Around half an hour later, Princess Diana found respite in the shade of a tent, perched upon a chair with her legs elegantly crossed. Her gaze fixated upon the tantalizing array of food meticulously arranged on the table before her.
"Oh, what a splendid feast!" Her eyes widened with astonishment as they traversed the table's offerings. "Though the ingredients seem ordinary, they have been imbued with extraordinary care."
A subtle gleam of amusement danced within her eyes, lending a playful aura to her countenance. "Pray, tell, who is responsible for this culinary delight? It appears that neither of you had a hand in its creation," she inquired, her lips forming a curious pout.
Standing on either side of the table were two maids, poised and dignified in their demeanor.
"Indeed, Princess. Yujin is the mastermind behind all these culinary wonders," one of the maids chimed in, her voice serene and soothing.