General Info - Power Scaling

Good Evening! 

Big thank you to @Teozin who informed me through their generous review about the existence of Auxiliary chapters. 

I'll drop explanations in a little more solo detail here for things in the novel, to keep it all clear and to make it easier to go back and understand certain things. 

Naturally, I won't divulge my whole bag of tricks, but, I will give a few explanations.


Power Scaling - Monsters

Monsters/Horrors/Nightmares - There are different classes to these as well. Very straight forward, I didn't want to be verbose. Tyrant's have specialized skills in control, be it humans or other monsters. Demons, briefly mentioned, are essentially solo dps oriented, nukers. For now that's all I can say :"D

Mundane Creatures have essentially no intellect. A ball of instincts that seeks only to devour human souls to feed on them until they stumble upon their fixation*.


Defiled Creatures have low intellect, skills that vary based off race and experiences, they have completed one fixation, and seek another.


Corrupted Creatures have human intellect, skills that vary based off race and experiences, they have completed two fixations, and search for the next.


Accursed Creatures have high human intellect, skills that vary based off race and experiences, they have completed three fixations, and search for the fourth. 


*Fixations are exactly as the name suggests. The more true a monster is to it's nature, and the more fixations it completes, the stronger their soul becomes, and by extension, their bodies, skills, and intellect.


The Three Disciplines

Knight - A Knight is someone who has managed to manifest their souls strength through the power of their convictions, often times a single obsession. Argo for example, is affixed to Freedom, something he wanted terribly as a boy, and he chased like a starving wolf, until eventually his whole soul was aligned to that objective, thus manifesting.

Mage - A Mage is a seeker of knowledge, inquisitive and curious they dedicate their lives to the pursuit of knowledge and higher spells in the category of their choosing. Their mana is dictated by their trainings, increasing over time, as it is spent and regained like a muscle at work. Some dedicate their whole lives to a subject, and never awaken, and some manage it rather quickly. Won't say why yet though :)

Priest - As one might suspect, a Priest is someone who had given themselves over to their Faith. This does not mean they are wholly faithful, but rather, that their faith is strong. Holy Power is a very temperamental thing however, since, those who seek it out, often miss it even if they give themselves over to the church, whilst those who don't seek it and are simply faithful because they believe, tend to achieve it by accident one day. 


Power Scaling - Humans

Low-Mid-High Rank - Similar to Monsters but with a thick dividing line. Humans grow through watering their wants, and seeking them out in a manner that honors those convictions. If Argo sought to grow into Mid-Rank by taking others Freedoms it would do nothing. Whereas a Monster could do so.

Inherently a Human waters themselves, whilst Monsters take water from others to quench their thirst.

The reason? We aren't there yet ;)

Masters - Not too much information to give here. They are very strong. A single Master is a tactical weapon for a country. While they can't win a war alone, they are no less powerful for it. 


*Very rough first iteration of the Auxiliary Chapters* (To be continued)