
Episode 6

"It doesn't matter now. You broke the rules" Min joo shouted. "And you even lied to your father. Seokhoon, I'm telling you, he will get disappointed at you and the relationship between you and him is definitely ruined if he finds out about this"

"Shut up. You're just babbling. He loves me"

"Do you not know your own father? His rules are firm and he hates humans. This time you cross the line. He will be disappointed at you and I can see my grave"

Seok hoon thought about what Min joo was saying and realised he wasn't wrong. His father definitely hated humans a lot. Maybe Seok hoon shouldn't have done that. He knew his father loved him a lot but lying to him, breaking the rule about humans, he definitely did wrong.

"You're right." He spoke. "Father is weird about humans. He will get upset because of me"

"Exactly!" Said Min joo. "But you can't do anything now. You only have one option left."

"Kill her" 

Hearing that, Seok hoon drifted his gaze to Min joo in perplexity.


"As if it's a big deal? Besides, this is the only option you have. Then nobody will know she was here and this whole thing will just end."

Seok hoon was thinking what problem he got himself into. He should've thought before doing it.

"But Min joo, how about we send send her back safely? You can do that, right? I kind of don't want to kill her."

"Send her back? Me?" Min joo shouted. "You will hate me for this. We cannot send her back. The guards must've had taken the whole forest under them by now, there's no chance. Just kill her if you don't want your father to start hating you and if you don't want to break his trust"

"I have done so many wrong things but he never got angry at me. He used to just laugh out and act like it never happened. Is there any chance, he will react the same way to this?" Asked Seokhoon, even though he knew the answer already.

"No, Seok hoon. There's no way"

"Everyone who lives in Blissvile knows that the rules about humans here are strict. You know that too. Didn't your father warned so many times before? He won't consider it at all. He will get hurt"

"Damn it!" Said Seokhoon, huffing in frustration.

"Don't worry, it will get fixed if you'll just kill her. It's not a big deal at all."


"Make sure you take care of it. I'll see you tomorrow then" Min joo said as Seok hoon nodded slightly, stretching his neck.


Peeking from the door, Sun hee overheard everything they talked about. She immediately closed the door and stood behind it, breathing heavily. She put her hands on her chest, gripping on her dress tightly.

Sweat beads formed on her face and it was sliding down her neck as she gulped. It wasn't like she could run away from there as she knew if she'd do that she was gonna get killed anyways. There wasn't anything she could possibly do"

As Seok hoon opened the door, she immediately turned around to face him with an audible gasp. Her breathing was coming too fast now.

Seok hoon slowly began to walk closer to her, making her move backwards. She was gulping each second when she hit the wall and there was no more space to move away.

His face came closer to hers as he shot his right hand against the wall, staring deep into her eyes.

His eyes were changing from golden to red brown and Sun hee could also see the sharp end of his long and extremely white fangs, resting on his lower lip.

She immediately shut her eyes tightly, gripping on her dress from her chest by both her hands and stood there, mildly trembling to which Seok hoon slightly frowned. He could see the sweat on her face and neck, her closed eyes, trembling.

"Why did you close your eyes?" He asked, his voice gruff.

"I-i don't know. It's just a human trait to close their eyes when they are about to die and they can do nothing about it."

"What? How did you..?" With that, Sun hee opened her eyes slowly, meeting his gaze.

"I heard everything" she spoke.

"But you don't have to feel bad about it." she added to which his brows came down in confusion.

Sun hee heard how Seok hoon wanted to save her, although everyone here hated humans, specifically Seok hoon's father.

To him, humans were his biggest enemies and Seokhoon still saved one of them. She heard how he wanted to send her back but now was left with no option. He was doing that for his father so he shouldn't disappoint him. He was also the prince and if he would break the rules, The king wouldn't be happy at all. Sun hee could understand that.

Although she was scared to die, she knew it was her fault, how she came to Blissvile and how she ended up in that situation, all of that was her and solely her fault. Seok hoon on the other hand was innocent. He even tried to save her. She couldn't escape Blissvile anyways nor could she stay alive there. Her relationship with her father was worst already so she didn't want to ruin another good father and son's relationship. She didn't want to act selfish.

"You're doing this for your father so don't feel bad about it" 

Although she was saying all of that, Seok hoon could still see how she was trembling and her lips shaking.

"I was not going to feel bad about it anyways" he answered to which she gulped again.

"Okay but can you please make it less painfu-" Sun hee was cut off when Seok hoon gripped on her nape and but on her neck to which she pressed her lips together and squeezed her eyes.

As Seok hoon's lips touched her neck, she thought she went numb when all she felt was a mild bite on her skin and nothing after that.

Seok hoon slowly moved his face away, staring at her. Her heart was pounding and she was taking rapid breaths when she softly opened her eyes that that had went slightly red and wet. She immediately touched her neck where she could feel the bite,

"It's a hickey" said Seok hoon. Hearing that, Sun hee was befuddled.

"What?" Her voice was breathy. She was scared to death for a moment, feeling like her heart came to her throat.

Then she realised, it really was a hickey since she was feeling normal like before. Only her heart was high in gear due to fear and her body was trembling like before, other than that, there was nothing else and she was still alive.

"It's so easy to scare you off" Seok hoon said while grinning, moving away from her. Sun hee was still dazed and befuddled, her hand on her neck.

"So you're ready to sacrifice your life to save someone else's relationship with their father just because you don't have one with your own?" 

It was a bit unbelievable to Seok hoon. He thought how could anyone be so emotional or just stupid.

"It's.. it's because if not for you, I'd have died anyway. You saved me. Although you were just curious to know why I'd come here but whatever it was. You did save me" Sun hee said as their eyes locked and the room was filled with a different air.

Whilst Seok hoon was someone who only cared about himself and was apathetic. Sun hee's energy and aura was making him feel something different. If keeping all this aside he would ask himself if he really wanted to save some human girl he didn't even care, he'd definitely say "No" but he was still doing so.

"I was not going to kill you and I won't" he walked closer to her fidget

"Maybe I can, as long as you're in my castle, you're safe. Then we'll see what we can do later"

"Why?" asked Sun hee.

"Why what?" He demanded as silence fell for a few moments.

"Because you're no harm to Blissvile" he answered. "I know my father hates humans but I think everyone is not same, right?"

"Right" Sun hee said, thinking how Seok hoon was also different than the other vampires specially from those who hated humans and would torture them. "Not everyone is same"

Seok hoon knew his father won't like it and there would be consequences of what he was doing but as usual he wasn't thinking much or cared about what could happen.


Seok hoon told Min joo that he got rid of Sun hee because he knew anyone knowing about it could be a big threat and Min joo himself wanted to stay away from this matter as he knew if Joo Dan tae would know, he was involved, he'd be killed.