As Long As We Can Get There

The onlookers were dumbfounded in place. On the battlefield, things change in the blink of an eye, but for things to change this drastically was unheard of—it was a complete reversal.

"300 S-rank awakeners, what the heck is this?"

"How does the Changsheng Adventure Group have so many S-rank awakeners?"

"Holy moly, that's terrifying."

"The Tian Loushang Adventure Group is finished!"

Shock, the crowd was collectively stunned. Only the people from Su city were not surprised, as if they had expected this.

"This is the Changsheng Adventure Group, as strong as ever."

"300 S-rank awakeners, that's outrageous. I knew the Changsheng Adventure Group was strong, but I didn't realize they could be this powerful."

"Only Noah Leader could pull off something like this."