The Final Expedition

It has to be said, Fu's speculation was pretty reliable.

To be precise, there are still eight months left until the next apocalypse arrives, which is nearly identical to what Fu had calculated.

The old guy still has a vision for the future.

Noah nodded in agreement and said, "You're not crazy, I've guessed the same. So, what do you plan to do next?"

Without hesitation, Fu said, "Of course, make the most of the time to explore this world! What if we can never come back? How much would we lose, how much research material?"

"Let me tell you, I have already gained a preliminary understanding and summary of this world's ecology. We've found many monsters in the desert, not just carbon-based life, but semi-silicon-based life. Do you know what that means?"

"This is a completely new evolutionary path for life. I used to think that only a few types of algae had the ability to evolve silicon-based shells, but this world is just too fascinating..."