Desert Night [R-18]

Seeing Noah return, Xue Qingyu greeted him with a smile, holding a cup of hot tea in her hands, and gently said, "Tired, aren't you? Have some hot tea to warm your stomach."

Noah smiled and said, "I'm dirty, I need to shower first."

His fighting style was always rather violent, wide open and unreserved, with crushing blows being a common occurrence.

He never cared about the blood and stains that splattered during a fight.

Therefore, after every battle, he would be covered in bloodstains and bits of flesh.

Then, he would raise his hand to summon a water column tornado, dive into the water tornado, and let the rapid water flow wash the bloodstains clean off his body.

Only he dared to bathe with such a forceful stream of water.

For ordinary people, their skin would peel off in three layers.

However, the cleaning effect was still very good, and in a moment, the bloodstains on his body were washed away clean.