Ch -66

Just as Ayro started to worry about her. Jena looked at him with a smile as take out her tongue out of her mouth and blinked at him cutely.

" I was also kidding hubby. " Jena said as she hugged him back. Ayro who was soothing her got frozen up. After some time he reacted as he pushed her away.

" I didn't like that acting you know. " Ayro said as he looked at her. Just as he saw her naked boobs in front of him and her curves. Ayro's dick instantly got hard and started to rise .

" I am sorry , hubby. But you started it huh.. You got hard once again. Let me help you this time. " Jena said as he grabbed Ayro's dick. As she pushed Ayro in the bed. Rela looked at the majestic dick in front of her but decided to go away.

" Young master, after short play you have to go to school don't forget it. I am going for fresh up. " Rela said as she instantly left the room.

Meanwhile Jena who was sucking Ayro's dick looked at him and said.

" Young master, I think I need a good session of fucking, your dick is so awsome. It is so hard after so many ejection last night. " Jena said as she continue to stroke Ayro's dick while licking it.

" No, I am don't have time for that. Wait a second . " Ayro said as he get up from the bed and position himself behind Jena's wide ass.

" Huh.. Hubby you want to bang me from behind. Oh I love it go ahead. " Jena said as she spread her ass cheek apart with her hand showing her glory holes.

" Yes. " Ayro said as he slapped her ass cheek. Before pointing his dick on her ass hole. And without any mercy he rammed his whole dick inside her ass hole.

" Anhhhhhh~ .... Anhhhhh~` ... Slow down... Anhhh~ .. Don't be so impulsive... Hubbbbbyyyy.. Mmm~ ... Fuckk.. So big.... Anhhhh~ .. " Jena moaned loudly as she felt sudden pain.. But Ayro didn't paid attention to it he was focus in seeing her big as waving like sea by every collide.

Pahh.. Pahh.. Pahh... Slap... Slap..

" I like your ass so much Jena it's sucking me so much. Anhhh ~ .. So gg oodd.. " Ayro said as he continue to fuck her. Jena was moaning like a bitch her tongue was out of her mouth and her eyes was rolling down.

" Anhhhhhh... ~ yess.. Fuck.. Me... More... Hard.. Anhhhhh~ ... Hubbbbbyyyy... More.. Pain.. Yes... Put your fingers in my pussy too.... Anghhhh~ .. I am Cumming in my asss.... Anhhh~ ... Fuckkk.... Mmmmm~ ... "

" Yes, cum..... " Ayro said as he started to milking her breasts hard like a cow. Draining her milk from her milk tank.

After settling down with Jena, Ayro instantly came out of the room and went to get ready for the school.

In the dinning room. Luna had already make the breakfast she was sitting down on the chair next to Ayro looking at him as he completed eating breakfast and get up from the seat.

" Okay Aunt. I am going to school. " Ayro said as he gave kiss on Luna's lips before leaving for school after going outside the home.

" Hmm... I am done with it. It's so tiring. " Ayro sigh.

As he continue to go to school soon enough he reached in the school. It was around 7:50 am. He went straight up to his class. In these days when someone wanted to came close to him or started to talk about him, he simply used mind control and make them forgot these things.

After coming inside the class he simply sat down on his desk just like any normal day . Soon enough Mike, Lily and Anna also came to school. And just like any normal day, Ayro's day went peacefully.

But in the upper class of 4 th floor. A student of 4 A going down through the stairs to the canteen in free time of period. He was quite handsome with brown hair and red eyes.

" I didn't understand what's wrong with some people. I dom't think I even know them why are they disrespecting me. And now they call me in the bathroom. Are they idiots? " Kyle thought as he went to the canteen instead of bathroom, he thought not to use his powers in this world .

After reaching in front of the canteen he said.

" Anhh~ .. Excuse me... Please give me that. " Kyle asked as any normal student in the Academy.

" Yes, here you go. "

" Thank you. " Kyle said as he went back to the round after giving money. But just as he was moving around he suddenly stopped by a group of boys in the way. There was 6 boys in that group and 2 girls.

" Oi... You fucker didn't we say you to come to the bathroom after class. " A fat guy said as he looked at him agrily. As he grabbed Kyle's shirt.

" Are you taking our order as fun. Huh... " Another guy asked.

" Yes, see he didn't replying. I think he needs a good lesson. How to follow our orders. " One of the girl said as she looked at him. She was kai.

" Yes, I believe Kai is right. Let's beat the shit out this guy to let him understand. " Another guy said as all of them surrounded Kyle. Meanwhile Kyle looked around and saw there was no one other than them.

' I think, I should teach them how to behave. ' Kyle thought as a smile formed in his face.

" Huh.. Why are you smiling are you sick of living? " Fatty said as he rised his hand to slap Kyle.

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ ..." But before he could touch his face. Fatty felt immense pain in his down area. As he instantly leave Kyle's shirt and grabbed his balls.

Just as he kicked in fatty's balls. The one who was surrounding him instantly back off by the sudden turn of event.

" Huh.. You dare to attack. Group leader. Break his legs and arms.. " One of the guy said as he rushed at Kyle. Meanwhile Kyle didn't stopped smiling.

" Aaaaaaaaa... Punch..

Help.. My armm.... Kick..


..... Helyppnn.... Bamm.. Punch..

Fuck.... He is a monster..... Run.... Aaaaaa... My legggggggggggggg.... Aaaaaa... Leg press

Nooooooo... My face... Drip.. Blood dripping from face.

" But after attacking at Kyle. All of them was now laying down in the ground. Some of their face covered in blood while others had their several bone broken in their bodies.

Fatty and the 2 girls looked at the scene in front of them their whole body was trembling in fear. Meanwhile fatty was trying to drag himself away from there. Just as he was crawling Kyle looked at him as he came near him and once again kicked him in his balls this he kicked it so hard that fatty instantly lost his consciousness.

After dealing with him , he looked at the girls who's legs was not moving in fear after what them have witness in front of them. They saw Kyle was walking near them his hands was covered with blood.

" Do... Don't... Come near... Go... Away.. "

" Stay away from us.. Aaaaa nooooooo don't come... "

They start to shout as Kyle walked closer to them. They can't able to move it's like there legs has lost it's strength.

'What a pathetic, mortal? I didn't even need to use my powers and defeated these mortal. And now what should I do with these girls, well wait a second. They are beautiful isn't it. Huh.. It's going to fun.. ' Kyle thought as he came in front of them and give both of them a tight slap on their face. As it makes them lose there consciousness instantly. After that he dragged them to nearest store room and lock the door.