
Episode 11

Joo Dan Tae had his gaze lowered. He was listening to all but he was still quite. Seung gi gazed at Joo Dan Tae. He knew, deep inside, he was really angry and more that that he was upset with Seok hoon. Then, he cut his gaze to his younger brothers, Rowoon and Yeon sam. They didn't look happy either.

All three brothers were also worried about their little brother Seok hoon. They didn't know what decision Joo Dan tae would make and how this would end.

Min joo, standing in the crowd was angry at Seok hoon for hiding everything from him. But he thought the reason Seok hoon didn't tell him was maybe because he wasn't a good friend. Min joo thought of himself as a crowd. But what could he do anyways.

He still trusted Seok hoon because he knew he wouldn't want to hurt Jiwoo let alone kill her. He must've done it to calm the situation. He knew, with time, Jiwoo would understand that too. Just then the crowd parted when someone entered in the hall.

Everyone moved their gaze towards him. It was none other than Seok hoon. From between the stares, bitter looks, he walked and went over to his father and brothers. Seung gi took steps forward, concerned about him.

"I'm so glad you're okay" They were relieved that at least he was back.

Seok hoon stared at Seung Gu then looked behind the crowd. He also noticed the look on his father's face. He knew the situation was quite bad. Joo Dan tae slowly gazed up at him, standing up. The general walked closer to the stairs and shouted.

"You have to punish him!" He lifted his hands in the air.

The crowd followed him and began chanting the same.

"Punish him"

"Punish him"

"Punish him in the way that the whole Blissvile would know what are the consequences of befriending a human" Their voices loud and demanding.

Seok hoon didn't care about them or anything they were saying. He was only concerned about his father when Joo Dan tar lifted his hand giving the stop signal to the crowd. The crowd went totally quiet. Then he stared at him.

"Father" he was saying when Joo Dan tae cut him off.

"Let's talk in private" he said and walked away. Seok hoon looked at Seung Gu to which he nodded in response. Then, Seok hoon followed Joo dan tae to his room.

As he entered in the room, he saw Joo Dan tae standing beside the window, his back facing him. Walking closer, Seok hoon spoke,

"Father" Joo Dan tae turned around to face him.

"Why did you do that, Seok hoon?" Asked Joo Dan Tae. "You really disappointed me"

"But father, I wanted to protect her. She is innocent" Seok hoon was still firm on the same thing he had been doing. Knowing that Seok hoon was ready to kill his own kind, his own friend, Joo Dan Tae could see the picture clearly.

"Did you fall in love with a human?" He knew already as he asked. Seok hoon met his dark gaze but before he could say anything, Joo dan tae spoke.

"Seok hoon, she's fooling you. She manipulated you. She's using you. She is only doing this so she could escape Blissvile safely, that's all!" Rage filled his eyes.

"Humans are not innocent. They're selfish. I was a human myself and I know better!" His voice grew louder. Seok hoon looked at him in surprise. He didn't know that. He was surprised on finding out. Joo Dan tae could see Seok hoon's eyes were asking him questions.

"Before I fell in love with your mother, I was a human too. We hated vampires, people used to burn them alive. No matter if they were dangerous or some were just harmless. They didn't care. They'd still kill them."

"Some vampires were bad but your mother was amazing. She was so thoughtful." Walking towards the window, he continued. "When we got married at that time, we didn't have any place to live. We had to live around humans. We used to hide and run every time. It wasn't easy at all. We were attacked many times. We lost ,any of us by humans."

"Then when you were a newborn, we got attacked again by those humans who had the job of hunting and killing vampires down. While running, I parted from your mother as we entered in a town. She was carrying you in her arms while running away and Seung Gu was also with her. She was injured badly but she didn't care about herself. She just wanted to keep you and Seung gi safe when she entered in a human's house"

"She begged him to hide her sons somewhere. She wasn't going to harm them. She said it clearly while she was literally crying. She handed you yo Seung Gu and started begging them. But rather than helping her, they began calling her a monster and throwing things at her. They all gathered, threw patrol on her and..." He paused with his eyes turning all red.

Seok hoon knew his mother was killed by humans but he didn't know what exactly happened. He felt so bad and angry at that moment he was wishing he could find them and kill all of them who did that to his mother.

Joo Dan tae turned around and walked over to him. "Seung gi got scared and he ran away with you. His mother's death flashbacks still don't let him sleep sometimes"

Joo Dan tae lost the love of his life, his biggest strength when he lost his beloved wife. He became furious towards human and decided to keep his family safe. Seok hoon had got the qualities of his mother and when he began growing up, Joo Dan tae could see he was just like his mother.

It did make him feel good and he was really attached to Seok hoon but it also scared him little knowing he could end up in some trouble. He could take risks which could hurt him at the end. And so Joo Dan Tae decided on keeping him away from humans. He'd never let him go even outside of Blissvile.

He knew that Seok hoon had fallen in love with a human girl but he thought it wasn't right for him.

"You think she loves you or cares about you but she doesn't. She is just like the other humans. Selfish. She is using you so that she could get back safely" 

Anger had filled in deep in Seok hoon's head as he was told about his mother's death. That's all he was thinking about.

"Those in the hallway" Joo Dan Tae continued.

"They have the same stories. Some lost their father, brother or sister cause of humans and now they are seeing you saving one of them. How you think they'll feel?" Seok hoon lifted hi gaze as Joo Dan tae carried on. "If you'll look at them, more than angry they are scared." After a pause, he put his hand on Seok hoon's shoulder.

"Seok hoon, to make them feel at eady and to give back humans the same evil energy. You have to do what is right" he patted on his shoulder. "Go" Seok hoon's gaze was reflective as he stared at his father.

Few moments later, he flew back to get Sun hee. While he was in the air, many thoughts began running in his mind. He was really angry by knowing about his mother's death and whatsoever Joo Dan Tae told him, most of that was true. He saw everyone's faces . They were really afraid how could Seok hoon betray them being a prince.

Humans had seen them as only monsters, nothing more or less. He thought, partly everything was true but what he said about Sun hee, was that true too?

"You're doing this for your father, so don't feel bad about it" he remembered when she said that. Wit that, he flew faster to reach her. He landed where he told her to stay but she wasn't there.

"If you trust me. Don't move away from here," he recalled. He thought where did she go, did she not trust him? He clenched his jaw in anger.

Seok hoon got worried that Sun hee would end up in trouble when he heard a familiar voice from behind.

"You came back?" It was her. He turned around and saw her coming out from that little cave behind the waterfall.

Approaching her with quick steps, he gripped on her shoulders, in anger.

"What's wrong with you? I thought you ran away somewhere!" He was fuming in anger.

"I got worried". Sun hee was dazed but she knew he was worried about her.

"I just went to see...how the cage looked like" he released her free, huffing in stress. Sun hee could see he was really angry and disturbed but it could not be because of only this. Something definitely had happened in the Royal Castle because of whic

h he looked so rattled. Seok hoon turned around, stretching his neck, he closed his eyes.