Raiden threw both swords high up Into the air and stretched his both hands forward towards Ryu. Both swords gave off a light blue glow and shattered completely into multiple floating balls of light.

The crowd of student watching were shocked by this impressive display from both fighters.

"You aren't still taking it serious" Raiden said inwardly as he stared at Ryu who was staring at the scattered balls of light in the sky.

"May be after this you will"

"Deadly blizzard" he said with white fog sizzling out of his mouth.

The balls of light rained down on the ring, causing explosions which brought about the rise of light blue fog to surround the ring.

Ryu on the other hand, had his hands tide as he kept on running around the ring with amazing speed avoiding the blasts.

"If i continue like this I should be able to dodge them all" Ryu said as a blast passed by his side.

"But if this doesn't stop soon then I've lost" Ryu said to himself as thrusted himself forward even more, bearly avoiding the blasts.

Then just ahead of him within the blue smoke ahead of him, something burst out of it. It was Raiden, Ryu eyes widened as Raiden fist went for his face, but stopped assive hitting glass and Raidens hand released cursed energy. Ryu struck his opponent fist away from his face and a quick jab to Raiden mid section. Raiden was fast moved to his left dodging it, he launched his fist again towards Raidens face. Raiden raised his hand block the punch from hitting his face.

A blue energy ball shot downward towards both of them, passing thier middle and hitting the ground hard.The sudden surge caused a large shock wave that pushed both fighters far from each other. The crowd suddenly feeling the shock wave that burst out of the fog, held thier ground.

The fog faded instantly, splitting into to and fading away due to the wave.

The crowd of students watching recovered from the shock wave,and both fighters were seen standing far from one another in the ring. Leaving the crowd confused of what might have happened in the fog.


"What happened"

"I don't know" another student responded,

"Did you see it?" A girl asked

"No the fog didn't let me see it"

(Back to the fighters)

Ryu stood in the ring breathing heavenly as he stared at Raiden, he didn't think Raiden would give him this much trouble.

"Or maybe I've gotten weak" Ryu asked to himself as he focused directly on Raiden. Ryu then realised the blueish glow in Raiden's eyes and finally noticing the white fog sizzling out of his mouth each time Raidens exhales, and apparently also noticing the blueish colour around his neck.

"His about to overheat" Ryu said,

"Nows my chance"

Immediately Ryu vanished once again, leaving the crowd in shock. He suddenly appeared in front of Raiden, with his fist launched towards Raiden face releasing curse energy.

Raiden expression was dull and relaxed, as he stretched his hand forward.

"Ice manipulation"

"Hold" He said.

Ryu's right fist was directly inches before impact with his face and a blue glow appeared around his wrist. The blue glow was circling his wrist and his hand stopped in place.

"What just happened?" Ryu asked himself as he was confused, not just him and also the crowd of students watching. He moved his hand, wriggling his wrist but could not still move.

"What is this?" Ryu got even more confused and raised his head up to look at Raiden who began to take some steps backwards away from him. Ryu turned his head seeing the sudden blue glow circling his wrist and preventing him from moving.

He turned his back to face Raiden, Raiden softly pushed his both hands forward, and then lowering his hands down. Ryu was shocked as he felt an attractive coming from his stuck hand, which dragged him to the ground. With his hand first, forcing Ryu to go down on one knee.

As he was on the ground Raiden raised his hands slowly and ice elevated out of the ground from under Ryu, freezing his legs, going upward to his ankle and knee. He was stuck and unable to move.

"What the fuck!!" He exclaimed as he was still shocked and could not full explain what happened. Then he heard Raidens voice,

"Do you quit" he heard Raidens question, his voice dull, and cold. Its not just his voice, his body tempered and the surrounding area were under the impact of Raidens power.

"Do you surrender!!!" Mr Rudeous voice was heard,

"Just do yourself the favour and surrender" Ryu heard the cold, dull voice of Raiden.

"You've already lost" Raiden said,

Ryu just smiled as he turned his head to face the ground,

"You know, you were the one who told me not to hold back" Ryu said reminding Raiden of his words.

"Do you surrender!!!" Mr Rudeous voice was heard once more.

"You were right" Ryu said as he smiled even more, but it died instantly.

"I'm not surrendering so easily" He said.

"Infinity expansion"

Immediately, the ice holding him down shattered and the pieces shot away from him. Ryu stood up back to his feet ready to face Raiden.

Raiden then stretched his hand towards Ryu and widened his palm. Light blue energy balls appeared around him, and slowly each of them began to slowly change shape. Until they all formed sharp pointed ice spikes,

"Frost" Raiden said,

The ice spikes around him shot towards Ryu really fast. Ryu see this coming, lowered his hands to the ground. He raised his hands slowly while they vibrated assive carrying something heavy. Then the ring began to rumble, the crowd watching were feeling it and were moving backwards away from it.

Cracks went through the ring, and finally a large piece of the ring elevated out of the ground and hovered in front of him. The ice spikes shot the huge rock all at once.

"My turn" Ryu said inwardly answer pushed his 2 hands forward with force. The huge rock went flying towards Raiden with force, collision with it could mean instant death.

Raiden kept his composure, his face still dull, no sweat, no fear. He stretched his hand towards the the incoming rock. Bluish colouration began to go through it until it was completely blue. He then clenched his fist, and the rock shattered completely into pieces and flying pass his side.


From the crowd, witnessing what just happened, and many could not believe thier own eyes.


Around of applause from everyone , for Raiden at the incredible feet he had achieved. He has really surprised everyone with his skills.

Raiden not minding the applause, stretched his both hands towards Ryu again and widened his palm. Then the ice around his neck began to move upward, passing his jaw.

"I have to end this now"


"Something's wrong"Ryu said to himself as his heart was beating faster than normal.he didnt notice his eyes giving off an unusual bright blue glow.

"Somethings off"

" I feel strange "

"Yet it feels familiar"