Ch - 77

As Rela continue to look at him. Ayro looked at her eyes as he asked.

" Rela, what are you doing..? " Ayro asked just as he asked, Rela came to her sences as she instantly looked at his wet pink lips. She suddenly brought her face near his as her red juicy lips touches his . And she went in the passionate kiss.

After sometimes later she break the kiss, as she licks her red lips with her pink tongue as she let go Ayro's face.

" That, young master I want to wake you up, that's all. Since you wake up get ready quickly we have to go down to the backyard madam Alicia called us this morning. " Rela instantly explained as she gets up from the bed.

" Oh.. Yes I remember that.. Okay I will be getting ready. " Ayro said as he said Rela nodded a little before leaving the room. Ayro also got up from it as he saw he seems to quit naked. So he instantly went to bathroom.

Meanwhile outside the room. Rela halted her steps as she continue to think...while started to go down to the hall. Where Jena was sitting on the chair looking at her direction. Rela went near her and sat next to her . Just as she sat Jena asked.

" So what happened.. Did young master wake up ? " Jena asked as she looked at Rela. Rela also looked at her before nodding and saying.

" Yes, young master. Wake up. "

" That's good..! "

" But.. " Rela said as Jena looked at her in questioning look.

" But what..? "

" Well nothing, forgot it. By the way what Madam Alicia said..? " Rela asked.

" She said their is no hurry and let young master take his time. She is now drinking tea , so i think you can go there to talk with her. I will also join you after young master came to the hall. " Jena explained as she wrapped her fingers around her long hair.

" Hmm.. Okay I am going there. " Rela said as she nodded before going to the yard. Meanwhile Jena sat their thinking about something while looking at upstairs.

'Madam Alicia really loves young master she is waiting patiently until Young master got their... Isn't it. But I won't be too surprised if anyone care or love someone like Young master. Hahhh.. ' Jena's thought randomly wandering as she waited patiently.

Around 20 minutes later , Ayro came down through the stairs. He was still thinking about that dream.

" Good morning, Jena. " Ayro said as he stand there, Jena turned her face to see him as she also greeted before saying to eat breakfast .

" Breakfast but what about mother she might be waiting..? " Ayro asked .

" No need to worry, young master. Madam Alicia said you to take your time. I am afraid if you didn't eat breakfast before going then she might didn't like it. So eat properly. " Jena said as she get up from the chair and made Ayro to sat in there before going to bring the breakfast.

" Wow, young master is looking so cute and handsome. I wonder how much cute he looks in his childhood. " Jena thought as she brought the plates.

Around 15 minutes later they were done with all these things. As Ayro asked.

" Let's go, Now. " Ayro said as he get up he was quite busy in analysing everything happen in his dream so he didn't talk too much. Jena was just looking at him all the time.

" Okay, young master. " Jena said as she came close , looking straight up to his eyes before starting to walk beside him.


In the yard, Alicia was sitting on the chair , in front of her was the beautiful view garden and a tea table. Rela and Luna was sitting around the round table while talking to each other.

" So, you all can only use a specific type of element. Rela - fire, Luna - earth, Jena - water.. Hmm.. " Alicia said calmly as she looked at them who were sitting formally in front of her.

" Yes, madam Alicia. " Rela nodded to her words.

" By the way how do you know about your powers and elementary magic..? Did Ayro told you...? " Alicia asked.

" No, Young master Ayro didn't know anything about it. "

" Yes, young master didn't know anything , Jena told us about these things she said someone told her in her dream. But she didn't know who and what are they. She didn't even remember completely who was explaining all those things to her. " Luna explained. Until now Alicia know everything that Luna and Rela know about their own powers.

" Hmm.. " Alicia hummed a little as she close her eyes while thinking about something. Just as she was thinking about something, they all heard a voice.

" Good morning, mother. " Ayro's cheerful voice sounded as she opened her close eyes and looked at his direction to see him coming to their direction with a little smile on his face while Jena was following him. She was walking besides him moment ago but now behind him.

" Good morning.. ! " Alicia said as her lips lifted a little too little to notice.

" Come sit here. " As she gesture Ayro to sit next to her, while Jena sat next to Rela.

" Okay... " Ayro nodded as he sat next to her. While thinking ' I have to admit mother looks so beautiful. 'I really like her hair. It looks so White and smooth. ' Ayro thought a little about her before asking her.

" So mother why did you call all of us here...? " Ayro asked in calm tone, just like her. Alicia looked at his handsome face as she once again felt the same flood of emotions started to flowing inside her heart but she suppressed it as she asked.

" I will tell about that, but first tell me did you eat breakfast..? " Alicia asked without showing any emotions.

" Yes, I am done with breakfast. " Ayro nodded while saying.

" Hmm.. Okay. Than let's get to the point. I have called you all to discuss about your powers, I believe if I didn't explain it to you all then it might get you all in trouble later. " Alicia said calmly as she thought in her mind that she didn't want to let Ayro know about those cruel immortal world. But Alas she have to. Hahh...

" So the first thing you tell me, Ayro. Did you know anything about your powers..? " Alicia asked as she looked at him calmly it was like she have all the time.

Meanwhile Ayro thought to himself.. He genuinely know many things about Dark Zetrus but not know it completely. He use it a little bit to his advantage but never tried to get to it's full potential, because he is afraid of something he didn't know. As a type 5 civilization creature he have full control on his mind but he still didn't dare to use it to it's full power. So he decided to not tell her. He was already a God type existence in his previous life.

" No, mother I didn't know anything about it, I just know how to control someone's memories that's all. " Ayro explained .

" Hmm.. That's some interesting ability to control someone's memories. But I want you to know more about it. " Alicia said as the feeling of regret or some emotions increasing in her heart as she was looking at his eyes. So she decided to keep it short.

" So here, I will transfer every thing you need to know about it for now. After you all comprehend all these abilities I will tell more information about it. Okay... " She genuinely wanted to tell everything right now but that dark Zetrus effecting her so much that she wants to deal with it soon and leave.

" Wow.. What is it...? " Jena exclaimed as she saw a ray of light escaped from Alicia's mind and went straight up to the four of them.

" Those are some offensive ability for all of you after you all master it, you will get more information about an another world. " Alicia said calmly although her heart was in chaos but she was calm as ever in surface.

" What about another world...?? " Rela asked in surprise..

" Yes, another world is there really another world?? " Jena asked her curiosity also kicked in.

" Yes, there is but to know about that you all must learn all those things that I have sent to you all . Understand "

" But mother how are we going to learn that are you going to teach us. We only get information about it but didn't know exact process. " Ayro asked calmly as he thought he knows about that there is another world but he was not in hurry to know about it . Because his aunts didn't know about another world but as a God like being in his previous life he have seen many different worlds but one thing he can't able to find out was someone like his mother.