
Episode 2

People of this town were scared of vampires but at the same time they were also curious about their lifestyle. Everyone knew Blissvile and the creatures who lived there were way more than what was written in the books.

Sun hee came back to her flat and in the night, she started packing when her housemate, Seo jin came in her room. Grabbing her from her elbow, Seo jin snapped,

"I can't believe, you still want to go there. It's clear madness! What's wrong with you?!" Looking at the face of Seo jin, which was filled with fear, anger and frustration, Sun hee sighed, pulling free and slowly sat on the bed.

"Nobody is ready to go with you and only a stupid, idiot, someone who is not in his senses would go there. That's literally like walking into the lion's death by yourself. Why don't you just stop thinking about that goddamn place!?" Seo Jin yelled at Sun hee. Hearing the last line, Sun hee glared at Seo jin and burst out.

"So, WHAT DO I DO THEN?!" She shouted, standing up.

"I am a goddamn 29 year old!!" she said as her eyes turned bloodshot.

"I am a 29 year old and what heck am I doing with my life? 5 years ago, I left my house saying with an open chest to my father that I'd prove to him that I'm not a failure and I'm still the same." Sun hee snapped at Seo jin.

"I didn't even live my life properly behind this career" she sat back, gripping her hair, taking shallow breaths. All she wanted was to give her career a push and only an exciting story could do that for her.

She had chosen this profession herself because she was passionate about it but she believed in 5 years, she had done absolutely nothing. In her early twenties, she didn't enjoy her life like other girls. She was too busy proving it to her father that she was not the dumb child. Now, in her late twenties, she was also trying to prove the same thing to him.

About Blissvile, there was a hope within her that she could be from those 10% of people who could escape from there and maybe her experience in Blissvile was going to be different than the others.

With a deep sigh, Seo jin squatted at Sun hee's level, gazing at her. She could understand her desperation for doing at least something in her life. She had seen Sun hee running here and there for stories only to return home with nothing but empty hand.

"I can imagine how you feel Sun hee. But..this isn't worth it. Nobody comes back alive from there. What if something happens to you? This is ridiculously stupid and the most foolish thing you could do." She tried to convince her, as a friend as that was all she could do.

"But how do we know? The person who last went there was like 65 years ago almost. A lot of things change with time. Let alone, such a long time." At that, Seo jin scoffed in disappointment.

"Who are you trying to convince, Sun hee? Those monsters will never change." To that, Sun hee lowered her eyes. Seo jin sat beside her patting her on the back, she side hugged her. No matter how she saw that, it was a terrible idea an she didn't want Sun hee to go there.

The Next morning, 

Seo jin had been calling Sun hee for an hour for breakfast but Sun hee wouldn't wake up. She went to her room and saw Sun hee was nowhere to be found.She called out for her only to see a letter on her bed, kept in the middle. She went over to the bed and opened the letter.

"I thought about what if I die and never come back but more than that, I have been thinking what if i survive? My whole life would change and that curiosity inside me had been motivating me to think about the positive more than the negative.

Now if I die, tell everyone that at least, I tried.

Here I come, Blissvile.


In Blissvile, the gothic royal castle was standing there like a huge ghost under the black sky. Dark stone walls, high towers with small slit like windows.

Through the heavy oak doors of the imposing keep there was a large chamber filled with rows of guards and looking above, there sat a king. 

King Joo Dan Tae, the charismatic and powerful

He gently placed his hands on the throne's arms, the platinum rings with precious, rare stones shined on his fingers. The most attractive thing about him were his eyes. Those white pupils like marbles would attract any gaze, his eyes were the scariest yet dangerously attractive to look at.

"Those humans are very old now. They can't work anymore" One of the guards said, bowing to the king.

"Then, give them to those who are hungry. If not active, humans are of no use of us" He replied to the guard, his voice warm.

There was no human left in Blissvile now. The last ones now were going to get killed.


There was a party in the castle of the youngest Prince's friend named Ji woo. She was the daughter of the army general.

The prince was lying on the sofa with his one leg on the ground. His skin was as white as snow, lips red crimson and eyes fierce. It looked like there was a hint of blood behind those light brown pupils.

The youngest prince, the most special and the dearest son of Joo Dan Tae, Joo Seok hoon had only learnt one thing. Living life to the fullest. Indulging in luxury and pleasure. As his whole life was like this. Spoiled, arrogant, lusty and stubborn.

On top of him, there was another one of those beautiful creatures, licking his throat. She was kissing him everywhere on his neck, his ears. Caressing his broad chest, sliding her fingers inside his shirt from his collars. Taking advantage of his half unbuttoned shirt.

Joo Seok hoon was enjoying that. He liked it. It was his favourite part from the parties and females were crazy about him. They would see living ever inch of him as an opportunity and would never want to miss it. His beauty was stunning to his own kind.

"You're so bad at it" he told her, his voice soft but demanding. To which, she stopped and stared at him. He signalled her with his eyes to get up and leave. She quitely got up and idd the same.

Joo Seok hoon's personality was different than his father and his older brothers. He was free spirited, rebellious and carefree. Having the power of being the dearest prince, he would also take advantage of it for his fun and enjoyment.

Being the favourite and the most loved son, who was also most loved by his older brothers, Joo Seok hoon was spoiled and a wild one. He wouldn't think twice before doing anything and he feared none. The reason because he knew he was precious to his family and they wouldn't mind his any mistake.

Sun hee drove all day and she finally arrived in front of that forest, behind which stood Blissvile. That huge dark forest which nobody could cross without getting attacked by Vampires. They'd black out in that jungle and wake up in the Malevolent Manor.

It was getting dark now and she was exhausted too because of driving all day, she got down the car and stared at the front. She took a heavy sigh and thought to herself that once she is in there , there's no way back. 

Now there was actually no way back. She came this far and she was too close. She cleared her head and got back in the car, deciding to drive it through the forest as far as it would go.

Although the car wasn't her own and she didn't want to damage it but she was carrying many silver weapons too along with her stuff. Since the weapons could help her fight the vampires in need. One in her boots and many in her car, she knew she couldn't carry all that stuff without the car. She'd probably die of tiredness.

She drove with difficulty and now was in the middle of the forest. She already had a hard time with it but now the car wouldn't run on that rugged path and there were trees on every step. She stopped, breathing heavily and pressed her head against the wheel.

It won't go further. She thought.

Getting down the car, she roamed her head around. That forest was so creepy that she felt like there were ghosts behind her but whenever she'd look back, there was none. The trees suddenly started shivering and the smell of burning wood flew through the air.