Biting the Hand That Feeds

"Liu Hui, if you have any food, it's better to bring it out now."

"Yes, we are all in the same boat now, no need to hide anything."

"Bring out the food, and we'll all owe you a favor. Think about who we are; you won't lose out. Once the rescue comes and we all get out, you'll benefit from this."

"I'm about to start a big-budget movie, and if you bring out the food, Qiaoqiao is guaranteed the lead female role."

Instead of stopping Hua Ge, everyone unanimously began to persuade Liu Hui to bring out any food she might have.

Liu Hui sighed helplessly.

"Really, there's none left. I'm not lying to you. Those loaves of bread were something I grabbed from the restaurant on the 21st floor. There wasn't much to begin with, and the last three were already shared. If you really want more, you can go to the 21st floor yourself; there might still be some left."

Hearing this, everyone exchanged looks, but no one volunteered to retrieve the bread.

The 21st floor was likely a zombie paradise by now; going there would be tantamount to seeking death.

Everyone was of the elite class; their lives were too valuable to risk on such a foolhardy venture.

"Liu Hui, why don't you go to the 21st floor to get the bread? You've been there before and are familiar with the route. If you manage it, I, Li Dagang, will owe you a favor. You should know how valuable my favor is," a lean middle-aged man spoke up at this moment.

This person, named Li Dagang, held a high status among those present, known as the top director with countless actors under him and many blockbuster films to his credit, a true heavyweight in the industry.

"Li is right, Liu Hui, you should make the run. We'd all be grateful."

"Yes, yes, Li is right. After all, you're the most familiar with the route."

"What are you thinking about? Li himself has spoken. Being owed a favor by Li is something to be happy about."

Hearing everyone's comments, Liu Hui's face instantly turned pale.

This was clearly sending her to her death, with virtually no chance of returning alive.

"Mom, don't go," Yu Qiaoqiao hurriedly stood in front of Liu Hui, glaring at everyone, "If you want to go, go yourselves. Don't you have legs? We kindly opened the door for you, shared our food, and now you actually want my mom to go to her death? Scum, you're all ungrateful scum!"

Hearing Yu Qiaoqiao's words, many people shamefully averted their gaze.

After all, what Yu Qiaoqiao said was the truth. Without their mother and daughter opening the door, everyone would have been killed by zombies long ago.

But what could be done now? They couldn't just starve to death, right? Someone had to make a sacrifice.

"How can a little girl talk like that? Is it your place to speak?" Li Dagang's face darkened.

"Liu Hui, you have to go today, whether you like it or not. You're the only one who knows where the bread is. You have a duty to help everyone get the bread. If you don't go, not to mention that everyone will starve to death, don't you care about your daughter?"

"As a mother, can't you think about your daughter?"

"If you insist on not going, then you're making everyone angry, and you can't stay here."

Li Dagang suddenly stood up, pressuring Liu Hui to go to the 21st floor for food.

Liu Hui pursed her lips, her expression gradually becoming calm, still maintaining her dignified and intelligent demeanor.

"Fine, I'll go."

Liu Hui glanced coldly at everyone, pulling Yu Qiaoqiao to leave.


Li Dagang blocked the mother and daughter.

"Who agreed to let your daughter go? She's still so young and has a bright future ahead of her. If you're going to your death, don't drag her into it. If anyone is going, it's you alone."

Upon hearing this, Liu Hui's expression turned completely cold.

These shameless scum, planning to use her daughter to force her compliance.

If she left her daughter behind, she knew all too well the inhumane treatment her daughter would endure at the hands of these people who had completely abandoned their conscience.

Liu Hui looked at everyone with scorn.

"Don't even mention the uncertainty of rescue. Even if it comes, will those rescued still be human? You all pretend to be righteous but are nothing more than beasts in human skin. Even a stray dog knows gratitude, yet you are worse than stray dogs."

"Fine, I can go get the food for you, hoping when I bring back the food bought with a vulnerable woman's life, you can swallow it down!"

After speaking, Liu Hui let go of Yu Qiaoqiao's hand, gently hugged her, and said softly, "Qiaoqiao, I'm sorry, mom couldn't protect you."

Yu Qiaoqiao started to cry, unable to speak, clutching Liu Hui tightly, not wanting her mom to leave.

Liu Hui gently wiped her daughter's tears, her face breaking into an indulgent smile, "Crying will ruin your beautiful face, my little superstar."

Whispering into Yu Qiaoqiao's ear, Liu Hui said, "If mom hasn't returned by dark, jump from the building when no one is watching. Don't be afraid, just close your eyes. If we have to go, let's leave this world cleanly, okay?"

Yu Qiaoqiao shivered slightly, nodding her head bravely in response, "Mhm, I know, mom."

"Such a good girl," Liu Hui smiled faintly, turned around, and left with her usual grace and elegance.

Her only belief was that if she couldn't return, even if she turned into a cannibalistic ghost, she would crawl out of the deepest hells to devour the flesh and blood of these people to the last bit.


Meanwhile, Noah had been searching the city for half a day without finding a satisfactory chef.

His target was high-end hotels, where he hoped to find someone suitable.

Unfortunately, after much searching, although he had killed many zombies and encountered many survivors, he found no suitable candidates.

Most chefs in the hotels had turned into zombies that could only howl.

Even if there were any alive, they weren't satisfactory, either too ugly or too old, mostly stout and overweight men.

With two delicate girls at home, living under the same roof, there were bound to be awkward moments, and he was fine with enjoying the view himself but didn't want to bring a man back to disturb his peace.

After much wandering, Noah finally arrived at the entrance of the Seaview Hotel.

This was the most upscale hotel in the city, a favorite among stars and socialites. The chefs here should have a high standard, even though he had never eaten here before.

The average cost of a meal here was beyond his past means.

Now that he had the capability, there was no chance left.

Such is life, so unpredictable...

As Noah reflected, he retracted his motorcycle into his expansive space and walked into the Seaview Hotel with his hands in his pockets.