CHAPTER 2: Main character ii

CHAPTER 2: main character

'Are you okay miss" she heard him say and her cheeks turned red as she broke her gaze from his fascinating light blue eyes. She turned her head to her left and saw the boxes still afloat in mid air. She turned turned her head back to look at him and noticed his right hand., his first finger of his hand stretched out facing the boxes that were levitating.

"could this be... " Her thoughts were cut short as she heard his voice asking her again.

"Are you okay miss"

The boy asked once more, she nodded her head slowly as a yes and slowly began moving on the ground trying to raise herself off the ground.

"Don't worry let me" She heard his mellodious voice once more, she turned her head to look at him. She watched as he stretched his left hand forward towards her and widened his palm. Before she knew, like an invisible force slowly lifting her up from the ground as she stared into his petrifying gorgeous eyes. With her cheeks turning red as she did as different thoughts went through her mind. And like the invisible force slowly fading and lowering her back to the ground on her feet.

Her mind was still flooded as she couldn't get enough of his beauty and like those eyes were staring into her soul everytime it faced to look at her.

"I'm not sure you should be carrying something this heavy miss" Her saviour in white hair said once again snapping out her though and back to reality.


The girl said which got the boy confused.

"it's Selena" The girl repeated as she turned her gaze to the ground to prevent herself from looking into his eyes. Her saviour in white hair smiled ,

"OK miss Selena " He said with a heart warming smile. She raised her head to look at him and her heart skipped a beat as she was experiencing things that were nearly new to her.

"His even cuter when he smiles " She said inwardly.

"miss Selena where do I drop this " He said to her once again bringing her back to reality.

"inside" She said as she moved closer and closer to the boxes to carry them. Then she stopped as she heard.

"Don't worry, I'll do it" Selena heard him say, and turned around to look at him, biting down on her lower lips in a cute way controlling herself not to get lost in his beauty.

"you don't have to..... " the white haired stranger cuts in,

" I insist" He said and moved his hand gently to the left, and the boxes followed his movements into the cafe door. Suddenly the cafe door shot open like a gush of wind blew it open and the boxes floated in, landing on the ground and stacking themselves on top of one another.

The girl named Selena was lost of words seeing what he could do,

" A curse user this gorgeous and kind" She said inwardly.

"I've never seen anyone like him " she murmured to herself.

"OK that's all" the white haired stranger said as he turned to her, and gave a charming smile. Which caused her cheeks to turn bright red,

"I guess that's all" He said

"Good bye Ms Selena "

The stranger said as he was about to turn to leave.

" it's just Selena " the girl said and the stranger stopped suddenly and turned back to face her still having the smile on his face.

" hope it didn't offend you " He said,

"Not at all" she said shyly as she didn't want to look at his face.

"it's just makes me seem old" Selena said.

"well aren't you a Lil lady" He said with playfulness and teasing showing in his voice.

She blushed to the extent that she couldn't hold it or hide it as her cheeks completely turned bright red. There was a moment of silence between them both.

"But if you insist " He said,

"Goodbye Selena" he said to her and turned around and began to leave. Watching him suddenly leave triggered something in her and she couldn't stop herself, though it was an awkward moment but she just wished it would last a lot longer than eternity.

"Wait" She yelled out assive it was an emergency, and the white haired stranger stopped in his tracks. He did not turn around but just stood in place and silence rained between them both.

"What else do you need Selena" The boy asked, and Selena let out a sigh of relief as he did not turn around to face her. But still, everywhere felt heavy and sweat formed on her head assive she was being pressured at that moment. So no words came out of her mouth,

"is there anything else " The stranger repeated once more but not in a jolly tone as before. His tone was dull, which made shivers of fright go down Selena's spine urging her to Urging her to speak.

" What is your name" Selena asked instantly assive being threatened but immediately regretted it.

"Common Selena you could have always asked for his number or address why would you asked for his name. What will the name even do you," She said to herself inwardly regretting her questions and wishing to take it back. She then noticed there was no response, he turned his head slowly to look at her over his shoulders, she froze as she noticed his gaze on her.

"Ryu kazeki "