A strong wind blew into her ears, whispering tender promises to her mind. Pelt drawn flat against her lean body, her fur waved with the warm breeze at the rhythmic beat of her thrumming paws. She leaped and swayed over boulder and root, thrilled at the taste of the forest on her tongue.
Freedom. Absolute freedom.
Eyes closed, Lunis' paws guided her effortlessly through the forest, weaving around trees and bushes like a fish in a river stream. The air felt refreshing, envigorating, renewing her energy. It brought clarity and peace to her mind.
Lunis. From the silence, a strange voice rose, whispering to her ear as it called out her name. The female skidded to a halt, all senses on alert. Did she imagine it? Perhaps it was only the wind?
A bizarre echo resonated in her mind. Danger lies ahead... Lunis whipped around, claws digging and teeth bared only to come face to face with the same ghostly figure she's seen so many times before.