Meeting you

In my whole life where I lived in this modern world, I could only wish that I could travel back in time where we are still together. We laugh. We enjoy the time and moments when we are together and did not care about this chaotic and noisy world but why did you leave me in this situation again? Didn't you promise that you will accompany me in our whole lifetime?

"WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!!" a man mourned while embracing a coffin in his arms. "You can just bring me where you are now... but why... leaving me alone?" he said while tears are flowing in the side of his eyelashes. After his sobbing and embracing of the coffin of his passed away lover he leaved the room full of mourning people. "You do not need to be worried about me anymore..." he murmured while standing the edge of the bridge.

The rain was pouring in the city, thunders can be heard now and then. He cannot accept his destiny. He cannot accept that the person he loved has been gone. *SPLASH!!!* a sudden noise when he let himself to be fallen to the wide river. Before landing to the deep water a smile can be seen in his face. A smile that shows how relieved he is. He even thought before the darkness eaten his vision "I want to be with you again."



A daylight sudden hit his eyes. He thought that he is dead? Is he in heaven? Before he could open his eyes a footsteps is been heard, the footsteps are nearing him. When he open his eyes a voice said, "My dear, are you alright?" a soft deep voice was the thing he heard when he turn around looking where the voice came from he saw a fine young adult man. This young adult have been carrying a tray and you can see a bowl in it. Again it spoke, "Drink your medicine first, you don't need to force yourself you need more rest" it said while a deep hospitality has been written to his face.

He is confused. You may asked why he's confused? Why he is not dead? There's that and this. He is not confused because he is not dead but he is confused about his surrounding. When he was in dazed he realized what is wrong so he stand up to observe to his surroundings. Fancy? No. Comfy? No. Simple? No. It was an elegant room but the it was build in a different way. Unlike those elegant fancy hotel room this room was only made of hard wood but the structure was in a different level.

When he got satisfied exploring the room he tried to see outside so he pushed the window from the room. There he saw an beautiful scenery he never seen in his life. "Can anyone say that this is only an illusion?" when he finished his murmuring the door opened. The young adult man was the one he saw again when he saw Zhan Shen in the window he panicked going where he was standing and he spoke saying, "My dear Shensheng you are not fully healed yet you should rest" when the words are coming from his mouth a worried expression was shown to his face when Zhan Shen do not know what to say his mouth suddenly opened and it released a few words "I want to go outside this place" When he said these words the man was confused but at the same time his eyes lit a lightness.

The man turned around from Zhan Shen and he turned his body and face to Zhan Shen for 90° reaching his right hand to him while happily saying these intimate words, "Er—Shensheng let's go."



When Zhan Shen and this young adult man was going out the big house that can be called a mansion Zhan Shen don't know what to say to this young man. He still do not his name but isn't it so rude to ask for his name? When this young man is intimately calling him that only married couples can only call to each other. While they are riding in the carriage the air was definitely awkward that Zhan Shen cannot speak even a single word. When they arrived at the market place where it was crowded full of noisy and busy people the young man spoked the reason that it broke the awkwardness of these two he said, "Where would you like to go Er—Shensheng?" Zhan Shen do not know what to say, the purpose he suggested to go to these places is that he can take a good look to this place. When he noticed that the young man I patiently waiting for an answer he randomly pointed at a place where people was coming in and going out.

Zhan Shen; "Ehm... I want to go there" he said while pointing at the place called Hua Tea House.

Young Man; "Er—Shensheng is so good at judging" he said while having that innocent happy face.

When they entered the place the young man immediately searching for a place that is available for only two people. Zhan Shen don't know where to start but he build a courage to ask this young man.

Zhan Shen; "Ehm... I think for the long time I am sleeping I forgot something important..."

Young Man; "Er—Shensheng what is the important thing you forgot?"

Zhan Shen; "Ehm... What is my dear's name?!"

When Zhan Shen said these few words the young man do not know how to react if he should be excited or be sad for what he heard. When Zhan Shen saw his expression his heart was immediately throbbing.

"Is asking his name a wrong move?" Zhan Shen asked in his head.