
In a dark room at the police station, the S.G.C. had taken control of this place by orders of the Association of Light, so because of that, those who were the only ones responsible still alive for all this disaster were being interrogated to know what their punishment would be.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 43 years old; my brother is 39."

"Refrain from answering only the questions that are being asked of you. We will ask your brother what we want to know from him when the time comes, understood?"


"I didn't hear you!"

"I understood..."

In most cases, some of the disasters caused by dark entities are caused by humans, as is the case in these circumstances. Those who are truly guilty and there is no forgiveness for that would be killed directly. This would solve many things, but there are people like in this case who were involved in the decisions of others.

"So, Pedro, tell exactly how you got involved in this case."

Pedro was very nervous; he had seen with his own eyes everything that happened in the town, so he knew what would happen next.

"The night before, we heard a series of gunshots. We thought it was Pérez, who has a farm near where the gunshots were heard, so we went out to find out what happened."

Pedro remembered what had happened and said: "After a long time of walking, we found traces of two corpses; it seemed that an aggressive beast had eaten them, and at that moment, my brother suspected that someone had killed them; that would explain why the animals had eaten them."

"How did you find the possessed man?"

Pedro remembered the map and said, "We found a map; there, the house of Maria was marked, so we went to visit her to ask what those men were up to and to tell her not to wait for them anymore since they were dead. She told us about her son's condition; we could see in what deplorable state he was in, and immediately we went to the police so that they could do something."


"So we told Pérez that he has many more resources, so we knew perfectly well that he could do something if we told him. The next day, we woke up to the surprise that Pérez wanted to kill the possessed man; in the end, he couldn't, but he demanded that we move him to a place where he wouldn't affect people much."

The man who was interrogating the brothers was one who had received the complete report of the entire operation, so he said, "But you didn't leave him completely alone; we found the body of the possessed man near a bridge. I don't want to ask why you left him there, but how he ended up there."

Jimmy, who had been silent all this time, responded, "He fell off our truck."

"How exactly did that happen?"

"Well, a kid crossed our path, and I think at that moment the possessed man fell from the back of the truck." Pedro said, recalling what had happened.

"So, no one said anything even after seeing a kid nearby just after losing the possessed man? You are really idiots; did no one think that the kid crossed their path for a simple reason?"

Pedro raised his eyes slightly, stunned, and asked, "The kid was..."

Knock! Knock! Knock!

At that moment, the door was knocked on, and Anton, who had arrived after showering, saw that the blood on his body had disappeared, leaving only some wounds that were covered by bandages.

"I'll take over from this point." Anton said he was entering the interrogation room.

"Understood, Archbishop Guardian!" The man left without any trace of resignation.

Anton, who sat in front of the brothers, looked at the sheets in the file on the table and said, "847 deaths have been recorded; do you feel responsible?"


"It's not because you weren't there."

Pedro tried to justify himself and said, "If we hadn't done anything, we would have had the same result."

Anton's eyes widened, and he said with annoyance to these people, "Do you know how many exorcisms we do each year just in this country? There are 326,000 successful exorcisms, of which only 500 are wrong and only a few end in disaster."

"God, what will happen to us?" Jimmy knew that they were somehow involved in what happened.

"It can be said that right now I am looking for a reason not to kill you, but I think I have the answer, so as a sentence, you will help the cleanup team collect the bodies of those who died today, you will explain to the 800 families of those who died how you did it, and you will listen to their lamentations without telling the truth." Anton said it with a serious voice.

"Are you going to lie to them?" Pedro froze upon hearing this.

Anton looked at this man and asked, "Do you think the truth is revealed when there are deaths by supernatural beings that many cannot explain? Obviously, you will lie; you will do it flawlessly."

"We will do it." Jimmy at least thought that this was the minimum they should do.

Anton nodded and left the room shortly after. "Remember, what you will do today and in the coming weeks is what we do every day, so stop blaming someone else for your misfortunes and take responsibility yourselves."