Chapter 47.5 - Mess

"Now suffer."

The light was not blinding, nor did it have an overwhelming presence that could smash down the world.

It felt basic.

Like a child throwing a stone.

Murphy's pupils shrank.

He looked down coldly.

A wound.

Verdant aura had found it's mark, through the storm, striking him precisely on the side of his body, taking out his liver, and his internal organs were showing.

The blood flowing out of him was caught and began flowing through the air, packed tightly inside alongside the carnage of his organs, preventing him from bleeding out.

His instincts had acted faster than his mind, as he cast a barrier, another slash was rising towards him, with another after it already shadowing! 

Dodging away, the slash ricocheted and left a massive gash along the ceiling causing a part of it to collapse entirely! 

He grit his teeth.


How had he managed to target him through his magic that stole the senses from people? Even he, a Master, and the one who had cast it, was not immune to it's effects, unable to speak at all.

He could only use localized magic.

There could be no way.

His eyes turned at breakneck speeds, followed by his body, he flipped through the sky in a rather ungraceful manner, though it got the work done.

The slash that had shadowed the ricochete had turned and targetted him again.

He was being tracked.

It was not a fluck or an instinct.

Something had been planted on him somewhere.



He felt a metallic sensation on his finger tips, as his face paled, not from fear, but the failing blood loss prevention.

His expression warped.

"The girl..." She was the only one.

A ring, planting a ring on him while he was controlling the undead... He had not sensed it all, since it took his all to control the hundreds of undead perfectly, and not be consumed by the pull of the world.

He calmly ripped it off the shards of clothes left. 


Was there someone named Trent?

He didn't have time to think, as another slash came barelling towards him chaotically! Slipping the slash, he realized he couldn't target Awick, who had clearly broken out of his lock! 

The coordinates for his magic were constantly shifting and switching, warped by his own magic! 

Localizing several barriers, he layered and angled them, the slashes came in shorter bursts and from several directions, all turning at insane angles to catch him! 

He simply had to hold out.

If the magic finished going off, only a Master might be able to survive, although mortally wounded.

It was a matter of time.

The whole of the Second Gate area shook violently! 

Long gashes scarred the walls horribly, and his own magic that was firing counter offensively at the incoming slashes he could see, were causing the very land to be broken apart! 

The verdant aura that had invaded his body, was stopping him from fully healing the wound as well, and drained him of mana quickly, as it acted like fire to the oil that was his mana.

He sensed something enter the locality around him, and turned to layer a barrier, when a black figure arrived above and blocked the icicle that had moved without a single noise.

The Spider;... where were was the hero?

It looked back at him. The Spider was injured? Who had injured it? Vines...? 

The look he received from the Spider, told him nothing, but he understood, that there was something else here.

But there was no time to act, as more attacks came down towards them.

Lunston stood in the sky, his magic cast a barrage of attacks that lit up the sky like fireworks, there was more flashing colors and magic there, than there was empty space.

A violet aura rose some distance away.

Someone was there.

Someone he knew, even if he could not sense them, he could see.

Awick was right beside them.

He had given away Awick's position?

The slashes hadn't stopped, and the magic continued it's barrage! 

The Spider was rushing down towards them. He was going all out. Fully submerging oneself, as an Aura Master, was dangerous. The pull of ones soul would be exposed, it was live, or die.

To devour or be devoured, like the laws of magic, the world would not allow one to manifest a full release for long.

"...The destruction?" Murphy grinned to himself, was that the issue?

The Flower, had awakened, and was here, to attack? A flower whose poison could effect even Masters... Murphy couldn't see it, but he understood the majority of the situation immediately.

If the four continued to fight like this, the flower would kill all of them, after being caught in the explosion, Murphy was not confident in his escape either, now that he was marked by Awick's aura.

If only he had not been marked, the getaway would have been as simple as shooting through the ceiling's pipes.

He turned his full focus onto Lunston.

He could not stop the magic now that it had started.

If any of them wanted to live, they had to stop fighting temporarily... or kill each other before the blast and escape.

He frowned slightly.

What a mess.