Morres Klein, Third Prince of the Holy Empire Delcross.

Morres Klein, Third Prince of the Holy Empire Delcross.

The seal under the amulet.

A shame that will never happen again.

Unlike his father, who was evaluated as the most powerful man of all time, this pig trash prince was an ugly son who did not inherit even a handful of sword talent or divine power.

Above all, his fiery disposition and vulgar words and actions, which did not resemble the Holy Emperor's calm temperament in the slightest, were not too far-fetched to be seen as the beatings of an immature young prince.

It would not be unreasonable for some cardinals or high-ranking priests to whisper that Prince Morres might not be the son of the Holy Emperor.

However, an opportunity for change came to Prince Morres, who seemed to be a fool forever.

One day, he suddenly collapsed from a severe fever, suffered from a high fever for four days, and then came to his senses and became a completely different person.

'Almost dying can change a person that much.'

Everyone thought so and ignored it, but in fact, the prince suddenly changed his mind and became a new person because there was something inside that he couldn't easily confide to others.

The reason why Morres, who was dying of fever, opened his eyes was because he was actually an Earthling named Lee Seongjin.

* * *

Lee Seongjin was a child with strange persistence since childhood.

Due to his stubbornness to see the end of a job he started as a baby, his parents had to experience extremely tough parenting despite him being an only child.

"Who the hell does he resemble? To be that stubborn?"

Seeing her son stubbornly still sucking his thumb after the age of 4, his mother shed tears. It was because she was afraid that his teeth might be damaged.

Thankfully, the baby teeth grew pretty and evenly.

After becoming a kindergartener, they wondered if he had lost interest in sucking his thumb, but now he started to insist on not going home during House time.

I'll give you snacks at home, let's go watch Dororo, She tried to persuade him to no avail.

The mother couldn't help but smile awkwardly at the kindergarten teachers, who were suspicious of whether he was being abused at home because he hated coming home like that.

In the end, the mother and father took turns carrying the child to and from the playground until Seongjin fell asleep, and then went home late at night.

Seeing their son become a little more mature after becoming an elementary school student, his parents finally let out a sigh of relief. Now they think he's at an age where he can communicate.

That was, until he stole his classmate's crayons and returned home, and the homeroom teacher called the next day.

It was a brief moment of peace.

"He turned over my crayons and broke them all. I took his instead."

"Seongjin-ah. Hyeongcheol said he was sorry, and it's bad to forcefully take a friend's stuff."

The child's eyes narrowed.

"Is it okay if he says sorry? What about my crayons?"

"Mom can buy you crayons again."

"Hyeongcheol did something wrong, so why does mom buy it for me? The person who caused the accident should be held accountable."

The mother was at a loss for words at her son's retorted reply. It wasn't wrong from her child's point of view.

After hesitating for a moment, the mother finally had no choice but to say this.

"… Seongjin-ah. Friendship with friends cannot be compared to the price of crayons. In the future, if your friend apologizes, accept it first, and if you still feel it's unfair, discuss with your mother what to do first. Okay?"

The child had a dissatisfied expression on his face, but he reluctantly nodded.

"But the broken crayons are 24 colors, so why did you steal Hyeongcheol's 56 colors crayons?"

"That was to compensate for my mental damage. Of course I should get something better, right?"

She couldn't tell if my son was spiteful or smart.

Seongjin, who had such an unusual childhood, became a quiet child like a lie when he became a middle school student.

His parents watched carefully to see if their son, who was a little different from others, was adjusting to school life.

However, the son's school uniform and textbooks were always clean, and there was no evidence of bullying.

He finally became mature.

Seongjin's parents were overjoyed.

In fact, it was only superficially quiet, and Seongjin's school life was actually busy with construction work, but his parents couldn't notice at all.

The son failed to acquire the normal social skills that his parents wanted, but at least he was able to gain the skills to cover up incidents and accidents without the knowledge of his homeroom teacher and parents.

For example, he was unlucky enough to be filmed by a school bully, and after three months of fantasizing that only one person should die, the bully's group trembled and declared a truce.

After stalking one of the leading members who was quarreling with each other for a week, he made him avoid people and become paranoid, causing him to be absent for a long time.

It was a turbulent school life that crossed somewhere between realization of justice and crime.

Although he was not a very outstanding student, at the end of his sincere school life, Seongjin entered a suitable 4-year university in Seoul.

After dating moderately, he went to the army in his second year, and after graduation, he got a job at a suitable small business.

-This assistant manager, there is a corner where he secretly fought.

-Is that so? Isn't he diligent and good at work?

Although he occasionally received suspicious glances from his old bosses, Seongjin performed the role of a diligent office worker on the outside without difficulty.

Gradually, people around him was drawn in, and he flirts with a female employee of the same company.

Perhaps, if nothing else had happened, he would have lived a normal life after getting married without incident.

August 2035.

Gehenna Gate Incident.

As the star gates connected to the Pandemonium Gehenna appeared simultaneously all over the world without warning, an army of thousands and tens of thousands of monsters began to attack them.

In an instant, intact cities and infrastructure were destroyed, and the world fell into temporary anarchy for several days.

Humanity, which reorganized its system around some armies that built a defensive line at the end of the battle, launched a counterattack, but the scale of human casualties that occurred in just a few days reached an astronomical number.

Human civilization, which destroyed most of the major cities, also suffered a major regression.

Seongjin, who was on a business trip to the countryside at the time and was able to take shelter in an air-raid shelter within the defense line, was lucky to survive. However, he suddenly lost all of his life, including his family.

Lee Seongjin did not cry in front of this great tragedy of mankind. As he watched the monsters endlessly pouring down from the gate, he calmly retraced to whom he should pay this debt this time.

There was no end to the monsters, even if they were killed, but this tenacious man never gave up on a target once.

Lee Seongjin became a Hunter. He became a hunter who specialized in hunting monsters.

When a person touches the corpse immediately after killing a monster, a strange energy is sucked into the body, and hunters call this the monster's spirit.

Those who absorbed this soon became able to exercise superhuman abilities. As if absorbing part of the monster's power.

Sometimes the ability was a simple physical force, sometimes it was an enhancement system that creates a hard outer shell, or it appeared as a supernatural power such as telekinesis.

The Hunters became stronger as they absorbed the energy of many monsters, and soon after, superhumans who could kill thousands of monsters by themselves began to be born.

Humanity, who had been pushed to the edge of the cliff, began to push the front line little by little, and from then on, decades of exhausting war of attrition followed.

The Demon World, which ambitiously invaded the Earth, ended up being destroyed along with the Earth decades later.

As Hunters become stronger, the monsters that kill humans also become stronger. The front line, which maintains a steady balance of power, made the two camps consume an irreversible amount of life force.

When the last superhuman unit of mankind finally arrived in front of the Demon King hiding deep in the center of the Demon World, the Demon King greeted them with a sullen expression and sighed.

"Is it like this after all? What have you been doing in the last few decades? I feel weird."

Of course, the Demon King's collapse was not his concern. Now, there was almost nothing left on either side to stop the war of attrition and take a breath.

Complete obliteration of either side.

He was the only thing left between the demon realm and mankind.

Apart from his desperate attitude, the Demon King's resistance was persistent until the end.

The superhuman unit and the Demon King fought non-stop for three days and three nights, and by the time the third night came, only the top of the neck of the demon king was barely maintaining its shape, and there was only one living human among the superhuman troops.

A man who never gives up until the very end, Lee Seongjin.

He forcibly raised his fist, which was now barely moving, and aimed it at the Demon King's head. The Demon King, with only his head remaining, said with a tired expression.

"This tenacious bastard. I thought you were the most insignificant guy, but I never thought I would die at your hands."

So what do you say.

Seongjin snorted and slammed his fist down.


The dark red horn of the Demon King, the only one left, was cracked.

"… Eh?"


In the next blow, the bridge of the devil's nose collapsed, but this time, too, the strength was not enough to crush his head in one blow.

Seongjin sighed and clenched his trembling fists again.

"Hey! Wait a moment! Hold on a sec!"

The Demon King, bleeding from his nose, was frightened, but he just kept his mouth shut and punched again.


"Keugh! Hey this is a bit..."


"… Wait a minute, you son of a bitch!"

Fist didn't fly anymore.

Of course, rather than listening to the Demon King, he was just taking a moment to catch his breath and straighten his fists.

Surprisingly, the Demon King's nose, which had been flattened in the meantime, began to rise gently. The speed was noticeably slower than at the beginning, but when you become a demon king in another world, you will have the ability to regenerate your body even if you have only one corner.

An ominous feeling that the final blow would take longer than expected passed through both the Demon King and Lee Seongjin.

"Stop that pointless punching. There's no power at all! Hey human. You won't be able to kill me anyway. Wouldn't it be better to take a truce for a while, recover and fight again?"

It was bullshit.

If the two of them fight, it is obvious who will be at a disadvantage.

When Lee Seongjin trembled and raised his arm again, the demon king continued with an urgent voice.

"No, let's just stop fighting! I will leave Earth and Gehenna forever. I won't show up again, yeah?"


"I will save my life, and you will have both Earth and Pandemonium. Think of the potential of the two fused worlds! You may even have power comparable to a demon king!"


"If you kill me like this, Gehenna without an owner will disappear, and the Earth, which has lost its supporting axis, will also be slowly sucked into the gate. Both worlds are coming to an end! What does that mean to you?"

Seongjin finally responded to the demon king.

"What matters to me is not this world. It's whether you're finished or not, that's all."

The result won't change anyway, so he wasn't allowed to make amends.

The Demon King looked at him with a pale face as he slowly rolled up his fist.

How many times do you have to get hit by that fist to end it?

"Hey, hey! Or can't you at least wait for me to die myself? Because I keep running out of energy because of the automatic regeneration. Give it a moment, and I can set my own soul ablaze with the flames of Gehenna. I'll will disappear on my own without you having to use any effort!"


"That… I'll close the gate too. Even if the Pandemonium is destroyed, the Earth will not be involved!"

The offer was quite tempting. Lee Seongjin nodded his head.

"Okay. First, I'll think about it after I kill you."

"How can I talk when I'm dead… Rather than that, you can't kill me! No, what kind of person can't communicate this kind of thing!"

The demon king screamed.

No matter how long the last zero-sum punching had lasted, Seongjin was catching his breath for a moment when he heard sniffles.

"This, you son of a bitch… . I really didn't want to do anything like this… … ."


Suddenly, a red flame appeared in the air, and the Demon King's head was engulfed in flames.

In the meantime, the Demon King's skin, which had been steadily regenerating, began to distort in the dark red flames.

"This… … ."

The Flame of Gehenna.

The deep flame of the demon realm that burns away the very existence of things.

It seemed to be true that the endlessly regenerating demon lord's body as well as his soul could be destroyed.

And that's what it means.

"I can't commit suicide because I don't have enough strength. It's all because of you."

When Lee Seongjin smiled and raised his fist again, the demon king flinched and screamed again.

"… What! Why! What! What's different about that! Still, I tried to disappear into another dimension finely as if I was dead, what!"

Even Lee Seongjin of the world was speechless for a moment at the strangely confident attitude of the subject who was weeping tears.

"But now everything is wrong. Cough! Okay. I'll die as you want. But I won't go alone."

The flame that burned the Demon King gradually grew bigger and then moved to Seongjin's body.

In an instant, along with the hot heat, his body was also engulfed in dark red flames.

"It's a scare story made from the soul of this noble Demon King! I will definitely get rid of you bastard! I'll burn you down to your very soul!"

At the sight of his flesh being distorted and his bones exposed in the flames, the Demon King smiled at what made him so happy. It must have been so unfair to have been beaten for such a long time.

"What, this..."

"Hahahahahaha! How is it! The pain that burns to the soul! Puhahahahahahaha!"

While his own soul is on fire.

Hearing the laughter of the Demon King almost sobbing, Lee Seongjin scanned his own burning body.

Indeed, after absorbing the monster's spirit for decades and becoming hard, the body that has not suffered a single wound from moderate physical force is melting away in vain.

The process of burning the dermis and revealing the muscle fibers was extremely painful, even though the body became insensitive to pain after strengthening.

Until now, he had fought countless times across the line of fire, but this time Lee Seongjin could feel that he was definitely dying.

But whatever.

Finally, the culprit of the invasion of the demon realm, which Lee Seongjin had targeted his entire life, comes to an end.

"Hahaha! Puhahahaha..."

The Demon King, who was laughing like crazy, was startled for a moment and shut his mouth. It was because he got goose bumps at the sight of Lee Seongjin with the corner of his mouth rising while being engulfed in flames.

"Yeah, what. In the end, I'm finished."

Now, the muscles that are not part of the skeleton move slowly and raise the fists that are engulfed in flames.

"So let's get one last hit."

"What!? You bastard! It's gotten to this point..."

"Think of it as compensation for mental damage."



The tearing screams soon subsided.

Seongjin closed his eyes after confirming that the Demon King's face was completely destroyed and turned to ashes.

As his consciousness faded, he felt as if he heard a clanging sound in my head.

That was Hunter Lee Seongjin's last memory.