The Noble Scaled Cat is Just So Mature

"Darling, you're finally back, everyone was so worried about you."

Although everyone knows that Noah is strong and formidable, the delay in his return still caused worry, especially since it's a time of crisis in this post-apocalyptic world.

Liu Xiaoyu pushed Noah through the door, only to be startled by the sight of a scaled cat as big as a calf.

"What a big tiger!"

"It's not a tiger, it's a cat," Noah explained casually.

"It's a pet I found. It can help guard the door."

"Ah? This is a cat?"

Are there cats this big, and is it really appropriate to have a cat as big as a cow as a pet?

"It won't eat people, right?"

"Generally not, it's very well-behaved. Right, Wang Cai?" Noah patted the large head of the scaled cat.

This was the name Noah had given the scaled cat.

Simple, auspicious, and lucky, being so earthy it becomes elegant.


Wang Cai meowed in response.

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