The fishing was producing little that night. Back
in the old days, this would not have been a problem, for
fishing was but a simple entertainment, not a livelihood
for the whole family. Life in the region had always been
very basic, without luxury or hope. It was known that a
large part of the resources that the government made
available was diverted by lesser authorities, long before
they reached the people, but nobody complained. There
would be no point in doing so. And so life went on,
accepting the difficulties and fighting, as so many
generations had done successfully before. With the
arrival of some companies to the territory, however, a
spark of hope shone in the place. With projects scattered
here and there, it seemed that they were going to save the
country's economy and perhaps even lift it up. And for a
while, Thabo Amaechi's life was like that. To the four
children he already had, one more was about to be
added, as money was no longer so scarce. The project to
which he had been assigned was on a plain, far south of
the lagoon where he was now fishing. On a beach-bound
plain, even the foundation of such a grandiose work
seemed absurd, but it was not something he would
comment on with many people; after all, if they found
out that he doubted the success of the project, they could
fire him and the financial abundance would soon be
gone. Not that the foreman was someone harsh or
demanding, quite the contrary. Elya always showed
understanding towards his subordinates and it was his
custom to lend money to those who needed to send more
to their families. But what was the use of being so
well-mannered? The project eventually collapsed, even
with the silence he maintained. Months of building
walls, partitions between the rooms and so many other
treats in each of the luxury houses, things that his family
would never have, even now that he had more
possessions, and all for what? The work stopped
suddenly, without warning or signs. Not that a warning
would have helped much; the supply of jobs in the area
was not enough to simply find a job, even if they had
given him a one month's notice. The whole thing seemed
to be related to the animals that Badru had found near
the verandas of two houses. We ate some of the creatures
as biltong, but the taste of the meat could not be
compared to any other, being something between turtle
and fish. Soon, though, bitterness came along with the
new meat. We saw Baruti on the phone, reporting the
discovery of the creatures to someone who seemed
important, because he called them "sir" and repeated —
Yes, yes, sir, immediately, sir. — The last thing he said
before hanging up was — Is this really necessary, sir? I
understand... I'll let them know.
Soon after, he came to us and asked us to go to
the party room, where we had so often had our meals.
Without questioning anything, we gathered around the
large wooden table and sat in silence, all looking at him.
For a few minutes, he stood with a downcast face, trying
to find the right words to tell us the news. Finally, he
raised his tearful eyes and announced to us that the
company had decided to stop the project until we knew
how to deal with a certain problem and that until further
notice we were fired. Fired? What do you mean "fired"?
Is this how they would treat us? Do they think they can
treat us as disposable, just because they bought the land
that our ancestors conquered? We thought all this, and I
know we all did because I met the men who had worked
with me on the project and they all had this same grudge
against the company. Damn Badru! Why did he need to
open that big catfish mouth and tell them what he had
found? And Elya! Why did he have to tell his bosses?
We were all furious, but we didn't say anything to Elya,
out of respect. One by one, we walked away with our
heads down and left the hall, leaving only him to guard
the place. We returned to our families and told them the
unfortunate news, weeping as we hugged them. Now,
living would be difficult again, and the baby that would
come into the world no longer seemed so safe.
At least the large pond in Port St. Johns provided
inspiration on what to do in difficult times. The inner
lake teemed with all sorts of edible fish, especially the
kind that interested him most — tilapia and catfish.
Nonetheless, the evening's fishing went badly. Perhaps it
was due to the excessive amount of men that all turned
to the pond in search of sustenance; but Thabo Amaechi
was smarter than the others, he also fished at night, to
avoid competition. Now, though, cleverness had betrayed
him. It would have been more worthwhile to have stayed
with his family than to expose himself to the night cold
and return empty-handed. The longline ran in his hands;
hundreds of hooks covering the fisherman's formidable
weapon. Of course, such a form of fishing was forbidden
by the government because it took too many fish at once,
but who cared about the law? They were not helping to
support his family, anyway. Lowering the spiraling trap
down the water column, he grudgingly mulled over the
past events leading up to the lamentable tragedy. For
hours now he had been repeating the same tedious
process of lowering, waiting, and pulling, but the
cruelest part had to be the one where he simply waited,
because his dreams of wealth came to mind again, only
to fade in frustration, causing tears to appear, salting the
lake below.
Then he opened his eyes.
The longline was shaking and swaying as if
stirred by a person swimming below the surface. But it
was not possible that someone would dive at night just to
play a trick on him. Or was it? No species in the lake
would force the line in such a way, much less then, shake
it violently as it was doing. Grasping the longline, he
began to pull hard. Tilapia were nowhere near as
quarrelsome, and catfish would spin like crocodiles,
certainly would not wiggle the line attached to the hook.
What the hell was that? Whatever it was, it was
approaching the surface, not realizing that it would be
caught. Forget dinner, this thing can be sold for a good
price at the local market! Thabo's arms were burning
with the monstrous weight of the animal he had hooked.
His eyes lit up, already imagining the amount of money
he would get for his evening's catch. Leaning his feet
against the wood of the boat, he anchored himself and
pulled with one hand, while with the other one he rowed
towards the shore, where the gigantic fish would be
easier to handle. The bubbles were already visible on the
surface; the animal was getting tired. — Great! — he
thought, laughing out loud, as he got closer to the shore.
50 meters, maybe less, and he would have the huge
animal to himself. Maintaining the strength of the pull,
he kept dragging the creature along. Perhaps one last
effort and...there was no more weight. The line fell close
to the boat, no longer taut with weight. Had the line
broken? — No, it's not possible! — he exclaimed.
Pulling all the line aboard, he saw that there were no
marks to indicate a break. No hooks were bent or broken.
The damned fish had just taken the bait, without actually
being hooked. Damn it! He would never have the same
chance again! Older fish learn to avoid hooks after a
while; by the size of this one, it should have learned
some time ago. Maybe it had taken the bait just by
mistake, not noticing the piece of metal that pierced it.
But then again, what was the harm in trying just one
more time? The night was already terrible enough, with
no catches at all, mosquitoes everywhere, and now an
enormous fish that had escaped; why not throw the
longline again and see if the old fish would make a
second mistake?
Baiting as many hooks as he could with the
leftover bait, he threw the tip of the longline back into
the water, leaving several meters to be cast slowly.
Throwing them into the cool waters of the lagoon, he felt
a strong tug on the line, followed by the same jerking
motion. — Fell for it again, then? — shouted Thabo,
with a horrifying smile on his face. This time he would
not repeat the same mistake; he was going to head
straight for the shore before the animal dropped the bait.
All he had to do was sit down and grab the oar, all
without letting go of the line. Continuing to pull, he bent
his body to sit up, feeling the constant tension. But a
strong tug on the line knocked it out of the man's hands,
nearly knocking him out of the boat as he reached out to
grab it. Without thinking about what he was doing, he
threw himself onto what was left of the longline, which
ran from the boat into the water, where the animal was
pulling it. The line, which was running through his hands
too fast for him to grab, cut his hands, but he would not
give up on grabbing it and catching his prey. Standing
up, he tried to step on the line, to prevent the animal
from taking it completely. At that moment, the running
hooks passed between his legs and hooked themselves
into his exposed skin. The man screamed in pain, feeling
the strong pulls, this time on his own flesh. In his mind,
he hoped that the fish would let go of the hook as it had
done before, but unfortunately, it was hooked this time.
Still tugging, the big animal pulled him off the boat,
silencing his cries in the cold waters of the lagoon. The
last thing Thabo Amaechi felt was the shock of his body
against the surface of the frozen lake and the horrendous
pain in his legs.