The Brother-in-law

" Hey Nicholas, what's up? I'll send you an address, please help me clean up a mess. I just switched off a man's candle" Reed said into his phone, talking to Nicholas and Nicholas replied.

" The first mission you'll give me after joining your team is to clean up your mess"

"I'm sorry but I am way busy right now. I would've done it but I have something else to do now and you're the only person capable of taking the trash out,"

"Fine, just send me the address"

"Thanks, pal," Reed said on the phone.

" Sure" Nicholas replied from the other end of the phone and Reed cut the call.

Reed continued driving at full speed till he reached the hospital and he quickly ran in, taking Chloe to the emergency room as she had lost a lot of blood.

He checked her into the hospital with a new identity to keep her hidden from any danger coming her way. Then he sat outside the emergency room waiting for the doctor to come out.

After some time, a Doctor came out of the emergency room and came to where Reed was seated.

" How is she doctor" Reed said the moment the doctor came to where he was.

" She's fine now, we've managed to stop her internal bleeding and treated her external injuries but she's sleeping presently because of the anesthetic we gave her.

I'm curious though, was she beat up this bad using some sort of heavy metal? She seems badly injured"

" I don't know doctor. Maybe we'll ask her when she wakes up," Reed said knowing the doctor might be insinuating that he was the one who put her in that condition.

" No problem," the Doctor said and left, and Reed sighed, he then went into the room she was in and looked at the state she was in. After a while, he left the hospital heading for the safe house Charlotte was at.


" Finally," Charlotte said and sighed as she finished arranging her new apartment since the old one was probably going to be located by the institute. Just after she finally finished, she heard a knock and she went straight to open the door.

" Reed," she said as she saw him, " Something is wrong, right? What's wrong?" She asked immediately when she saw him.

" It's not just the institute. The black market is after both us and the institute. It seems like there is a bounty on our heads because the merchants are involved"

" Goddamn it. Why would a bounty be placed on our head"

" I don't think the people Stephen had killed at the club were normal citizens. They must have been some big shots in a terrorist organization or the mafia or something else. The institute planned on bringing us down for good"

" This is bad. Real bad. So what do we do now"

" I'm still thinking of a way we escape this situation but they are coming after us soon, so I have to act fast"

" Yes, definitely"

" I'm taking the doctor now. I'll take him to a safe place. It will reduce the target on your backs when they find out he's not in your house"

" Are you sure it's the best decision right now"

"No, of course It's not the best thing to do right now but taking him away from you guys and hiding him would throw off their scent on you guys and you can then handle yourselves. It's going to throw the institute scent away too"

"He's at the basement"

"By the way, did you talk to Jeremy once more like I told you to"

"David and Lisa are there"

"Good, it's perfect, I guess he'll finally get to meet his long-lost sister,"

" I told you not to use anything like this Reed,"

"I'm just desperate Charlotte, if I don't fight the Institute now I will lose myself and who I am and you know I'd rather not"

"Fine, whatever it takes, right"

"Whatever it takes," Reed said and smiled at her.

"Just be fast taking that motherfucker from this place. I'm tired of seeing his ugly face many times without actually killing the bastard"

" Fine, whatever you say sweetheart" Reed went into the house and carried the Doctor from the basement, took him to his car then drove off.


David and Lisa arrived at their destination, Jeremy's house.

It was their last talk to Jeremy and Reed had planned it quite well. He couldn't just let Jeremy go. It was time he played his last card, that is to make sure his wife disturbs Jeremy to join them and that is by making her meet her elder brother after five years and her brother is a part of his team. None of them had known of Reed's plans and it is going accordingly.

David knocked at Jeremy's door and Jeremy opened the door and was surprised to see David.

"David," he said surprised. He had not seen David since after their escape from the Institute and now here he was. This could be Reed's doing.

He opened the door wider allowing David and Lisa to come in.

"Come in," he said and they entered the house.

"Your house is pretty big," David said looking around.

"Yeah," Jeremy replied.

"Are you staying alone"

"No, I'm married," He said looking at David weirdly as if, what is this guy up to?

" When did you get married, no one told me," he said and Jeremy looked at Lisa. A questioning look on his face and she shrugged her shoulders.

" I got married last year"

"She must be a lucky woman. I hope you are treating her well," David said with a joyful smile on his face and Jeremy thought, this guy doesn't know that he's married to his sister.


"Where is she, won't we get to see her"

"She is not around at the moment,"

" That's bad, I was hoping to see the woman making you happy. Happy married life bro,"

And Jeremy couldn't help but feel bad at David's ignorance of the situation.

" It is your sister Diana that is my wife David" Jeremy blurted out and even he was surprised by what he had just said and Lisa couldn't even say a word.

"What did you say? David said as the air around there started to feel tense.

"What did you say? David shouted hitting the couch he was on with his fist.

" I'm married to your sister, David". David couldn't contain his anger as he just went out of the house and boarded a taxi to go to Charlotte's new safe house. Lisa immediately followed after David and also entered a taxi and it drove off.

Soon David arrived at the house and immediately he saw Charlotte, he pinned her neck to the wall but instead, she kicked him in the stomach and punched him in the face and he spit out a little blood from his mouth.

"What the fuck is this about," she asked as she started coughing from the way he has choked her.

"Why the fuck didn't any of you tell me that my sister fucking got married," he asked and Charlotte stood up to face him.

"If you want answers then go and face the person that recruited you. Reed"

"Then where the hell is he" he shouted with anger evident in his voice.

"Go fucking find him yourself," she said and he entered another taxi leaving the place.

While Charlotte sat on the floor breathing hard, David had just reminded her of the Institute's horrors when she would have to face beasts and fight with them to survive.

Immediately the taxi drove off

Lisa came back from Jeremy's house.

"What the hell happened here" she asked as she saw Charlotte seated on the ground breathing heavily.

"David happened. Did he talk with his sister,"

"No, she wasn't even around," Lisa said and sat beside Charlotte on the ground.

"It seems like we are always left behind," Charlotte said.

"Yeah and it's not even about us lacking power or protecting us, it's just about us being free. Now let's have a party, let's invite all our female friends"

"You know how to brighten up my mood. What are we waiting for, let's get the party started," Charlotte added and they stood up from the ground smiling at each other. Then they started preparing for the party they were about to have.


Reed goes to one of his hidden safe houses and drops Doctor Mark. The Institute can never stop his plans, he has managed to block any major plot hole. But unknown to him David is heading towards him to confront him either with words or with fists.

He left Dr. Mark at the safe house and headed for his house.


David sat in front of Reed's apartment patiently. He had managed to contain his anger but the moment he saw Reed coming down from his car, his anger skyrocketed.

He went towards Reed and the first thing that he did was try to punch Reed and Reed easily dodged.

" If you are angry at me and want us to fight, at least let's be civilized and find somewhere we wouldn't get attention and fight without holding back"

"That would be perfect for me," David said and he breathed in and out heavily, grinding his teeth and clenching his fists. His anger right now is unmatched, he feels unstoppable.

"Fine, I have a place in mind, it is called the dungeon. Let's go there now" Reed said with a smile on his face and they left heading for the dungeon.