The sun paints the sky with it's hues as it began it's rise, the cloud float ever so gently, a beautiful canvas was drawn.
A shimmer of light made its away from the sun into a room window, Atlest had been in a deep sleep for the night, but with the light gracing its presence, Atlest soft peaceful face began to stir as his eye lids flutter open, revealing what could only be described as memorising, the Silver hands of the golden Antikythera slowly ticked away.
"Ugh what happened?" He groan and sat up, his weary face messaged by his hands, questioning his last memories that made it's way to his head, "That's right! what the hell happened!? Chrono's Library why did that happen?"
You got stronger
Atlest Pondered for a moment, the particles of dust highlighted by the ray's of sunlight, the worn out wooden floor board were ever present, from a crack a trail of ants could be seen working together to grab their next meal, It was peaceful and in the centre of it all remained Atlest, he was already used to these sights, his mind was preoccupied with the response.
When he took the Temporal energy from the Lizard he at first felt bliss and addicted, he felt his core enlarging to the point he felt "full" but he kept on absorbing the temporal energy which caused fractures on his core till it broke and he passed out in pain.
"OOOOH SHIT HOW AM I ALIVE!?" Ignoring his stupendous question he focussed on the Temporal energy flowing throughout his body and traced it's source, to find his core, a dark purple mixed dark green mixed bright silver and many other colours, a swirl chaotic and beautiful/orderly all at once, he could not remember the size or amount of Temporal energy he had before but he felt it was larger than yesterdays.
"Chrono's Library can I just call you Library since you are my last name, it get's confusing and it feels weird, or I will just call you CL for short, anyways what happened what happened to my core and Temporal energy?" Phrasing his questions better to get more from CL and his plans bore fruit.
You absorbed more Temporal Energy, than your Meta Core could handle, which in turn caused it to break and reform to adapt to the Level of temporal energy that broke it, which in turn changed your Time Essence to be able to handle much more than it was previously.
Atlest nodded as he took in the information which confirmed his thoughts, but then there were somethings he did not know about, or needed more explanation on like, "What is Meta core?"
Meta Core is a secondary core formed when one becomes a Meta, it contains the output of ones Soul Manifestation level.
Atlest felt a headache, the answer just created more questions, but at this point he had gotten what he wanted it seems Meta core is different from his Level 1 core and Soul Manifestation must be his Time manipulation powers, everything else was lost to him.
"What is the difference between Temporal energy and Time essence and give me a quantified amount."
Temporal Energy: 150 - This can change depending on what the Time Essence is or what temporary has been absorbed.
Time Essence: 150 - This can change when the Meta core undergoes immense energy absorption which overloads the current core in turn making it break and rebuild itself stronger and gains more Time Essence.
Temporal Energy is expendable energy, while Time Essence is Capacity and extra storage for Temporal energy, overloading Time essence increases Capacity *warning* Extreme pain.
'Now this is interesting!' Atlest thought to himself, but remembered the corpses burnt to a crisp, 'that could be me...I must get stronger' Fuelled with determination he prepares himself to search for more alive critters to bolster his strength.
*Knock* *knock*
"Atti?" A sweet voice sounded from the door, Atlest was pulled away from his actions, quickly lifting himself from all fours, "erhmm, come in mum." a slight blush hidden away only by his brown skin, "Atti how are you feeling? what happened yesterday? why did you not tell me you are up?" Atlest was bombard with questions from his mother, with a wry smile on his face, "mum I am fine, in fact I feel better than fine, I feel stronger, sorry I did not let you know i am ok as soon as i woke up, I was lost in the gains from yesterday." Atlest explained as best as he could, his eyes were not even focussed on his mother anymore but in his own world and his mother Stella could tell he was already gone off to his own world, at least this confirms he is ok, this caused her to sigh in relief, feeling a weight of fear and worry lift off her shoulders.
"Alright, now wash up and come to the kitchen for breakfast, its almost 9am." Stella, Atlest mum reminded Atlest as she excused herself.
Atlest made his way to the restroom, exiting his room, the wooden floor board creaked under his weight, in the hall were framed pictures, one in particular caught his attention, three figures a man, a woman and a child, entering the door at the end of the hall.
The faded colour tiles and the cracked walls welcomed Atlest, he picked up his brush from the sink top, applied tooth paste and faced the mirror now reflecting his refreshed face, which looked better than yesterday, no than his entire life, he would rate himself at 4 previously out of 10 sometimes pessimistic and rated 4 out 100, but now he would give himself a solid 9 out of 10, it would have been a 10 if he was taller.
While showering, a thought crossed his mind, 'I haven't eaten since I left for school yesterday, which was breakfast...yet I am not hungry,'
'is this because of my Soul manifestation?' his thoughts paused for a moment, "I already started thinking of my ability as a soul manifestation already...I think i learn faster as well." going back to showering, he made a list in his head.
'So I don't need to eat...or drink...I probably don't need sleep anymore, and only slept because I broke my Meta Core
I learn much faster than before, it's like things stick.
…this one is strange, but I don't think I have to ever worry about my hygiene anymore, this morning my breathe was fresh, I felt fresh, clean and not a speck of dirt on me, it's like my body is kept in a suspended neutral state, I don't know if it applied to my cloths yet but it seemed very clean.'
"...It feels like I am slowly becoming something other than human."
That is correct
"Wait what!? what does that mean CL?" Atlest paused as he was getting dressed, waiting for an answer...
"....Nothing again!? seriously! fine, ill find out soon anyways." Atlest grumbled as he put on his cloths for school, it was nothing spectacular after all he lives at the bottom of the barrel on planet New Pluton, also a planet at the bottom of the barrel where commoners A.K.A trash of society live.
His Uniform consist of Brown buttoned up shirt and brown trousers, a blue and brown tie for standing out.
"Atti what is taking so long, You will be late to your graduation!" A follow up immediately after, as if reminded of something "and your food is getting cold!"
Atlest, already ready, started his journey to the kitchen, time to test if he can still eat or not and to ask his mum if he is human or a hybrid or something else.
'I should already know all this but i never asked, I always assumed we are human because well, we look and have every function similar to human, so we are human, at least that was until i became a Meta'
"There is my dashing boy, you look very handsome today, now come and eat your breakfast." His mum already seated at the table, with a beautiful smile gracing her face. "Aren't I always handsome?" Atlest responded with grin on his face, an image of growing nose overlays Atlest.
His mother couldn't help but chuckle at his antics-
*Knock* *Knock*
The two turned to look at each other and at the same time,
"who is that?" x2
(A/N: Please tell me if there is anything i need to improve and what i do well and what i do bad, thank you, vote add to library.)