
As Parm emerged from Karan's hospital room, tension played across his features. Balbir, sensing Parm's mood, approached him with concern. "How is he?" he inquired anxiously. Parm's initial response was optimistic, "He's okay." But Parm's mother interjected with more enthusiasm, "He's more than okay! My grandson will be out of this hospital in no time." Her joy was palpable, yet Parm's expression shifted suddenly, as if a weight had settled upon him.

Walking to a secluded corner, Parm motioned for Officer Kamal to join him. "Why didn't you tell me?" Parm's tone was laced with frustration. Kamal sighed, his expression weary. "I guess Karan told you about his tumor and life expectancy," Kamal replied. Parm nodded, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "But why didn't you inform me?" Parm pressed further, his eyes flashing with intensity.

"We found out during the medical checkup before placing him in the cell," Kamal explained. "The results came out this morning, but Karan insisted on telling his family himself. He asked me not to inform them, and I respected his wishes." Parm's jaw clenched with frustration, but he understood Karan's desire for autonomy in such a delicate matter.

"Despite this revelation, are you still planning to keep him in the cell?" Parm questioned, his voice tinged with concern. Kamal nodded solemnly. "Yes, he's still a criminal in the eyes of the law," Kamal replied matter-of-factly. Parm's frustration mounted, but he knew he had to tread carefully in this delicate situation.

"What about the progress on finding the killers of Karan's parents?" Parm inquired, shifting the focus of their conversation. Kamal's expression darkened, a shadow crossing his features. "Karan isn't cooperating with us. He refuses to provide any sketches or hints, making our investigation challenging," Kamal explained, his voice tinged with frustration. "But I'm determined to find justice for his parents, Parm. I won't give up."

Parm nodded solemnly, a sense of determination burning within him. "I understand, Kamal. Keep me updated on any developments," Parm instructed, his voice firm. With that, Kamal excused himself, leaving Parm to grapple with the weight of his nephew's situation.

Returning to his family, Parm gathered them together. "Let's go home," he said softly, his voice tinged with exhaustion. With a heavy heart, he bid farewell to Charan. The next day on June 20, 2018, Officer Kamal entered Karan's hospital room with a solemn expression, bearing news of an unexpected visitor. "Someone wants to meet you," he announced, his voice tinged with gravity. "I tried to stop them, but they insisted, saying it was for their dead husband's sake. They also have their 18-year-old son with them. Do you want to meet them?" After a moment of contemplation, Karan nodded in agreement.

Minutes later, a woman and her 18-year-old son entered the room, their eyes ablaze with unmistakable hatred directed towards Karan. They settled into chairs, the air heavy with tension. The woman wasted no time in confronting Karan, her voice trembling with a mix of sorrow and fury. "So, you're my husband's killer," she accused, her words dripping with anguish. "Why did you kill him? He was a kind-hearted man, the sole provider for our family, a father of four. You deserve nothing less than death for what you've done."

As tears streamed down her face, the young man beside her erupted in rage, brandishing a knife with a threatening intent. "I won't let you live!" he declared, his voice choked with grief and anger. Before chaos could ensue, Karan intervened, his grip firm and unwavering. "I can't die just yet," he asserted calmly, his eyes meeting the young man's with a steely resolve. "My parents were also killed, and I'll have my revenge." Doctors and police rushed into the room, struggling to restrain the agitated young man as he continued to lash out. "Your parents' death doesn't give you the right to kill!" he cried out, his voice thick with anger and anguish. But Karan's response was resolute, his tone unwavering. "It doesn't give me any rights," he conceded, "But your father was a pig. He deserved death."

A grim determination flickered in Karan's eyes as he spoke, his words laced with bitterness and resolve. "He mocked me, even after my parents' death," he recounted, his voice filled with disdain. "He was an awful teacher and human being. He deserves nothing less than hell." A chilling laughter escaped Karan's lips as he contemplated the prospect of exacting vengeance. "I have no regrets," he declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "I'll gladly kill him again if given the chance. If you have the courage to come after me, be warned—if you miss, I'll kill you like your pig father."

The room descended into chaos as the young man's mother attempted to attack Karan, her grief and fury driving her to seek retribution. Tears mingled with shouts as the police intervened, swiftly escorting both mother and son from the room. Meanwhile, Officer Kamal discreetly recorded the entire incident on his phone, capturing every moment of the tumultuous encounter.

As the commotion subsided, a nurse observed from a distance, her gaze filled with simmering resentment towards Karan. The intensity of the confrontation lingered in the air, casting a pall over the room and serving as a stark reminder of the deep-seated wounds that continued to fester beneath the surface.