Ch -71

" Ayro ~ .. I am glad to see you again. " Alicia said with a little smile as she looked at her son who was looking at her in surprise.

" Are.. Are you really my mother? " Ayro asked as he instantly takes out his phone.

" Yes, I am. Ayro...! " Alicia said as felt her eyes once again started to get moist due to tears.

" No.. That's not possible.. Mother didn't said she was coming back. Are you really my mother ..? " Ayro asked as he showed her his phone where he doesn't received any message from her. Alicia looked at him in shock as she instantly wiped the corner of her eyes as she looked at him and said.

" Can't you see, that you look like me. Hahhh.. Forgot it here now you believe it. " Alicia said as she sighed softly before taking out the phone from her office suit as she message Ayro.

[ I have returned.. Ayro. ] Ayro instantly looked at his phone suddenly realized that this beautiful person in front of him is none other than his mother. He put his phone down as he looked at her beautiful face and said.

" Oh... So you are really my mother.. I didn't expect you to so beautiful and young. By the way mother I want to ask for forgiveness for the rude behaviour just now. " Ayro said calmly as he continue to sat next to Jena.

" So, finally you realize it . Good by the way come with me I want to talk to you private. You guys wait here for some moment. " Alicia said as she get up from the sofa and started to walk towards the nearest room in the hall.

" Huh.. Okay! " Ayro instantly get up from the sofa and about to follow her in but before that he looked at his aunts and asked in low .

" Why didn't any of you said earlier that she is my mother...? " Ayro asked as he looked at Jena who lower her head as Rela replied.

" Young master, Madam Alicia has warned us not to tell so we didn't dare to do that... " Rela replied in sad tone as she also lower her head. She was feeling quite worried what if Dear's mother refuse to accept their relationship that would be quite trouble. That they didn't want to encounter.

" Yes, young master.. " Luna agree on Rela's word.

" Forgot it.. " Ayro said as he shake his head a little before started to move but before he could go any further Jena instantly get up from the sofa and grabbed Ayro's hand from the behind....

" Huh... What " Ayro asked as he looked at her who was grabbing his hand. But Jena didn't say anything she instantly came closer as she gave a kiss on Ayro's cheek.

" Sorry, hubby. " Jena said in sad tone as she looked at him after kissing him. Ayro looked at her confusion.

" Sorry for what, it's not entirely your faltu mother has stopped you from tell me. So don't get upset, Okay. " Ayro said in calm tone as he smile at her. All of them looked at his smile it was quite comfortable and securing which help them to let go there sadness.

" No... I am not saying sorry for that I am saying it for this. " Jena said as she lifted her hand and touch the right ear of Ayro which was completely red because how much power she applied just to twist his ear. She looked at it and rubbed it gently . Just as she did Ayro didn't understand instantly.

' I am feeling sorry for it, I didn't know what to do. This is how it works feeling the pain of hubby even if it's just a little. ' It was pain system that feels them whenever any of them , have done anything to hurt any of them it will return them 10000 folds of pain. Right now Jena was feeling that pain it was like stinging her heart and presice through it. But she was not showing it on the surface. So no one knows about it but she was feeling guilty for it and received the pain. It's good that she has become powerful in these days so she can endure the pain if she doesn't have powers even if it's just a little bit it might be the reason of her death.

[ TN- Right now Jena was feeling guilty that's why it is affecting her if she didn't felt guilty for her action it might never affected her. But she didn't know how it works. ]

" Huh... You don't have to say sorry for it. You done what is good for us so don't worry. " Ayro instantly explained as he returned the kiss on her lips. Just as he did it all the pain she was feeling at that time it got disappear in an instant. After kissing her Ayro instantly left to talk with his mother.

Meanwhile Jena looked at his direction smile a little before turning her face towards rest of them.

" So what do you guys think. Can young master... " Jena asked as Rela instantly said.

" We didn't know if Dear can able to explain about our relationship but I am little afraid. What if madam Alicia rejected our being together? " Rela said in sad tone as she looked at them. Meanwhile Jena smiled as she said.

" Don't worry. " She said as she looked at the glass of juice which Rela brought for Ayro to drink it still has little left. So she picked it up as she sat on the sofa and drink it in one go.

" Hah.. So delicious... And refreshing." Jena said as she lick her lips and gulped. Rela looked at her as she feels little burn on her cheek when she saw Jena drinking her essence and complementing like it. Jena looked at her and smile before asking.

" What have you given to young master..? It's really so refreshing.. " Jena asked in teasing tone. She now returned back to her normal mood. Just as she said it Rela's face turned red as she hides her pussy with both of her hands and replied.

" No.. Need to know about it.. " Rela said as she sat next to Luna who was looking at them. She was the most worried about their relationship with young master.

" Hey you can't say that.. I want to know.." Jena asked once again in pleading tone.

" If you want to know than you can know when we get alone in our bedroom not now.. " Rela said as she smile a little as well her sexy body and seductive curve was looking so badass.. Jena looked at her before agreeing.

" Are you guys done with jokes, I am really worried about it. " Luna said as she looked at them. Just as she said Jena instantly get up from her seat and sat down to the next to Luna. Before saying.

" Don't worry too much about it, Luna.. I can feel you are worrying too much, I think you need some comfort. " Jena said as she hugged her tightly her big breast hugged tightly on Luna's arm and Jena's arms wrapped around her. Rela also hugged her like that and comfort her. Luna who was quite worried about it, her heart also calmed down as she looked at them before smiling and nodding at their words.

" Thank you both of you for comforting me. " Luna said with a smile as she feels the warmth of both of them on her it was quite relaxing to her and both of them as well.