
At 8:30 am, as he checked his watch, the realization hit him – already late, and he gives him a challenge that if he do not reach the collage by 8.50 his parents will die. With that thought, he sprinted at full speed, eventually slowing to a walk. Arriving at college, he glanced at his watch – 8:53. "Nah, that was just a warm-up; the final act is tomorrow," he reassured himself.

Rushing to class at 8:55, he grappled with the decision to enter alone or wait for a companion, dreading the potential embarrassment. Opting to wait, he occupied the front row for 30 minutes until his best friend, Sukh, strolled in at 9:25.

Sukh greeted, "Hey, Karan, how are you?Not taking the class today, huh?"

Karan explained, "I was late, so I thought I'd wait for someone. Going alone would just embarrass me."

Sukh chuckled, "Even if we go together now, we'll still make fools of ourselves. We're almost an hour late. Let's go."

"Where?" Karan inquired.

"Let's grab something to eat from Butta," Sukh suggested.

"Oh yeah, sure, let's go," agreed Karan.

Encountering Butta, a street food vendor, Sukh placed an order for two kulchas( a famous street food from punjab). Butta asked, "Hey, how are you two?"

"Fine, fine," they replied.

Butta remarked, "No class today?"

Sukh explained, "Yep, we were late, so we decided to skip it."

Butta nodded, "Yeah, that's why I'm here."

Karan asked, puzzled, "Huh?"

Butta shrugged it off, "Nothing."

Sukh then pondered, "So, what do you think? Are we gonna pass the exam?"

Karan quipped, "Who knows? I'll find out after looking at the exam."

Sukh teased, "Yeah, that's for sure. But if we keep skipping classes like this, maybe we won't even have to look at the exam after all."

Karan assured, "We won't do that again."

Sukh agreed, "Yeah, man, that's the last time."

Butta interrupted, "Here are your kulchas."

They savored the kulchas, and as they lingered, Karan contemplated asking for more sauce but decided against it. Sukh, however, requested, "Butta, pass me the sauce."

As Butta handed over the sauce, they indulged in conversation while enjoying their meal, spending an hour together.