Ch 201: Joining a Hall

After this Rein returned back to his room and told Suzu about everything. She was extremely surprised and happy to know that Rein had managed to rank first among the selected disciples and had become a true disciple. She was also a true disciple but her position among them was not very high. So she alone would not have been able to provide Rein with much help.

But now as Rein was a true disciple and such a brilliant one at that, he would not need her help anymore. That made Suzu happy but also a little sad at the same time. Rein was also going to move to the area 51 that had better condition for cultivation than this area.

Suzu had been staying in the area 55 so going to area 51 would be an upgrade for her. Areas lower than the 50 all belonged to various elders so normally disciples were not allowed their. So area 51 was basically the best that they could get for the time being.
