The Third Apocalypse Approaches

Time swiftly passed, and five months had gone by. Under the management of Xue Qingyu, the entire Jiang area blossomed with vitality.

Most of the survivors had surpassed level 5, with members of the Oasis forces generally reaching levels 7 or 8.

With their levels increased, the survivors naturally no longer feared the monsters, confronting them with heavy punches.

Food was no longer a concern as monster meat had become readily available, virtually eliminating the risk of starvation.

However, water resources remained scarce, necessitating conservation.

Sand ships gradually replaced manual labor as the main mode of transportation in the desert.

People had fully adapted to life in the desert, seemingly forgetting the civilization of the past, and had taken root in this savage world.

The Changsheng Adventure Group remained the undisputed dominator of the Jiang area, unchallenged by anyone.