Walking with Leviathan

Watching the massive figure of Leviathan swimming through the air, Noah couldn't help but have a ludicrous thought cross his mind.

Would Leviathan take a bait? And if so, what kind of bait would it prefer?

Of course, it was just a fleeting thought. Even if one managed to hook it, catching it would be impossible—a fish weighing hundreds of tons, what thickness of leader and main line would one need to secure it!

Moreover, Leviathan was no ordinary fish, it was a god!

Although Leviathan wouldn't attack humans actively, the dignity of a god was not to be violated.

Noah vaguely remembered, in his past life, a rather inflated large adventure group set their sights on Leviathan.

They assembled over ten thousand awakened beings, including more than ten S-class awakeners, and ambushed Leviathan.

The result was a complete defeat within less than two minutes by Leviathan, who swallowed them in just a few bites.