked at her reaction as he smiled before saying.

" Yes, Luna you thought right. This ring I want to propose you. Luna. " Ayro said in low tone as he opened that ring box , just as he did a beautiful ring appears on his hand. It was the most beautiful and expensive ring that Ayro had buyed before.

" Huh..! Young master are you serious? " Luna suddenly asked as she looked at the ring in Ayro's hand.

" Yes, Luna. I am even if we didn't get married in real life right now but I want to propose you this ring as our marriage after all even if we are not married in reality but we have already became husband and wife. " Ayro explained while Luna was in shock she didn't think about her young master ..

" So, Luna do you want to become my official wife? " Ayro asked as he takes out the ring from the box and brought it near Luna.

" You... Young master.. Is this really.. I am your wife ... " Luna asked in surprise as she cover her mouth with her hand as she looked at Ayro.

" Yes, Luna. You are my wife now but first tell me do you accept this ring. " Ayro looked at her reaction before smile at her and asked .

" Yes, young master I accept it. " Luna said as she instantly brought her hand . While her other hand was still covering her face. Just as she brought it Ayro instantly hold her hand before putting the ring in her ring finger.

" Thank you. Luna for accepting it. " Ayro said with a smile as he looked at her. Meanwhile Luna looked at her hand before looking at Ayro.

" No, I thank you. Young master. " Luna said as she suddenly put her hand on Ayro's face and brought it for a kiss.

' I have never thought that I would become, young master's wife. And I didn't know if it's real right now or not. But I want it to be real. ' Luna thought while kissing Ayro. Soon enough they broke the kiss as both of them looked at each other's eyes. Before Luna hugged Ayro once again.

" Luna now you are my official wife. " Ayro exclaimed in happiness. Just as she heard

Ayro's words.

'So it's not dream I am really now Young master's wife. I didn't know if I am dreaming or something but I didn't want to wake up now. ' She thought as her eyes filled with tears. Suddenly she broke into tears..

" Thank you, young master for making me your wife. " Luna said while crying in Ayro's ear.

" Don't tha... " Ayro wanted to say something but

" I didn't know if it's dream or not. But young master please don't leave me after this ever. I didn't want to see myself away from you, young master . Ever again even it's dream.

I..Really ....Really.... Love ~ ..! ! " Luna said as Ayro can also feel her tears on his shoulder..

" I Love You Too, Luna. " Ayro said to her as he returned her hug.

' Don't worry Luna it's not dream, and i will not let you go away from me as well. ' Ayro thought as his Drak Zetrus awake as it increase Ayro's possessiveness towards Luna and soon enough a beautiful tattoo started to get crafted around Luna's chest above her breasts without anyone's notice.





See you guys, have a nice day.