Chapter 19.5 - Seleen

Arrow-riddled corpses, nailed to the ground. Each of the arrows had managed to avoid the carvings on the stone floor. 

Seleen watched from the rooftop, as the last life drained from those thugs, attacking the man and his daughter. 

She dropped down, and her arrows flew out of their bodies, and back to her quiver, she idly cursed internally, cleaning arrows always took time. Not to mention the dead, would need reports made of them.

A shiver, ran down her spine, and before she could think, an arrow was ready to loose on her bow. Her pupils changed sizes several times, before at last, it landed on pinpoints. 

She realized what she was aiming at. 

The man and his daughter, were staring at her, unblinkingly in the dark. She noticed the body, behind them. And she recognized him as a leader in the Western Section's community. 

David of Corin. A merchant son, who had arrived a month ago, when the dungeons had all started breaking at once.

When she looked back up at him, the man had a soft expression, and was smiling, "Thank you for your help. I don't know what would have become of us, if you hadn't stepped in." 

Was it an illusion? 

Or were those eyes she had seen, just a product of the situation reflecting in them, from shock?

"...Who are you?" She slowly withdrew her bow, but kept the arrow knocked on the string, with two more arrows in her fingers, ready to be put to string, and fire.

The man looked as if he was embarrassed, and lowered his head slightly, "My name is Moray. We were enjoying the sight of the sky, when they came, demanding she go with them."

She glanced at the girl. She had her head facing the mans chest, he was holding it there, to hide her from the gore.

She sighed and waved them off. If David had been killed by them or not, wasn't her concern. He had been a plague in the community. She would file the report, and be done with it.

She turned around, looking at the scene. Her stomach churned at the thought of all the questions, but, that was work.

Work she had signed up for.

She had a question appear in her mind, when she turned back, but, the man was gone, alongside his daughter, as if they had never been there at all.