Escape Plan

After two days, Parm approached Diljeet, his curiosity burning bright about their escape plan. Diljeet, with a calm demeanor, brushed off Parm's concerns, assuring him not to worry. But Parm persisted, emphasizing the need to know the plan and secret routes for their prison break. Diljeet let out a hearty laugh, revealing there was no plan, promising Parm that everything would become clear in three days when they bid farewell to the grim confines of their prison. Parm, bewildered yet intrigued, wanted to inquire further, but Diljeet interrupted, shifting the conversation to Parm's silent brother. Parm confided in Diljeet, revealing the haunting guilt that weighed heavily on his brother's shoulders—the memory of their father's demise, witnessed helplessly, haunting him every day. Diljeet's expression softened as he absorbed Parm's words, retreating into his thoughts once more as the prison routine resumed. Later, as they toiled in the prison yard alongside Jaga, Parm shared their impending escape with him, receiving a silent yet affirmative nod in response. After that Parm asked Diljeet if he was also part of the militant force, Kharku. Diljeet replied with a firm "no," explaining that he was a truck driver. Parm speculated that Diljeet might be in jail because of his relatives' involvement with Kharku, suspecting he was unfairly implicated. Diljeet clarified that while he carried the Kharku name, he didn't adhere to their beliefs. He revealed that they conducted nefarious activities under the guise of Kharku. Finally, Jaga, breaking his silence, denounced Diljeet, calling him a piece of excrement. Diljeet laughed off the insult, asserting that Kharku wouldn't offer them anything, advising them to steer clear once they escaped. He warned of an impending government attack on Kharku, predicting numerous casualties, urging Parm and Jaga not to become victims of the violence. Parm's inquiry echoed through the dimly lit cell, his voice tinged with apprehension. "But how are we gonna survive those years?" he implored, his tone laced with desperationDiljeet, unfazed, retorted with a hint of sarcasm, challenging Parm's expectations. "You think I'm going to take you guys with me after escape , huh? I'm not your father, responsible for you all your life," he declared, his tone firm yet tinged with a hint of affection. Jaga shot Diljeet a angry glare, but Diljeet persisted, "But I like you guys. Stay in Amritsar; I'll figure out how to use you. Don't ask me to find a house for you; you'll have to manage that yourselves."

Parm pressed further, seeking reassurance about staying connected after their escape. "Trust me," Diljeet assured, his voice laden with certainty. "I'll find you whenever I need you. And don't return home once we escape; the police will be waiting." Parm reluctantly agreed, but before they could dwell further, a sharp blow from a policeman's stick silenced their conversation, forcing them back to work.

Nightfall enveloped the prison, casting long shadows across the cramped cell where Parm and Jaga found themselves. Locking eyes, Jaga broached a sobering suggestion: abandoning their escape plan. Parm's shock was palpable. "Why?" he demanded, his voice tinged with desperation. Jaga's response was simple yet laden with poignant longing—the prospect of reuniting with their mother and sister after two years.

Parm seized Jaga's arms, his grip tight with urgency. "Do you really think we'll survive two years in this hellhole?" he implored, his voice trembling with fear and resolve. Tears welled in Jaga's eyes as he said that he can survive. Parm's gaze bore into his, a silent plea for solidarity as he declared "I can't survive two years here, brother," Parm confessed, his voice barely above a whisper, weighted with despair. "So after losing father, you want to lose your big brother too?" he questioned, his voice thick with emotion.

Jaga's resolve crumbled under Parm's unwavering determination. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he embraced Parm, their bond forged in shared suffering and unspoken vows. "Then we will escape," Parm declared, his voice a whisper against the oppressive silence of the cell. "We will reunite with our mother and sister within a year—I promise."

Their fragile moment of solidarity shattered as a harsh voice shattered the stillness, reminding them of their captivity. Resigned to their fate, they drifted into an uneasy sleep, clinging to each other for solace in the darkness of their confinement