
[well, before informing you of the changes we have made in the mansion, I have to tell you that it slept approximately 200 years, in them the first physical bodies have been created with their respective first forms of life in your universe.]

"so soon, I thought that for planets to be formed, thousands of years would have to pass, let alone any conscious being."

[that's what I wanted to talk to him about, once his dream began, while I instructed Grimsby in whatever area it was needed, we let the universe take its course. One day I was curious to see how it was progressing and great was my surprise when I noticed that the universe was in an "accelerated" state and we began to monitor for any possible abnormalities].

"Accelerated? What do you mean?"

[Sir, what do you mean when we refer to time?]

"well that is a way in which we can measure the duration of events or happenings that occur, no?"

[one could say that is correct, and time is born when a universe is created, but not all universes have the same perception of time. we are also in a different plane, therefore our perception of time also changes. There are exceptions in which the universes have a strong dilation of time with respect to the domain of a god, sometimes it can be only seconds, others can be thousands of years, also when X god manifests in his universe, this one has to "adapt" to the perception of time that his god has. An example would be Lord Orion and his universe, which was moving about 100 times faster, but when he picked you up when he passed away, time adjusted to the perception that Lord Orion had. What I mean is that while here in his domain he slept 200 years, in his universe tens of millions of years passed. Time is relative, each being perceives it differently, the gods are no exception].

Okey.... You just left me more confused and with more questions than answers."

[in simple words, one day here in the mansion will be a few tens of years in your universe. Obviously this can change, maybe it was due to your missing D.E status, that your universe "sped things up" so that you could regain D.E faster. I know it's complicated to understand, but as you see the growth you have you will understand].

"you talk about the universe as if it had life, as if it were conscious in some way."

[but of course, the universe could very well be considered a living being, only its mind would be more of an action and reaction program, in the face of some danger it defends itself, in case of some threat to its creator god, it will provide support. Things like that, that was also a gift from the Sphere to the gods]

"Urgh, okay, then I should put a name to the universe I created before. but before I go to see my universe and consult its various advances, I'll see what Grimsby has prepared for me, I don't have many illusions since he didn't have that much time..."

As soon as I uncovered the tray I was flooded with a nostalgic aroma, on the tray was one of my favorite dishes in my time of service, some Chipotle Shrimp with orange. I thought I would never eat one of these again, with a tear coming out of my eyes I take the first bite, mmm it's just like I remembered it. Once I finished eating I remembered that Grimsby was still waiting.

"Grimsby, you may come in now."

"With your permission my lord... but what a beauty..."

"ehhh, excuse me?

"excuse my lack of manners, I meant that you look very beautiful with that outfit that highlights your physical attributes."

"ehhh that's ok, I'll pretend I didn't hear that. I'm going for a walk around Grimsby manor, take me to the new quarters you integrated while I was sleeping"

"I follow your will my lord."

Leaving the room we headed towards the new sections of the mansion, among them Grimsby was explaining me that once I went into hibernation, it took him a few days to materialize a physical body, also that thanks to Sarasvi's explanations about my past life he came up with the idea of implementing a food menu to satisfy me and the future members of the mansion, for that they needed the materials to make such meals, I thought that maybe they used D.E., but I saw that Grimsby shook his head. Sarasvi immediately came out to explain that, although it is possible to create food using D.E., it is not very profitable, instead they used Mana, which in simple science is like D.E. but several steps behind. Once the seeds were generated they decided to build a large garden to cultivate. Which we just got to.

"wow, that's too many crops. what do we do with the excess vegetables?"

"the excess we use it as an offering for you my lord, the Sarasvi system explained to me that the offerings are a reasonable source of D.E, and although it is little the harvest we offer you in your honor, it is compensated by the quality of the vegetables, since, being grown here in this sacred place, together with the abundant quasi divine mana, result in a strong accumulation of D.E waiting to be taken"

"interesting, let's continue."

Grimsby showed me that he also built an extensive library, according to him it is to both document the happenings in the universe and for me to create some new skills or (spells) for my future believers. He also created a training area, arranged a room to be a place of meditation, he also designed an weapons, hell, I was hoping there was at least a gun or something.

"And to finish my lord, with Sarasvi's help we formed a forge."

"a forge?? If we plan to make weapons, wouldn't it be better to use D.E"

[your point is valid my lord, it's just that with a forge you would spend less D.E than creating it just like that, it reduces the amount used to create a tool by 30%]

"with that's what it's good for. I'll have to build something to confirm it later. Now comes the good stuff, let's go to "The Cradle"."

"the cradle?"

[the cradle?]

"yes, it's a name I came up with for the room where my universe is housed, I don't know whether to call it "room of the universe" or "universal room", that's why I thought of "The Cradle" since that's where it was born and is growing. And maybe my universe could be called .... GalaTosla"

[eeh, are you sure, the cradle seems fine to me, but GalaTosla is very...].

"Dazzling!!!, you have excelled yourself with those magnificent names my lord, forgive my lack of manners but those are some awesome names you have just come up with for the Hall and for the universe"

"Isn't that right? I knew they were good, what were you going to say Sarasvi?"

[I was going to know it doesn't matter]

"okey, then let's go to the Cradle!!!"