
Here's the corrected version of the passage:

"Mr. Smith!" A voice called out in a large room full of people.

"Yes!" a man answered as he stepped out of the crowd.

His eyes were hollow, and the bags under his eyes stood out to all who looked at him. The man could be seen wearing common nightwear despite being in public.

However, despite his disheveled appearance, no one spoke a word as they simply looked on with pity-filled eyes.

"Is she okay?" The man asked anxiously.

It was clear he had been waiting for something. The owner of the initial voice, a lady in blue scrubs and a face mask, indicated her status as a doctor or nurse.

"She's fine, sir. However, the doctor would like to see you in his office soon," the nurse said in a polite tone, despite the tiredness that could be heard in her voice.

"Thank you! Wait, what about the baby?" He asked, still anxious but noticeably calmer now.

"She gave birth to a very healthy baby boy," the nurse said with a smile.

"Yes!!!" The man screamed in joy as he jumped up and down in the waiting room.

"Did you hear that? She gave birth to a boy!" He shouted joyously to the others waiting.

"Congratulations, man. You've escaped the large expenses, but I pity your mental health in the future," one of those waiting said as he approached.

Ignoring the comment, the man quickly hugged the well-wisher in joy, and soon the others in the waiting room joined in the celebration.

They all may have had their own problems that brought them to the hospital, but celebrating others ensured they would celebrate with you when you received your own good news, though not all would receive such news.

The celebration didn't last long as the man knew it would be insensitive to continue in front of those who had yet to receive their good news. The announcement may have brought a smile to their faces, but it didn't bring peace to their minds.

"Mr. Smith, the doctor will see you now," the nurse said after nearly an hour of waiting.

He would have asked to see his wife, but he felt it best to wait and let both mother and child rest before he disturbed either.

Following the nurse, he walked into the doctor's office. He had been here so many times over the past few months, but this time, things felt different.

"Dr. Hernandez, thank you so much for your efforts," the man said as he shook the doctor's hand.

"You're welcome, Mr. Smith, but such things are not the works of man; I merely entered the room to help. You should be thanking God and praising your wife for holding on," the doctor said with a professional smile.

"But you helped, so thank you for your efforts," the man replied as he sat down at the doctor's request.

"If you say so."

"So I heard you wanted to see me. I hope there were no complications, right?"

"No, there were none. If there were any, the nurse would have informed you from the beginning. But that's not why we're here."