
Episode 4

Sun hee knew it was dangerous for her to come here but she didn't think it through. She only thought about the good part but now she doubted there was any good part at all. Deeply she was already regretting..

"I just.." she sighed, slowly sitting down where she was standing. She recalled her decisions and her being careless. Now she was at a place where anything could happen to her at any moment.

"I'm an editor and I write stories. I'm in field from a long time but haven't achieved anything yet. Some people came and made their name in a short time while I couldn't even in 5 years. I thought, if I could bring something about Blissvile, I'd make my name too." Sun hee didn't know why she was telling all that to him who clearly doesn't give a damn about her or she was just telling that to herself again.

Seok hoon was staring at her lowered gaze and lost expressions. Then he chuckled which made Sun hee frown at his unexpected reaction and was confused about what was there to laugh about.

"I can't believe this. You really thought this was worth putting your life in risk?" He laughed. "This is utterly and ridiculously stupid"

Of course, whatever she said didn't sound anything important to him since he couldn't understand her nor did he care about any of that. Sun hee was deeply offended by how he thought it meant nothing and she was just stupid.

What offended her more was how he didn't know nothing about her but was laughing at her for something she chose to do as if she didn't think a thousand times before doing so.

"Of course you wouldn't think it was worth it. What do you know about how it feels when your own father, your only parent thinks you're a failure and a loser?" Her brows twisted and her eyes got teary, her voice had a note of irritation.

The laugh faded from Seok hoon's face as he noticed her wet eyes. It was something awkward for him. Someone was about to cry in front of him. He still didn't care much about that but he understood one thing. Coming to Blissvile was something serious to Sun hee and it wasn't just stupidity.

A flashback appeared in Sun hee's eyes when she was still living with her father and her elder sister. Her father was a businessman. He was strict and professional but he also loved both of his daughters. He had high hopes from both Sun hee and her sister although Sun hee wasn't really that bright. He did think she'd need him by her side.

Everything was going good when one day, Sun hee's sister confessed to her father that she loved a guy and wanted to marry him. Her father had already chosen a guy for her so he didn't accept him which lead to a big argument between both of them. Sun hee's sister loved her boyfriend a lot and Sun hee knew about it.

As a sister, Sun hee did what she had to as she couldn't see her sister in pain. Her sister got married to her boyfriend without informing her father and Sun hee helped her in that. When her father got to know that, he got really angry at both of them. Sun hee tried to make him understand but the argument took another turn when he said something to Sun hee which she knew she would never forget.

"Why are you getting so brave in front of me? You're nothing on your own. Have you ever done anything on your own for me to listen to your opinions and respect them? You can't even decide anything right for yourself. You'll live dependent on me, will get married someday and depend on someone else. You are nothing but an ambitionless failure!"

Sun hee knew her father didn't think so highly if her but she didn't know that he totally underestimated her. He thought she was weak and helpless without any kind of support. He thought she could never be independent or do something on her own.

Her pride was hurt and she was totally broken. With that, she left her house and decided to prove it to not only her father but everyone who used to think she is a loser.

Her father said only one thing before she left,

"Go if you want to go. I just know that, one day you'll come back to me only. This world doesn't run on pennies and people with less potential can only earn pennies."

The flashback ended with Sun hee opening her eyes as a tear rolled down her cheek. She immediately wiped it.

"Can't believe for the first time I shared it all with someone and that someone probably wouldn't even care and must laugh again" She mumbled to herself but Seok hoon still heard it clearly due to his gifted sensitive hearing.

"No it isn't funny enough" he said, jokingly.

Sun hee connected her gaze with him with a vacant expression on her face. She didn't know him nor did she know what was going to happen further but sharing that with someone for the first time made her feel a bit light at that time. She didn't feel embarrassed or ashamed of whom she shared it with was an unknown creature, she was meeting for the first and probably the last time.

Seok hoon understood by them that she was emotionally hurt and her deep wound dragged her to Blissvile. She thought she could heal them but he knew she was mistaken.

"I don't know why you helped me but now that you did, can you just take me back? I-i was wrong about coming here and everything. I just want to go back now" She didn't know if she was right for asking that or if she'd get any help or not but that was her last shot to shoot. She just wanted to leave now.

"I can't do that" Seok hoon didn't think and replied straight which scared Sun hee even more now.

"My father has put a spell on me because of which I can't cross the middle of the forest. Everyone else can, but I can't. That's kind of dead end for me." Sun hee frowned in perplexity. She wasn't expecting that answer at all.

"What? Why? What kind of magic?" 

"I don't know. I never asked him"

Sun hee was muddled at how he didn't even know why he was the only one his father had put a spell on and didn't want him to cross the middle of the forest and go to the other side.

"You were never curious?"

"Curious about what?"

"About the humans behind the forest? How do they live? What do they do? You never went out?" Seok hoon chuckled at that.

"I know what they all do and how they live. There is nothing to be curious about them" 

Sun hee mildly grinned, wasn't surprised.

Humans were the only one curious about vampires and Blissvile. It wasn't the case with them. They also didn't have any reason to go out of Blissvile since the vampires used to survive on animal blood.

They'd drink human blood too if they'd get it and there were many of them who used to crave for human blood. Specially those who were centuries old before Blissvile came into existence and who used to consume it.

Vampires who were born during Joo dan tae's time decided to create this own world for themselves and were always taught to survive only on animal blood because they wanted to use humans as slaves and torture them. Although at the end, they'd become food of them but while they'd be working as slaves, the creatures weren't allowed to drink their blood.

Many still used to break the rules and attack on the slaves. Later they'd get punished by Joo dan tae.

Human blood was not prohibited but also was not that much freely allowed for them because Human blood is like a drug to them and once somebody consumes it and gets addicted to it, just like it's very hard to get rid of drug addiction, it was the same in human blood's case too. They would be addicted to the point that they would go crazy for a drop of human blood.

Standing up from the chair, Seok hoon walked over to the door behind which Sun hee was sitting. She shrunk her body a bit, gripping on her knees when he lifted his arm and opened the lock.

"You're going to sit here all day?" He asked to which she immediately stood up, moving away from the door, staring at him, dazed.

"I don't know how it's going to end but for now, if you want to stay alive, don't open the window and the main door of the castle" he warned her.